P5 Week 06/01/2020

Happy New Year to all and we hope that you all had an enjoyable time over the holiday. Thank you for all the lovely gifts we received, they were very much appreciated.

This week…It is Scottish Week! We will be learning about different aspects of Scotland and Scottish life / history / culture. All children will be given a poem this week to learn and recite with expression for the competition towards the end of January.


Reading -(Daily) See reading diaries as usual.

Spelling (For Friday) – See purple spelling jotter. All children must write either sentences or a paragraph containing their spelling words. Red and Blue group should also find five new words and their meanings, these words must be of the same spelling pattern and sound.

Scottish week – Please research an aspect that Scotland is famous for and produce at least 3 facts to share in class on Friday.

PE remains on Tuesday and Thursday – please ensure your child has a full PE kit to change into (Shorts/leggings, T-shirt and socks(for girls if they wear tights).

Please could you make sure your child has indoor shoes – this helps to keep our school clean especially as children sit on the carpet.

Thank you,

Lisa Cumming and Karen Hinton


P7 Info W/B Tuesday 7th January 2020

Hi all,

Happy New Year! Thanks to everyone who gave me a lovely gift before the Christmas break. All very much appreciated.

What’s coming up this term?

This week is Scottish Week and it’s building up to the yearly poetry recital. Students will be asked to read, learn and recite a Scots poem; either by Robert Burns or a contemporary Scottish poet. Two pupils will be chosen to recite their poem at a special assembly on Friday 24th January.

Topic – we are still focussing on WW2 as our project but should finish this in the next couple of weeks. I’m going to speak with the class to finalise plans for their pupil talks on the subject.

Maths/Numeracy – a revision sheet will be sent home on Wednesday to be completed by next Wednesday.

Schedule for the week:


PE – please bring a full kit to change into!


PE – please bring a full kit to change into!

Maths/Numeracy sheet home

Poem home to learn


 That’s all for now,

Best wishes for 2020,

Miss S Brunt