Hi all,

I am so excited to be the P5 teacher this year and I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 2 days of getting to know all the pupils. I just wanted to pop on here and let you all know of a few things for the upcoming term.

Just a little reminder that pupils shouldn’t be bringing in extra things in their school bags (notebooks, toys etc.), they only need snack, a water bottle and a packed lunch. They should also bring a suitable jacket/warm clothing as we will be spending lots of time outside in all weathers.

We will be having P.E. in one block on Wednesday afternoons with Mrs Duncan. The children should come to school dressed for P.E. outside (e.g. trainers, a warm jumper etc) every Wednesday and this will be 12:30pm – 3:00pm. I will remind the children every Tuesday to come dressed for P.E the following day. 

Homework will start the week beginning 24th August and it will consist of reading, spelling and a maths/numeracy task. I will send children home with their homework on a Monday and then it should be returned by Friday, if possible. Reading books will be sent home and it is very important that children remember to bring it back everyday as we won’t be sharing books with each other.

I will update the website on a Sunday (starting next weekend) in time for the new week beginning. I will also be using Google classroom to post updates too and I plan on assigning homework to the pupils via Google classroom. They have all worked so hard learning how to access their learning this way and I would love to keep this momentum up.

If there is anything you are ever not sure about or want to ask, then please never hesitate to get in touch. You can call the school or send me an email: L.Waller@mgfl.net 

I cannot wait for the year ahead and I look forward to working with you all,

Miss Lauren Waller


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