Welcome back P4!

Welcome back to school P4!

It really has been lovely to see the children back in school this week. There has been a lot of changes and new ways of working to get used to but we are sure, in a week or two, these will become second nature to the children and staff within the school.

This is a short message to inform parents that P4 will have Mrs Duncan once per week alternating between Tuesday and Thursday mornings for Health & Wellbeing activities, including PE.

PE will be an outdoor activity where possible and to that end, can children please come dressed for outdoor PE on the allocated day each week (see dates below).  An outdoor kit will consist of trainers, jogging bottoms/leggings, t-shirt, outdoor showerproof jacket. We have no changing areas at present so children will wear their kit for the day.

Date P.E. / Health & Wellbeing Activity Day
18.08.20 Tuesday
27.08.20 Thursday
01.09.20 Tuesday
10.09.20 Thursday
15.09.20 Tuesday
24.09.20 Thursday
29.09.20 Tuesday
05.10.20 Thursday
13.10.20 Tuesday

Homework will commence week beginning Monday 24th August and details about that will follow nearer the time.

Finally, can pupils bring a reading book/magazine from home to keep for reading in school when required.

Many thanks,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P4 Class Teachers

New! P6 Information Update for W/B 17th August 2020

Welcome back to P6!

It has been lovely and refreshing to finally have children back in school. P6 have conducted themselves in a very enthusiastic yet calm, sensible manner and have adapted  quickly to practical changes to their school day.

This is just a short message to inform parents that P6 will have Mrs Duncan every Tuesday afternoon for Health & Wellbeing activities, including PE.

PE will be an outdoor activity where possible and to that end, can children please come dressed for outdoor PE every Tuesday. We have no changing areas at present.

Homework will commence week beginning Monday 24th August and details about that will follow nearer the time.

Finally, can pupils bring a reading book/magazine from home to keep for reading in school when required.

Many thanks,

Miss S Brunt

P6 Class Teacher





Hi all,

I am so excited to be the P5 teacher this year and I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 2 days of getting to know all the pupils. I just wanted to pop on here and let you all know of a few things for the upcoming term.

Just a little reminder that pupils shouldn’t be bringing in extra things in their school bags (notebooks, toys etc.), they only need snack, a water bottle and a packed lunch. They should also bring a suitable jacket/warm clothing as we will be spending lots of time outside in all weathers.

We will be having P.E. in one block on Wednesday afternoons with Mrs Duncan. The children should come to school dressed for P.E. outside (e.g. trainers, a warm jumper etc) every Wednesday and this will be 12:30pm – 3:00pm. I will remind the children every Tuesday to come dressed for P.E the following day. 

Homework will start the week beginning 24th August and it will consist of reading, spelling and a maths/numeracy task. I will send children home with their homework on a Monday and then it should be returned by Friday, if possible. Reading books will be sent home and it is very important that children remember to bring it back everyday as we won’t be sharing books with each other.

I will update the website on a Sunday (starting next weekend) in time for the new week beginning. I will also be using Google classroom to post updates too and I plan on assigning homework to the pupils via Google classroom. They have all worked so hard learning how to access their learning this way and I would love to keep this momentum up.

If there is anything you are ever not sure about or want to ask, then please never hesitate to get in touch. You can call the school or send me an email: L.Waller@mgfl.net 

I cannot wait for the year ahead and I look forward to working with you all,

Miss Lauren Waller


10/8/20 Advice for pupils returning to school

Dear parents/Carers,

Our campus staff are excited to welcome back all of our children on Wednesday.  As you will have expected, there are a few changes in place for the school day which are outlined in the guidance below.

Please can you familiarise yourself with these before Wednesday and discuss with your children, we appreciate your support and understanding in this matter.

(click the link below to open the PDF)

Advice re return

Ramsay Campus Staff

Returning to school update 6th August 2020

Dear parents/carers,

We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school on Wednesday 12th of August.  Following advice and guidance given to head teachers yesterday from our ASG, we will be sharing more detailed information on Monday 10th of August.

Please see the attachment or the link below for today’s letter to parent’s carers based on Council guidance.

We thank you for your continued support and understanding.

L.P.S. Staff

Parents and Carers 060820.docx


School ties, badges and book bags

As part of the P1 induction, there is usually opportunity to purchase a homework/book bag, school tie or School badge to sell on uniform if desired.

These items are £4 each. If you wish to purchase please can you put the correct money into an envelope with your child’s name and hand it into the office. You may do this on the transition day, in service days in aug or on the first day of school.