P2 Homework w.b. 17.6.19

*************REMINDER FOR TRIP***************

We are going to Butterfly and Insect World on Thursday 20th June, please ensure your child has a packed lunch with them, if you opted out of a school packed lunch. Your child can bring money to spend in the gift shop but please put this in a clearly named purse/wallet with a maximum of £5. 

This will be the last week of homework and on Friday 21st June it will be ‘Meet The Teacher’ where pupils will meet their new teacher for the next term.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: We are learning the last two sounds this week, which are ‘au’ (haul) and ‘aw’ (raw). As before I have put both spelling lists in their jotters but your child can choose to put one or both in their spelling jotter.

Tomorrow (Monday 17th June) I will send home the class photo order form in your child’s book bag, apologies that I did not send it out on Friday.

Thank you all so much for all of your support this year.

Miss Lauren Waller

P6 Home Learning and News W.B 10th June 2019

Hi all,


It has been brought to my attention that some parents said they did not know about last week’s drop in session on Thursday. I update this web page every Sunday for the week ahead and I did detail on last week’s entry, about the forthcoming drop in session.   Also, every month, children are given a newsletter which always has dates for your diary on the back. The newsletter is  accessible on this site too. May’s newsletter is on the website and it did detail this drop in session.

P6 children have the expectation of being responsible enough to take letters home but I am unsure if some letters make it that far. P6 were given June’s newsletter just on Friday there and I actually put names on each one so I could make sure everyone got one. Even so, many were left behind on desks! I will speak to the class about this tomorrow. There are so many letters going home, it is hard to keep track of them all and I can imagine, for you as parents (especially if you have more than one child) this can be extremely tricky! Also, if children have been absent and miss letters this can be problematic. Admittedly, I can be forgetful and late in handing some out too! So, all in all, it’s really important to check this page on a weekly basis.

I will print this post out to send home so everyone has a copy.  Thank you.


**P7 Red Hoody – The 2020 red hooded tops with  P7 names on the back are now available to buy in the online shop.**

Spelling – There will be a new list this week so children should complete spelling activities as normal.

Numeracy – Recent assessments have shown that many children are still unsure about dividing so I’ve put a challenge on Sumdog. It lasts for a week and there’s 150 coins to collect.

Pupil Talks/Kids Teach – Children should be preparing their presentations/lessons at home. Well done so far to EC/LD for teaching us a dance ( my legs are still aching!), TH/TJM for their football session and RA /OM for their second tennis lesson.  There are just a few pairs and individuals to go.

Living and Growing – Week beginning Monday 10th June, P6 will have some lessons about growing up and how their bodies start to change during puberty. There’s three lessons altogether; the second lesson covers human reproduction and the third lesson covers child birth. There will be a DVD to watch and worksheets to complete but the main part will be discussion. To recap, the lessons are:

  1. Change 2. How A Baby Is Made 3.How A Baby Is Born.  

Topic – We have started a new topic on Space so if anyone has any books or resources to bring in, that would be great. We’re going to be looking particularly at the future of space travel and current technology/space missions.

Here is the diary for the week ahead:

**BRING YOUR BIKE TO SCHOOL WEEK** Children are encouraged to bike or scoot to school this week and may win a prize via The Golden Padlock! Friday is BLING YOUR BIKE day. Decorate your bike to try and win a prize.

Monday –    P6  BIKEABILITY for those who applied.   Bring bikes AND helmets please.

Tuesday –     PE

Wednesday –

Thursday  – PE

Friday –  Bling your bike – decorate your bike to try and win a prize!

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt







P2 Homework w.b. 10.6.19

Hi all,

             ***********TRIP INFORMATION***********

As we are learning all about ‘Minibeasts’ this term we are going on a trip to Butterfly and Insect World on Thursday 20th June! The letter went out last week and please could all letters and payments be made/returned by Monday 17th June. Myself, Mrs Tobyn and Jenny Lavin will be on the trip with the children. There is a gift shop, so children can bring some money to spend in there, if they wish. Please ensure this is put in a clearly labelled purse/wallet and is no more than £5. 

Homework this week:

Reading: Most groups have moved up a stage in their books, so please ensure reading is completed every night to build confidence with new words. All pages have been written in your child’s green reading record. If it is easier for your child to do reading at the weekend, then please keep the book at home on Thursday evening and bring it back with your child on Monday. I understand family life is very busy and this may be the best time for some to do reading.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ir’ (dirt) and ‘ur’ (fur) sounds. I have sent home both spelling lists but please only complete one in the jotter and ensure your child practises reading both lists.

Maths: We are moving on to 2D and 3D shapes next week, so I will send home a worksheet in line with this. This will be due back in on Friday.

It was lovely to see some of you at the drop in on Thursday evening! Please never hesitate to email me or catch me at the end of the day if you have any questions!

Miss Lauren Waller




Hopefully our exciting news about our Zoo trip has made it home to you! P3 are very excited and looking forward to a trip at long last. Can I ask that all expenses are paid by Monday the 10th of June to allow us time to finalise staffing and groups.

Progress reports will be sent home on Wednesday of this week so you can share all the fantastic learning experiences p3 have had this year with your child. Also just a quick reminder that this Thursday (6.6.19) is our final parent drop in session. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s learning feel free to pop along for a quick chat. Additionally parents are invited to a short meeting at 4:45pm on Thursday after the drop in to share their thoughts and help us as a staff work and improve our vision for Loanhead Primary School. We would really appreciate your input and feedback.


This weeks spelling sound is  ‘ie’ as ‘ee’ which can be found in ‘shield and thief’. Please encourage children to practise these at home.

This week the class homework is focusing on verbs, nouns and adjectives. Using old magazines, newspapers and comics children should hunt for verbs, nouns and adjectives and stick them in the correct column. If your child requires a glue stick or some magazines to do this just let me know.


Hedgehogs – Anne Fine: The Diary of a Killer Cat

Tuesday – Chapter 2

Wednesday –Chapter 4 + 5

Thursday –Chapter 6

Friday – Chapter 7


Pandas – Shelley Holmes: Ace Detective

Tuesday –Chapter 1 and 2

Wednesday –Chapter 3 and 4

Thursday- Chapter 5 and 6

Friday – Chapter 7

Orangutans – The Spooks

Tuesday –Chapter 1

Wednesday –Chapter 2

Thursday- Chapter 3

Friday – Chapter 4

Tigers – Storm Castle

Tuesday –p1-8

Wednesday –p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24-32

Polar Bears – Red Planet

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p17-24

Friday – p25-32

Miss Ramsay and Miss Dickson

P6 Home Learning and News W.B 3rd June 2019

Hi all,

It’s fair to say last week’s focus on health was packed full with amazing sporting taster sessions, including cricket, tae kwon do, karate, dance, hockey, cycling and basketball. Feedback from pupils was very positive about the whole week, including Sports Day and the Summer Fair!

Athletics – A super well done goes to the P6/7 athletics team who saw off competition from 14 other small schools to WIN the Midlothian Athletics Championships on Thursday! A large, shiny trophy is on its way to our trophy collection soon! Great achievement everyone!

**P7 Red Hoody – The 2020 red hooded tops with  P7 names on the back are now available to buy in the online shop.**

With only four weeks to go, we still have a lot of our planned curriculum to get through so it’s back to ‘normality’ this week.

Spelling – There will be a new list this week so children should complete spelling activities as normal.

Pupil Talks/Kids Teach – Children should be preparing their presentations/lessons at home. I’ll catch up with everyone as to what they’re doing, what resources/spaces are needed and pencil in a date and time. Well done  to OM and RA for coaching tennis and LW and  EvC for their presentation and activity about protecting the environment. Both pairs were awesome!

Topic – We are going to start a new topic on Space so if anyone has any books or resources to bring in, that would be great. We’re going to be looking particularly at the future of space travel and current technology/space missions. Ideally, I’d like us to think about a ‘Futures’ theme, linking in with current global issues of climate change and sustainability.

Living and Growing – Week beginning Monday 10th June, P6 will have some lessons about growing up and how their bodies start to change during puberty. There’s three lessons altogether; the second lesson covers human reproduction and the third lesson covers child birth. There will be activities and worksheets to complete but the main part will be discussion. To recap, the lessons are:

  1. Change     
  2.  How A Baby Is Made
  3. How A Baby Is Born.

There is a drop-in session this Thursday if you’d like to chat about this planned unit of lessons.

Here is the diary for the week ahead:

Monday –    P6  BIKEABILITY for those who applied.   Bring bikes AND helmets please.

Class Photos – School photographer is in ( not for individual pics). School uniform required.

Tuesday –     PE

Wednesday – Report Cards will be sent home; please check bags!

Thursday – Drop in session from 15:30 to 17:00.  Please feel free to drop in for an informal chat, see the classroom and view your child’s work. It’s helpful if your child is there with you.


Girl’s Football

Friday –  Poetry Assembly for winners of class poetry competition. Well done to AO who won P6’s category.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt













P2 Homework w.b. 3.6.19

Can you believe that it is June already?! Only four weeks of term left!

Class photos are being taken on Monday 3rd June, please ensure your child dresses in full school uniform.

Primary 2 had so much fun last week, massive thanks to Mrs Duncan for organising it all and to everyone who came in to deliver the taster sessions. Hopefully the children have found something new they would like to try!

We performed our assembly a week ago to the school but we are going to put a performance on for parents/family members on Wednesday 5th June. The assembly is around 10 minutes long and the performance will just be in the classroom. Please arrive for 2:50 and only 2 guests per child so we can squeeze everyone in! Once we are finished the performance you can collect your child for home.

I have arranged one final trip to Butterfly and Insect World on Thursday 20th June. This is to fit in with our ‘Minibeasts’ topic. I am awaiting confirmation from the bus company which should come through next week, once I have this I will send letters out ASAP.

Reports will be sent out on Wednesday 5th June and the parent drop in session is Thursday 6th June 3:30 – 5pm.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Please ensure your child is reading their book every night, this supports them in building confidence and fluency. Pages to be read are written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: This week the list will contain words with the ‘er’ (herb, germ) sound.

Thank you for all your support this term,

Miss Lauren Waller







P7 news and information May/June

I cannot believe that in a matter of weeks P7 will be leaving us to go onwards and upwards towards their High School destinations.  But before they leave, we have a massive to-do list.

We still have the Island homework block to be completing for each Wednesday.

YEARBOOKS – £9, All pupils have specified that they would like a yearbook for their memories at Loanhead.  I am organising this but need some first day of school photos and baby photos please.  Can the order forms and payment be put in an envelope marked with pupil name on it and given to Mrs Hinton and not the office.

We are having a P7 Enterprise Day on Monday 10th of June, profits are going towards props for the leavers’ assembly as well as funding part of the yearbook.

Info about yearbooks and Virgin Money £5 enterprise challenge have went home.

Transition days – Beeslack and Lasswade  are 12th, 13th and 14th of June.  Both schools have parents evenings with blazer fittings on the 13th.

Leavers events:

Parent night – in school, organised by class parents, not PC. Tuesday 25th June,

Leavers’ Assembly – Wednesday 26th of June after lunch

Leavers’ day – Dominion cinema and McDonalds – Thursday 27th June

Final day – finish at 12 noon on Friday 28th June – pupils to be met from classroom door.  Previous years parents have organised a piper but this is not organised by the school. Please let Mrs Hinton know if this is organised.


Thanks again for all your support

P3 Homework 27.5.19

As this week is help week children are allowed to come to school in sports clothing however please no football shirts, thank you.


This weeks spelling sound is  ‘-ture’ as in ‘future and adventure’. Please encourage children to practise these at home.

Every child has been sent home with some cursive writing practise and revision of silent sounds. Children should complete each word 3 times in cursive handwriting. Please then get your child to turn over and write 3 sentences on the back using 3 of the words off of the sheet. This should also be in cursive. If you’re child is still working through the common words booklet, as I know some are, please continue to do so.


Hedgehogs – Anne Fine: Nag Club

Tuesday – How it began and Lesson One

Wednesday –Lesson 2

Thursday –Lesson 3

Friday – Lesson 4 and 5

Pandas – Here comes trouble

Tuesday –Chapter 1 and 2

Wednesday –Chapter 3

Thursday- Chapter 4

Friday – Chapter 5

Orangutans – Dexter’s Dinosaurs

Tuesday –Chapter 1

Wednesday –Chapter 2

Thursday- Chapter 3

Friday – Chapter 4

Tigers – The Quest

Tuesday –p1-8

Wednesday –p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24-32

Polar Bears – Submarine Adventure

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p17-24

Friday – p25-32

Miss Ramsay and Miss Dickson