P2 Homework 14/7/21


The homework this week has been handed out to the pupils today and is due in on Tuesday 21st September. Please could all reading books and yellow reading records come into school on Wednesday and Thursday as we will be reading in class on these days. Our sound of the week is ch.

Our spelling words are:     if          hot          blot

chips        lunch        chest

much        he        she          chicken

I have also included the key words for their reading group in their folders for  practise at home.

Please could children be encouraged not to bring toys in to school unless prior arrangement has been made with myself or Mrs Donnelly.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch


✏️ Primary 1 news and information w/b 13th September 📝

Hello lovely P1 families,

It was lovely to see some of you (virtually) for the curriculum evening. I am missing being in class with Team P1 but I know they will be doing some amazing work with Mrs Caldwell and Mrs Faulkner. I hope to see them all by the end of the week.

📝 Remember: morning and afternoon snack (discuss this with your child so they know what they are), water bottles with water only – no juice for class time, please label your child’s clothing.


The sounds we have learned so far are “s” “a” and “t”.  Pupils should know the action, the sound and a song and should be able to attempt to write the letter which makes that sound.  Examples of what we might use to inhance our teaching or home learning include:

Mr Thorne does Phonics 

Jolly Phonics songs and action


We are continuing to know our key words (below).  It is essential that these words are known at sight.  As one stage is completed then we begin work on the next one in order to develop our reading.

We are continuing to look at The Zones of Regulation and strategies to get back to Green Zone.  We are doing this through discussion, circle time and stories.

🧮 Numeracy

We are consolidating numbers 1-10 and then towards 15.  Looking at using 10 frames to spot a number at sight as well as counting and ordering from smallest or biggest.  We are also investigating a mounts that make up n numbers and building our mathematical vocabulary.


When counting, we are encouraging to start at a number that is not 0. e.g. can you could from 3 to 8?


Primary 1 have been using SeeSaw as a form of sharing their learning journey with parents.  This has been extremely successful in  the past and was also really user friendly for infants (and parents) during school closure.

I need to have a parent permission letter returned ASAP and then I can issue the class with log in information 🙂  I have some fab photos to share already.

seesaw policy

SeeSaw parent letter


P3 Homework w/b 13.9.21

Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend. We are fully back into the swing of things in p3. Lots of tired boys and girls but as always they are working hard and trying their best. Definitely looking forward to the September weekend I think!

No real reminders this week other than to please remind you of the below post regarding toys in school.


  • Due to COVID guidance can we please be ensuring children do not bring toys to school. It also helps to ensure children are concentrating and listening when they should be.  If other arrangements have been made with me , for example fidgets, these can continue to come to school.



Bertha’s Secret Battle

Monday -Chapter One

Tuesday- Chapter Two

Wednesday- Chapter Three


ICT task: Ask the children to design and print tickets to the Grand Wrestling Competition, and include the names
of the stars, the date and time, seat numbers and price. Encourage them to experiment with different
sizes and styles of fonts for the best effects, and to try out different layouts to see what looks best.


• Ask the children to begin with a careful drawing showing what the person looked like and giving
her stage name, i.e. ‘Fairplay Fiona’ or ‘Big Bertha the Bone Cruncher’.
• Then ask them to write some phrases and sentences (slogans) that say why the person should
be supported, e.g. ‘She’s the meanest, but she’s the keenest!’; ‘Her hair’s fair, she plays fair’.


The Litter Queen

Monday -p1-7

Tuesday- p8 – 16

Wednesday- p16 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


Save Floppy!

Monday – p1 – 7

Tuesday- p8 – 16

Wednesday- p16 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


Robin Hood

Monday – p1-7

Tuesday- p8 – 16

Wednesday- p16 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


Noah’s Ark Adventure

Monday – p1 – 6

Tuesday- p6 – 12

Wednesday- p13 – 16

Thursday- p17 – 24



Spelling is as it was last week using the attached spelling menu.

As well as spelling I will get everyone’s Sumdog password stuck into their jotters this week so children can play some education maths games at home if they wish.

Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay

P6 Week Beginning 13.9.21


The class really enjoyed their ‘life skills through golf’ day on Tuesday, and we all learned a lot about Old (and young!) Tommy Morris. 

This week, children received their new email addresses and passwords for Google Workspace. Midlothian Education is in the process of updating their IT systems and we will be shifting over to use Google Workspace. I briefly showed the children how to log on but please do have a little play around with it, to get more comfortable with navigating where everything is. 

👟 P.E. is on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for P.E. (outside) on those days.

📝 Homework is handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. The numeracy homework is going to be a recap of last week’s learning of comparing numbers.

Mandarin with Miss Sun is on Wednesday afternoon.

Please note that there is a September holiday on Monday 20th September and children will return to school on Tuesday 21st September.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Lauren Waller


P7 News W/B Monday 13th September ’21

Hi all,

🎽 PE  – Monday and Wednesday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🚴‍♀️ Bikeability – The first group start their training on Monday 13th.  These are: LC , CR, LBar, SW, EvT, AR, IG, JM and CG.

🏠House Captain Speeches – Good luck to all the candidates who will deliver their House Captain speech on Monday!

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths – A maths task will be sent home on Wednesday. This will focus on worded maths problems. Due the following Wed please. 

🧮Reading – Can every child please have personal reading text in school for such times when children may read quietly.

🏌️‍♂️ Tommy Morris – We had  a fantastic workshop last Monday to learn about a former Scottish golfing champion, Tommy Morris. The day was packed with group work and challenges and this fitted in perfectly with current class discussion about the vital life skills of perseverance, resilience and having a growth mindset.

🏊‍♂️ 🥉What better way to end the week than meeting a real life Paralympian – elite swimmer and bronze medal winning Scott Quin came in and met the children, showing off his amazing medal and talking about his experience in Tokyo. What an honour!

💷 Enterprise – As part of ongoing financial education, P7 were given an enterprise task last week- each child was given £20 in plastic  money, a budgeting account sheet and time to make a business plan.

We opened the market place outdoors so that trading could begin in earnest. Lots of items sold out and it was great fun. To finish the topic, we reviewed the whole experience and thought about improvements to make next time.

⛱️Holiday reminder – The children are off school the following  Monday ( 2oth)  for the September break.

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

Primary 2 Homework 7/9/21

Coming home with your child today is a reading book, reading record and homework jotter.

  • Reading: Suggested focus points for reading at home are in the children’s reading record. Please could all books come into school each day as we will be reading in class Mondays-Thursdays.
  • Spelling: The children each have a set of spelling words in their jotter to practise at home which revise some common words as well as practising the week’s sound. Suggested spelling activities are included.

This week our sound is sh.

Spelling words are:      am     get     fish     wish     the

clap     shop     shut     I     shampoo

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch