🌈 Primary 1 news and info 27.9.21 🌟

Hello P1 families,

Can you believe this is the last week of September? It certainly is getting darker, colder and wetter. Please can children come to school with warm and waterproof clothing suitable for outdoor play. 💧☔️

This week also Bike to School week, children are encouraged to cycle each day and Bling your Bike on Wed for the chance to win prizes.

We are still gently introducing our phonic sounds, this week our focus is “p”. Our sounds so far are s,a,t,i and p. Children are beginning to read and write cvc words using these sounds. E.g. Sit, pit, rip, sat etc.  they now songs and actions for each new sound.

Click here for the “p” song

We continue to learn our Stage 1 key words (se per last weeks post) and these flash cards should be coming home each night in a plastic bag. Children will also have a reading book which they are very excited about. Next week I will send out homework diaries in book bags too. Please note that children learn at different stages and will have different books home, some with pictures to read and some with words.  More info on reading will come next week as well as sample daily activities you may wish to do.

Please can you purchase book bags from the office if not already done so as this ensures homework and letters are returned to home and school each day.  You can also pop £4 in an envelope and I can get these for the children too.

In Numeracy we are looking at addition in ten and have a school shop set up in class to consolidate this. We are also looking at shape and pattern. We are finding pairs of num bers to make 10 and have been enjoying some activies on topmarks such as this


Our topic is “The Owl who was afraid of the dark”, and we are enjoying playing with toy owl puppets and making masks and doing owl writing. We are also having a lot of relaxation and play in class to practice play with our new friends and have enjoyed mask making, construction and puzzles.

lunches: the menu can be found here. Please note that cheese is not a daily sandwich option so you might want to discuss lunch options with your child.

I hope to have Seesaw up and running soon but I am still awaiting confirmation from some families.

please note my new email address k.hinton@midlothian.education

Mrs Hinton

P7 Info W/B Monday 27th September 2021

Hi all,

🎽 PE  – Monday and Wednesday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🚴‍♀️ Bikeability – Group 1 have their second session on Monday 27th.  These are: LC , CR, LBar, SW, EvT, AR, IG, JM and CG.

🚴‍♀️BIKE WEEK – Children are encouraged to cycle to school this week if possible. Remember to wear helmets!

  • Cyclists will get a raffle ticket to be entered into a prize draw.
  • The ‘Smoothie Bike‘ visits mid week – pedal as fast as you can and create a smoothie at the same time!
  • Bling Your Bike‘ – Wednesday 29th 

🧮MATHS WEEK – There’s a national focus on maths this week in Scottish Schools. The focus is on ‘Maths in Real Life‘. Each day there’ll be a maths task designed with this in mind. All classes have been entered into a national maths contest on Sumdog too.

👐PEER MEDIATION TRAINING – P7 will be trained to be peer mediators during sessions run by Tara Larkin, every Tuesday. Once trained, children can volunteer to take turns to be peer mediators in the playground – this means they can help to sort out any disputes between younger pupils.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths – A maths task will be sent home on Wednesday. This will focus on angles. Due the following Wed please. 

📚Reading – Can every child please have personal reading text in school for such times when children may read quietly.

Recent News

Last week, P7 had an African drumming session with Josh from Infectious Grooves. Children learned about the origin of this genre of drum music and by the end of the hour, they were playing various drums and percussion instruments in an energetic  ‘poly-rhythmic finale’!

Brass – Would any P7 like to learn to play a brass instrument? Mr Walker       ( instructor) is keen to recruit some new players. Children have been shown how to access the application form on Midlothian Council’s website. Lessons are free!

Edinburgh College STEM event – Last Thursday, we teamed up with Edinburgh College to design 40 cm long bridges ( paper/card/straws) to take as much weight as possible. Children had a great time building and testing – one bridge proved it could carry 2.5kg! Unfortunately ,we had some technical difficulties using Microsoft Teams and the live stream meets were slightly compromised .

On this note, Midlothian Council are in the process of migrating our IT systems to Google. In a few months time, we hope that each pupil will get their own device to use ( Chromebook). Children now have an ‘@midlothian.education‘ email address and new log-in details. We are still waiting to transfer from our old Google Classroom to the new Google Workspace but am hopeful this will happen very soon. If so, I can share some of the many photos taken of recent events!

I also have a new email address :


My old ‘@mgfl.net‘ address may work for a short time too.

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P6 Week Beginning 27.9.21


Next week is Maths Week Scotland and Bike to School Week! We will have lots of Maths activities which will explore the use of maths in real life. 

For Bike to School Week, the P5/6/7 will get a visit from the smoothie bike on Monday and on Wednesday we will be having a ‘Bling your Bike’ day! The children can decorate their bike however they like and then bring it into school. 

 P.E. is on Monday and Wednesday afternoon.. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for P.E. (outside).

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. For Maths Week, I have entered the class into the ‘Maths Week Scotland’ competition on Sumdog. The class glued their Sumdog passwords into their reading records today, so please do log onto Sumdog this week to take part in the competition as their numeracy homework. 

As always, we will have our ZOOM assembly on Friday at 11:30am.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Lauren Waller

Please note the change in my email address:


P6 Brass Lessons


Mr Walker spoke with the class today about signing up for brass lessons at school. He only has a limited number of spaces and quite a few children in the class shared their interest. However, you have to sign up so he is able to contact those who are interested. Please find below instructions on how to do so.

  • Open the Midlothian Council webpage
  • In the top search bar, type ‘apply for music lessons’
  • Click the first link at the top of the page
  • There is more information here about the lessons
  • Scroll down to find ‘How do I sign up?’ and click this, it will take you to the link to sign your child up.

If you have any difficulty with this, then please do contact me and I can speak to Mr Walker to try and resolve any issues there are.

Miss Lauren Waller

P3 Homework w/b: 21.9.21

Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. I would just like to say a huge thank you for the gifts I received on my birthday last week from you and your children. It was completely unexpected and unnecessary but massively appreciated all the same. Your children also went out of their way to plan me a surprise party which just made my heart swell. What kind little souls you have brought them up to be.

Back to business however, homework has been issued. Spelling words have been stuck into jotters and reading books handed out. These must both be handed in on Friday first thing in the morning

. The homework change over each week is wasting a lot of class learning time due to children not handing in books on the deadline so we end up chasing up every individual child. We had a big chat in class today about how their homework is their responsibility to do and organise so if you could reinforce this at home it would be appreciated.


  • We are losing lots of jumpers in class. I have made a box of any unlabelled lost property which will be placed outside each day if it is not claimed in class. Please make sure to write your child’s initials or name and class on their labels as this ensures things can be returned to their rightful owners.
  • At the moment we are missing a black zip up and a Loanhead green jacket belonging to a child in the class. If you could double check this has not made its way home to you by mistake that you be helpful.
  • Please note the change in my e-mail address should  you wish to contact me, it is now:



Robbie Hood and his Merry Men

Tuesday -Chapter One and Two

Wednesday- Chapter Three and Four

Thursday– Chapter Five and Six

Extension- Discussion

Read page 9. Why are there no speech marks around what Miss Goody is saying?

Go to pages 30–31. Ask the children to explain why the words are written differently on this page.
Why are the first sentences written in a spiral?

ICT – Suggest the children find out who Robin Hood on the internet. Ensure that they only have access to
child-friendly sites. And write down 3 facts you find.


The Masked Cleaning Ladies Save The Day

Tuesday -Chapter 1

Wednesday – Chapter 2

Thursday- Chapter 3

Extension- Discussion

Remind the children to look for familiar spelling patterns to help them work out words. Find ‘sight’
on the last line of page 7. Ask a child to read the word, then turn to page 9. Ask another child to
find the same ‘igh’ string in ‘fighting’ on line 3
• Remind the children to break words into syllables to help them read it, e.g. find the word ‘notice’
on page 6 line 5, and ask a child to break it into syllables.
•Find ‘dirtier’ on page 7 and ask another child to break it down into syllables.

Can you look through the text and find the verbs used instead of ‘said’ to describe speech.

Imagine what King Harry, Captain Jones and Captain Smith said to each
other before they returned as the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om.



Tuesday– p1 –12

Wednesday- p12 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32


The Treasure Chest

Tuesday– p1 –12

Wednesday- p12 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32



Mum to the Rescue

Tuesday- p1 – 8

Wednesday- p8-16

Thursday- p17 – 24


Spelling is as it was last week using the attached spelling menu.

Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay

Week Beginning 20/09/21

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend break.

This week:

Reading – please see reading book for homework.

Spelling – please see spelling jotter for the pattern or sound they are learning.

P.E. is as usual on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

On Wednesday this week we will not have Mandarin but we are taking part in an African Drumming workshop. This is part one of two sessions.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming


P6 Week Beginning 21.9

Hi all, 

I hope you all have a lovely Monday off this coming week. 

This week we will be using the Chromebooks in class for certain lessons, which is very exciting. If the children could please bring into school their Google Workspace logins, then that will make the login process easier. 

P.E. is only on Wednesday afternoon this week. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for P.E. (outside).

Homework will be handed out on Tuesday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. The numeracy homework is going to be a recap of last week’s learning of adding/subtracting 10, 100 and 1,000 to a number. 

We have no Mandarin with Miss Sun on Wednesday afternoon.

The class is very lucky to have a drumming session on Wednesday morning. They managed to attend an online session last year but it will be nice to be able to do it in person this time round. 

As always, we will have our ZOOM assembly on Friday at 11:30am.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Lauren Waller
