P5 Week Beginning 10/01/2022

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you have all had a good break and managed to enjoy some celebrations whilst avoiding the dreaded Covid.  Hopefully you have all manged to stay healthy and I look forward to starting the year healthily and welcoming all the class back tomorrow.

Not much to report this week:

P.E. Days have changed – P5 will now have P.E. on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon. These days children should come to school dressed for P.E. with layers in case it is outside.

We will start new reading books this week but spelling homework will resume next week.

Please ensure your child is dressed for the cold weather for break and lunchtimes. Extra layers are welcome in school as we will continue to have windows and doors open at times.

P5 will be having free school lunches from this term. Due to recent Covid changes we will not be eating in the dining room because we need to stay within our class group indoors. A letter will be issued regarding lunches.

As always please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Kind regards,

Lisa Cumming                                                                       l.cumming@midlothian.education

Equipped for learning information

As part of Midlothian Council’s Equipped for Learning programme, a digital device for learning is being provided to every child of school age. This is to ensure that all young people have access to the technology they need for learning, both at school and at home.

For further information on the programme, and to fill out the parental agreement form please see the links below.  The devices will not be allocated for full use until the agreements are filled out.  This is an online form.

Equipped for Learning Information



Parental Acknowledgement Form (must be completed ASAP).



This year Midlothian Council have transferred pupil and staff accounts to Google.  This means that the old Google Classroom, accessed through Glow in P2, is no longer in use.

Today your child came home with instructions to access their new classroom as well as a new username and password.

Google classroom can be accessed via gmail.

  • Visit https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin
  • Sign in to gmail using the above email address and password
  • In the top right corner click on the symbol showing nine dots
  • Select ‘classroom’

You can also log in with the midlothian.education username and password on a chrome browser.

Next year, when every child will have a device to learn on in school, children will log in every day with these usernames and passwords and home learning will be here too (also remote learning if needed).

Please log on and post something so we know that you can get access.  If you need any support feel free to email Miss Ramsay or Mrs Hinton.

For a copy of the letter CLICK HERE *Please note that you will need to email Mrs Hinton or Miss Ramsay if you require username and Password.


P7 Info W/B 20th December 2021

Hi all,

The final few days of term are upon us!

PE – Monday and Wednesday.

The last three days will consist of finishing previous work/projects; a final Zoom  assembly on Wednesday; online pantos; watching the class song recordings; Christmas card making & crafts. We will prepare and organise for next term. We will tidy our trays out and send work home, if appropriate.

For obvious reasons, we are being extra vigilant with hand sanitising and room ventilation. The latter often means that windows and doors are open so children may wear extra layers or coats in class if they wish.

***School finishes on Wednesday 22nd December at 3:15 pm. Pupils resume Tuesday 11th January 2022.*** 

I hope everyone has a safe, happy and healthy time and see you all in 2022!

Miss S Brunt





P7 Info W/B Monday 13th December 2021

Hi all,

🎽 PE  – Monday and Thursday (one week only)– please come to school dressed for PE. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🚴‍♀️ ***Bikeability postponement***Group 2 will resume sessions in the spring of 2022.

🥪🎄   The Xmas Lunch will be on Tuesday 14th December.

❄️P7 Christmas Party & Christmas Jumper DayWednesday 15th December.

🎵 Planned Xmas carol singing on Thursday has been cancelled. 

1940s Room – Children have completed their model of a 1940s living room. This was issued as a mini STEAM project and pupils had set criteria to follow. Once the project is finalised, photos will follow. Watch this space!

🎄✉️ Christmas Card Post box – Children can post their cards to fellow pupils and staff in school as of Monday 6th December. Cards must have names and classes on please.

Other news: We recorded our Christmas songs last week and look forward to be able to share this video with you in the final week.

Drumming – We will have a second session of African drumming on Tuesday.


Miss Brunt


P6 Week Beginning 13.12.21


Carolling at the horn has unfortunately been cancelled for ALL classes. 

We have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. 

Miss Sun will take Mandarin on Wednesday. 

On Tuesday morning, we have a drumming workshop (10:45 – 11:45) and this is also the day for Christmas lunches. 

There is no homework this week or next, it will resume when we return after the holidays. 

We filmed our class song on Thursday and the class did SO well!! I hope you look forward to watching it when it is released – the week beginning the 20th.

On Thursday afternoon, we have our Christmas party in the afternoon. We will be playing games and having fun in the hall first, before enjoying some party food in the classroom! Your child can come to school dressed in their Christmas jumpers for their party! 

On Friday, we have our ZOOM Christmas service with Mr Duffin. 

Reminders for the final days of the term!!

Tuesday 21st December: We will be watching the online panto in class. Children can bring in an extra snack for the afternoon to have while watching this. 

Wednesday 22nd December: End of term ZOOM assembly and term finishes at the usual time of 3:15pm. 

Thank you all so much for all of your support this term. It is a pleasure to work with your children and yourselves again this year. I wish you all a safe and restful holiday when it comes.  

Miss Lauren Waller 


Week Beginning 13/12/21

Dear Parents and Carers.

  • Carol Singing has been cancelled for all classes.

The class have been working hard on their Christmas song and the filming went well, we hope you enjoy it when it is released – week Beginning 20th December.

Monday: PE this is a change from Thursday, please make sure your child is dressed for P.E.

Tuesday: Drumming workshop

Christmas Lunch


Wednesday: Christmas Party in the afternoon.

Friday: Assembly – Christmas service in school with Mr Duffin.

There will be no spelling or numeracy homework this week.

Any questions please get in touch.                       Kind regards,

Lisa Cumming l.cumming@midlothian.education