P4 Homework 18/03/19

Reading is as per usual, please see the green reading diary.

Spelling is in their green homework jotters. Children are to write sentences that include their spelling words, they are to start their sentences without using ‘I’. Spelling homework is to be handed in on Friday.

Numeracy: Their are two Sumdog challenges on which will be there until Thursday. I will also be sending out a Fractions sheet to be handed in on Monday.

Swimming has now finished.


Lisa Cumming

P6 Home Learning W/B 18th March 2019

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – There’s a new spelling list this week plus practice and practise.

Reading – Everyone will read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day in class. Please bring in new reading material if  previous book is finished in class.

Debates – The second bout of debates will happen this week with new teams and new topics. Groups will get time to confer on Monday then one debate will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Good luck teams!

Maths –A new worksheet on volume will be given out on Tuesday. Numeracy – on the other side of this sheet, there will be multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000,  including decimal places.

Topic – Europe. If anyone has any books, photos or brochures regarding European destinations we would love to see these in class. Last week, we analysed flags to collate similarities and differences. We researched individual countries and will create a European Top Trumps style game. This week, we’ll also do a little work on exchange rates in numeracy.

PETuesday and Thursday.  PLEASE BRING A FULL PE KIT! This week, I will issue letters home to those who keep telling me they have lost their kit!


Thank you,

Sara Brunt







P2 Homework w.b. 18.3.19

Hi all,

We had a lovely day on Friday seeing all of the children dressed up as Disney characters or in red for Comic relief!

On Friday 29th March, P1 and P2 will be doing a Fairyland assembly for the school, we are going to do this for the parents too. Next week we will be deciding the parts and begin practising! A letter detailing the date of the assembly for parents and the parts will go out at the beginning of next week too – it will be in your child’s book bag.

P2 will also begin their rugby sessions on Monday, they will be getting rugby every Monday afternoon for 3 weeks. Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit so they can take part!

Homework for this week: 

Spelling: We are learning the ‘y’ sound so the the spelling list will contain words with this sound and tricky words.

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read that night. If possible, could you please sign or tick your child’s reading record for that night just so I can check that reading has been completed. It is so important that reading homework is completed every night, as the more children read the more fluent and confident they become. Again, children are more than welcome to bring in their own books for personal reading time or story time.

Numeracy: The last 2 weeks we have been focusing on missing addend and subtrahend sums. These are sums with missing numbers, for example, 13 – _ = 10. The children have been learning to use a number line to work out the answer. This week I will be sending out a mixed sheet with missing addend and subtrahend questions, it will be due back in on the following Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 11.3.19


Apologies that this post is being uploaded later than usual. As the phonics worksheet went out late last week, I have decided only to give the children reading and spelling homework this week. Next week we will go back to having an additional task for them to complete.

Please check that your child has indoor and outdoor shoes for everyday and a full PE kit. 

Homework for this week:

Reading: Pages to be read that night are written in your child’s green reading record. Please sign your name beside the pages to be read that night so I can check that reading has been done.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘igh’ sound, this is in words such as bright, light, fright etc. Spelling lists will contain words with this sound and tricky words.

Hope you are having a lovely week,

Miss Lauren Waller

P3 Homework week beginning 11/3/2019




Red Nose Day

This Friday is Comic Relief. The enterprise has opted for a Disney theme and are welcoming donations for Comic Relief. Options for dressing up/down are fancy dress as a Disney/Fairy tale character or Disney/Fairy tale related clothing. We appreciate this is last minute, please do not feel obligated to buy something new for the occasion if children don’t have anything to fit the chosen theme they are encouraged to wear a red piece of clothing but of course school uniform is fine too.


This weeks spelling sounds are is ‘or’ and ‘al ‘, ‘aw’ and ‘au’ as in fork, jaw, walk and fault found on list 21 of the spelling sheet . However spelling homework this week is optional.

I have sent home a reading for understanding worksheet based on the children’s fairy tale ‘The Billy Goats Gruff’. This is the main homework alongside reading this week.


As normal select a task from the new home learning wall. Please remember to colour in tasks after you have done them so I can see what you have done at home and know when to issue a new home learning wall.



Hedgehogs – Climbing in the Dark

Tuesday – Chapter 2 and 3

Wednesday – 3 and 4

Thursday – 5 and 6

Pandas – Amy the hedgehog girl

Tuesday –p1-8

Wednesday – p9-16

Thursday – p16-24

Friday – p24-End

Orangutans – Jellyfish Shoes

Tuesday –Chapter 1 and 2

Wednesday –Chapter 3 and 4

Thursday- Chapter 5

Tigers – The Evil Genie

Tuesday –p1-8

Wednesday –p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24-32

Polar Bears – Aunt Lee in hospital

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- Whole book

Friday – Reading booklets

Miss Ramsay


P7 Information March 2019

I have sent out a class newsletter today, along with the school Newsletter. P7 March 2019  

Please read to find out any information.

Pupils also have some shape words for spelling (symmetry, cylinder, tessellation, trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, sphere, cuboid, isosceles, ellipse, perimeter, scalene) , percentages Maths homework and 20 minutes per night reading.  They also have personal scrapbooks to create (info in the above newsletter)

Pupils are also encouraged to be reflective and should know areas of Maths, French or any other topic which they need to brush up on.  They are encouraged to take responsibility for this.

In class I have been trying to include a variety of logic puzzles to encourage deeper thinking.  We have been doing the good old logic grid puzzles this week logic puzzle tutorial

P6 Home Learning W/B 4th March 2019

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – There’s a new spelling list this week plus affect and effect.

Writing500 words. Deadline time!  The annual Radio 2 writing competition is upon us and closes on the 8th March so there’s not much time for us budding authors to get our stories written. I’d like this to be a flexible home/school task whereby children will get ample time in school to work on this and can  save their text onto USB sticks or I can email stories back and forth so that these can be worked on at home too.

Reading – Everyone will read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day in class.

Debates –Groups will get together and practise on Monday. One debate on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. New topics next week!

Numeracy – children will get a worksheet home on Tuesday to be handed in the following Monday.

Ski-ing –  Wednesday. Final week!

PETuesday and Thursday


Thank you,

Sara Brunt







P2 Homework w.b. 4.3.19

March already, can you believe it?!?

We are beginning our Fairyland topic this coming week which will be very, very exciting! The friendly dragon may have left something for the children on Monday…

This term we are also focusing on having a growth mindset! It is really important that children are able to value and learn from their mistakes as this will expand their learning and perseverance.

We begin our sessions of rugby tomorrow afternoon – please make sure that your child has indoor/gym shoes and a full p.e kit to take part.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading records for the pages to be read for that night. I can’t emphasise how important it is for the children to be doing their reading homework. The more children read the wider their vocabulary will become!

Spelling: This week is the “ea” sound, such as head, ready and instead. Please encourage your child to write these words in cursive handwriting if they feel ready.

Phonics: The children will have a phonics worksheet to complete, it has a mixture of sounds on it. As this is an additional task, it does not have to be handed in until the following Monday.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller