Singing at the horn cancelled

Unfortunately we will no longer be carol singing at the horn on Monday. We are looking forward to sharing the nativity film with you all the week beginning Monday 20th.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Lynch

9.12.21 – P3 Jumpers for recording

Hi All,

Quick message to let you know p3 will be recording our Christmas song tomorrow. If your child wishes to wear their Christmas jumper or hat tomorrow they are welcome to. It is however completely optional. There are lots of Santa hats in school that can also be used so no one will miss out.


Miss Ramsay

Primary 2 Homework and updates 7/12/21


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in primary 2 and rehearsals for our nativity are going well. I will send out a newsletter on Thursday detailing our busy week of singing, nativity filming and Christmas party beginning on Monday 13th December.


  • Spelling: this week we are learning how to spell colours. The spelling words are:                                                                        sad     let     trip     blue     orange     grey    black      one     by     colour
  • Reading: Please find the reading books and guidance in the yellow reading records
  • Please access google classroom to choose a song for our party playlist next week primary 2. I have included a copy of the children’s passwords in their homework bags.

Accessing google classroom

Google classroom can be accessed via gmail.

  • Visit
  • Sign in to gmail using the above email address and password
  • In the top right corner click on the symbol showing nine dots
  • Select ‘classroom’

If your child joined the school in primary 2 please find a link within your child’s email inbox which will allow you to join the classroom.

Any problems accessing the classroom please let me know, I’m happy to chat at the end of the school day or can be reached on

Thanks for all your support,

Mrs Lynch


P7 Info W/B Monday 6th December 2021


Hi all,

❄️❄️❄️Winter is truly here and there’s quite an unsettled week ahead forecast. Pupils should come to school dressed suitably for inclement weather.❄️❄️❄️

🎽 PE  – Monday and Wednesday – please come to school dressed for PE. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🚴‍♀️ Bikeability – Group 2 have their next session on Monday 6th December.

🥪Lunches / Parent Pay –  P7 can now select a pre-paid lunch from the school lunch hall. The menu should be posted on the school website very soon. Children are still welcome to bring in a packed lunch from home to be eaten in the classroom. The Xmas Lunch will be on Tuesday 14th December.

❄️P7 Christmas Party & Christmas Jumper Day – Wednesday 15th December.

📚Reading – We have started to read a class novel called ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ .  WW2  is our new topic. Can every child still have a personal reading text in school for such times when children may read quietly.

1940s Room – Children have begun creating their model of a 1940s living room. This has been issued as a mini STEAM project and pupils have set criteria to follow. Once the project is complete, photos will follow. Watch this space!

School Camp – The most welcome and very wonderful news that School Camp will go ahead next spring was met with loud cheers from the children! Please note that a deposit is required within the next few weeks. Everyone should have received a letter home about it.  Thank you.

👐⛪Our school is one of the donation points for the Church Christmas donations. If you would like to donate a gift (unwrapped) to the school office for this, then please do so by Friday 10th December. Alternatively, your child can bring it into school with them and it can be passed on to the office too.

🎄✉️ Christmas Card Post box – Children can post their cards to fellow pupils and staff in school as of Monday 6th December. Cards must have names and classes on please.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy – A Sumdog challenge will be available from Monday.

***This is the last week of homework until the New Year***


Miss Brunt


P6 Week Beginning 6.12.21

The temperature has certainly dropped and we are  feeling it in class as we have to keep our windows open for ventilation. Please remember that children can bring in extra jumpers/hoodies to wear and keep in the class to keep them warm. 

We have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. 

Miss Sun will take Mandarin on Wednesday. 

On Tuesday afternoon, we are watching the Dunedin Consort, 2pm – 2:45pm.

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling and reading. This week, there will be no extra task. Please ensure your child completes their reading homework daily. This is the last week of homework for this term.  

The Christmas post box returns on Monday. Please ensure your child writes the child’s name and class on the envelope before posting, so it can be delivered to the correct person. 

On Thursday, we will be recording our Christmas song, Last Christmas. For this the children can bring in a Christmas jumper to change into, Christmas headbands and hats too. Along with scarves and gloves, if they have any! Please ensure your child wears school uniform on Thursday and they bring their Christmas jumper (if they have one) in their bag to change into for the short period we will be filming. Thank you. 

Our school is one of the donation points for the Church Christmas donations. If you would like to donate a gift (unwrapped) to the school office for this, then please do so by Friday 10th December. Alternatively, your child can bring it into school with them and it can be passed on to the office too. 

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Miss Lauren Waller

p3 homework 03.12.21

Hi everyone,



Can everyone ensure Xmas lunch letters and photo and recording approval letters are signed and handed in ASAP. Recording for xmas songs will happen this week and if we don’t have the form unfortunately your child won’t be able to take part. Lunch letters were due in today (6th Dec) and similarly if you do not provide written permissions we can’t serve xmas lunch and your child will be expected to bring packed lunch. Unfortunately this is the case due to the new Natasha’s law. So please hand them in so we can all celebrate together!

Lunch hall

This week p3 will be returning to the lunch hall. I know some children are quite anxious about this. At present, the only other classes using the hall are p1, p2 and a small amount of children from the other classes who opt for hot meals so crowds and noise are reduced. This should make the transition a little easier.



Spelling words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences unless this has been discussed with me previously.


I have stuck a numeracy/maths grid the the back of your child’s homework jotter. The expectation is that only one brick (activity)  be completed per week. Can you colour the brick after your child has completed the activity AND is confident in doing so independently.

A Sumdog challenge on 2D Shape has also been set for each pupil at their level and will be available until next Friday.



Snooty Prune

Monday – Chapter  one and two

Tuesday – Chapter three and four

Wednesday- Chapter five

Thursday–  Select an extension task from accompanying reading sheet

This can be found at:

ttops_fic_snootyprune_tns (1).pdf


The Quest

Monday- p1-6

Tuesday – p7-12

Wednesday – p13 – 18

Thursday-  p19-23        Create your own comic strip with at least 4 boxes about what you think happens next.



The Litter Queen

Monday – p1- 8

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32

Extension: Select an extension task from accompanying reading sheet

This can  be found at:



Roman Adventure

Monday – p1- 8

Tuesday– p8 –16

Wednesday- p17 – 24

Thursday- p24 – 32

Extension: Select an extension task from accompanying reading sheet

This can  be found at:



Robin Hood

Monday – p1- 6

Tuesday– p7 –12

Wednesday- p13 – 18

Thursday- p19 – 24

Extension: Select an extension task from accompanying reading sheet

This can  be found at

ort_bck_robinhood_tns.pdf (


Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay

Primary 2 Newsletter 3/12/21


Please find below the primary two newsletter for this week. We have been practising hard on our nativity this week ready for filming the week beginning the 13th December. Well done to those children who have memorised their lines already! Great work!

newsletter 11

I hope everyone has a great weekend,

Mrs Lynch