P5 Homework and Health Week w/b 27.5.19

P5 Homework:

Spelling Homework

Spelling homework will continue to be taken home on a Wednesday afternoon and returned the following Tuesday morning. Please make sure this is checked by an adult.

Pupils will write their spelling words on a new page of their jotter on Wednesday each week. At home they should use:


to write out their new spelling words, three times, in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory.

Reading Homework

P5 are now on week 4 of their second round of Literacy Circles and are demonstrating some great comprehension skills during book group meets. New reading pages are written at the back of their spelling jotters with relevant role cards to be completed for their book group on Wednesday 29th May.

Maths & Numeracy Homework

Please continue to practise times tables for the ‘Times Table Hot Seat’ testing this week. We have been working our way through these over the year and are now ready to show off our talents – good luck!

Pupil Talk Homework

Pupils have all received their chosen dates and times of their second round of Pupil Talks (see slip). There has been time allocated during the school week to designing Powerpoints but this is not an expectation as posters and props work just as well. Please ensure you support your child in being prepared for their talk date as it really means a lot to them. Thank you!

Health Week plan:

08:50 Warm up in the playground to music

( Mon,Tues and Wed)


SPORTS DAY starts at 1pm. Weather permitting. Mrs Donnelly will make a decision by 12 noon if weather is going to be problematic for the events to proceed. Spectators welcome.



2PM BIKE RIDE  for those who applied.




BIKE to school BREAKFAST @08:30.

Tennis  (tbc)



SUMMER FAIR starts at 11:30am.  P5 pupils, UNLESS PICKED UP, will remain under Mrs Roy’s care until 12:25pm and then they can make their way home as usual. Please stress to your child that they do not leave without checking in with Mrs Roy first so they can be ticked off the register. Thank you!

A busy week ahead but should be lots of fun!

Thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P2 Homework w.b. 27.5.19

Hi all,

It’s Health Week this week and Mrs Duncan has planned lots of fun activities for the children to take part in this week. Children can wear sports clothing all week but no football strips or team colours please. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle all week too.

Sports Day is Monday afternoon 1pm – 3:15pm and hopefully the weather stays nice so we can have it outside. If the weather permits, then spectators are more than welcome.

Every morning there is going to be a whole school warm up at 8:50am. 

Tuesday – We have taster sessions in Taekwondo, Dance, Movement to Music and Meditation.

Wednesday – We have a session in Karate, a Health Talk and then the whole school Fun Run (2pm – 3:15pm).

Thursday – There is the Bike Breakfast at 8:30am, children can bike or scoot to school and have breakfast.

Friday – Two pupils (EL/CF) will be showing their gymnastic and football skills at the Sports Showcase. Then the Summer Fair is at 11:30am.

It is going to be a very fun and busy week!!!

Homework for this week:

Reading: All the pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: We didn’t get a chance to cover the ‘al’ (also) sound last week, so will be covering that sound this week. We will also be learning the ‘nk’ (ink) sound, so I will send home the spelling list for this.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


P6 Home Learning and News W.B 27th May 2019

Hi all,

This week is HEALTH WEEK with a focus on physical wellbeing. There are many activities planned so children should come to school in sports clothing if possible ( no football or team colours please).

Spelling – There will be NO new list this week. We’ll take a breather and revise some spelling in school instead.

Reading – We will read sports/health related articles in school as reading comprehension.

Pupil Talks/Kids Teach – Children should be preparing their presentations/lessons at home. I’ll catch up with everyone as to what they’re doing, what resources/spaces are needed and pencil in a date and time. Well done so far to AO, KT and ZM for their presentations/lessons.

Numeracy – The maths and numeracy this week will centre round sports so there will be opportunities for measure, time, probability and problem solving.

Here is a plan of the week:

08:50 Warm up in the playground to music

( Mon,Tues and Wed)


    P6  BIKEABILITY for those who applied.   Bring bikes AND helmets please.

SPORTS DAY starts at 1pm. Weather permitting. Mrs Donnelly will make a decision by 12 noon if weather is going to be problematic for the events to proceed. Spectators welcome.



2PM BIKE RIDE  for those who applied.




BIKE to school BREAKFAST @08:30.

Tennis  (tbc)

Athletics competition out with school for a few P6 pupils ( they know who they are).


SPORTS SHOWCASE assembly ( KT and EC/LD)

SUMMER FAIR starts at 11:30am.  P6 pupils, UNLESS PICKED UP, will remain under my care until 12:25pm and then they can make their way home as usual. Please stress to your child ( as will I ) that they do not leave without checking in with me first so I can tick their names off my register. Thank you!

Phew! As you can see, it’s a busy week ahead but should be lots of fun!

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt








P4 Homework 20/5/19

Reading: please see the green reading diary and ensure that your child has their reading book and record every day.

Spelling: see the homework jotter. Sentences to be written using the spelling words.

Individual talk: As next week is health week I have asked the children to prepare a 2 minute (minimum) talk about being healthy. This can include: teeth, exercise, hygiene, diet, sleep etc. They can reflect on what they think about their own health and include any sport or activity that contributes to their health. If they want to bring in items to use in their presentation they can. Each child will be given a large sheet of paper to make a poster to support their talk.

I will confirm times for the talks next week.

Other News:

Health Week – next week beginning May 27th. Children should wear sports clothes and footwear to school as they have several taster activities during the week.

Sports Day is on Monday 27th in the afternoon.

Summer Fair : Friday 31st May.


Lisa Cumming

P6 Home Learning and News WB 20.5.19

Hi all,

Here is the homework for the week.

Spelling – New list as usual.

Reading – We’re still reading poetry books in school but we’re also practising our self-penned raps!

Pupil Talks/Kids Teach – Children should be preparing their presentations/lessons at home. I’ll catch up with everyone as to what they’re doing, what resources/spaces are needed and pencil in a date and time.

Sports Showcase – If anyone has a sporting talent they wish to show off, the auditions are  tomorrow, Tuesday ( 21st).  Two acts from each class will be chosen to go into the Sports Showcase on Friday 31st May.

Boy’s Football is tomorrow afternoon (Tues 21st) ; the boys know who is involved in this tournament.

PE is on Tuesday and Thursday

Looking ahead…

Next week is Health Week (WB 27th May) with the focus on physical activity and Mrs Duncan has already done a sterling job organising many sporting taster sessions. More details to follow but for now, Monday 27th (pm) is Sports Day and on Friday 31st it’s the Sports Showcase AND the day of the Summer Fair!

Busy, busy, busy!

That’s all for now,

Miss S Brunt





P2 Homework w.b. 20.5.19

Hi all,

Hope you have all had a chance to enjoy the wonderful weather while it lasted!

P2 have started their new ‘Minibeasts’ topic for the next few weeks and will be doing an assembly on Friday for only the school. As we have learned about the butterfly life-cycle, we have decided to retell the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. Children who receive speaking parts will take their lines home on Tuesday. Please support your child in learning these lines with lots of expression and volume (our voices have to be heard all the way to the back of the hall!).

Just a reminder that homework is now Monday – Friday as I am in class on a Monday to distribute it.

Homework for this week:

Reading: All groups have finished with their non-fiction text and are back onto The Magic Key books. Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: As I mentioned last week, we will be learning two sounds each week until summer. This coming week we are learning ‘or’ (corn, born) and ‘al’ (also). The two spelling lists have been put into spelling jotters but please don’t feel like you have to do both. Make sure your child reads and becomes familiar with the words on both of the lists but they only have to do one in their jotter.

Maths: We have been learning time, focusing on o’clock and half past on digital and analogue clocks. I will send home a time worksheet to be completed for Friday.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller

P6 Home Learning W.B 13th May 2019

Hi all,

Here is the homework for the week.

Spelling – New list as usual.

Reading – We’re reading poetry books in school.

Pupil Talks/Kids Teach – Children should be preparing their presentations/lessons at home. I’ll catch up with everyone as to what they’re doing, what resources/spaces are needed and pencil in a date and time.

PE is on Tuesday and Thursday ( possibly Friday this week)

Reminder: Next Monday (20th) is a holiday for pupils.

That’s all for now,

Miss S Brunt

P2 Homework w.b. 13.5.19


Just a little reminder that Monday 20th May is a holiday for pupils and a training day for staff.

Homework for this week:

Reading: All groups will be reading non-fiction books, we will be looking at the difference between non-fiction and fiction in class. The pages to be read are written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: As the weeks are flying by we will be leaning two sounds each week until the end of the term. I will put the two lists that go with these sounds in your child’s spelling jotter but there is no obligation to do both. Your child can choose one, do a mixture of words from both or they can do both, if they would like. The sounds we are learning this week are ‘oi’ (boil, coin) and ‘oy’ (toy, boy).

Literacy: As we will be reading non-fiction books this week, I will send home a worksheet that is tailored to each book to complete. This doesn’t have to be handed in until Friday.


Miss Lauren Waller