P5 Week Beginning 21/02/22

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a good break.

This week P.E. is on Monday and Wednesday as normal, please come dressed appropriately and with water.

We have an African Drumming session on Thursday – these are great fun and the children really enjoy learning about the instruments and the rhythms.

On Wednesday some of the children will be involved in some gardening in the school grounds under the guidance of some parent helpers.

Homework: Reading, please see reading books as usual.

Spelling: Handed out on Tuesday, these words are in their spelling jotters. Please make sure work is completed neatly and returned by the following Monday.

Numeracy: Please work with your child on their times tables. It is really important that they learn them to help with numeracy and maths tasks such as fractions, calculating area, dividing, problem solving etc.

Chromebooks: These will remain at school just now, there are one or two details to be sorted out before they bring them home.

Parent Consultations: These are taking place week beginning 28/02/22. Letters were sent home today. If you cannot attend on the dates given, please let me know to arrange a different day / date or to arrange a telephone consultation.

Kind regards,

Lisa Cumming                         l.cumming@midlothian.education


P7 Info W/B Monday 21st February 2022

Hi all,

Welcome back!

We have a packed term coming up which culminates with our trip to Dounans Camp. Lots to look forward to!

We welcome Mr Forbes back full time until Easter. Music is his specialism so we are embarking on a song writing project while he is with us.

Our topic this term is ‘Natural Disasters’.

📚Reading – We will soon finish The Diary of Anne Frank. World Book Day  is 3rd March this year – more info to follow. We will be conducting a reading survey within P7 and issuing the First Minister’s Reading Challenge to encourage reading for enjoyment. Within class, we will be focussing on deeper learning comprehension skills using short extracts of fiction and poetry.

Also in  Literacy ( talking/listening),  we plan to look at types of questions and run some more debates.

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

***Lunches***-  P7  can once again order a hot meal from the school canteen. Please purchase via ParentPay beforehand.  I have displayed the three week menu in class so the children can look up what’s for lunch by themselves.

Alternatively, children can bring in their own packed lunch from home to eat.

Learning TriosParental Meetings take place  week beginning 28th February. Appointment letters should be be issued on Monday 21st.

💻Chromebook Rollout! Exciting news!

Pupils will be able to take their Chromebooks home this week but must be brought back daily, fully charged. Thank you.

🥁Drumming – P7 have their 3rd African Drumming session on Thursday morning.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy –General revision – a worksheet will be issued on Thursday.


That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

❄P4 Homework & Update – February 2022

❄ February 2022 ❄

The school is still trying to keep all children and staff as safe as possible so please follow the FACTS guidance at all times. As in previous months,  it is still extremely important that our classrooms are kept well ventilated so the windows will be open throughout the day. We continue to use CO2 monitors in the classroom which alert us to higher levels and prompt us to open the door. Therefore please ensure that your child wears a warm jumper/fleece as wearing layers is the best way to keep warm. Also it is extremely important that all children come to school with a warm jacket/coat.


  • 🔡Spelling: homework tasks consist of pupils writing new spelling words in their homework jotter on Wednesday each week. At home they should use:


  • 🔤 writing out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete an activity card which will earn pupils credit card points. Completed spelling homework should be returned the following Monday to be marked and the next spelling pattern will be given for homework on Wednesday each week. All activities are discussed in class so your child should be able to complete these tasks independently or with minimal adult support.
  • 🔢Numeracy & Maths: each week an activity sheet will be given to practise work which has been taught in class. Pupils can write straight onto this sheet so no need to copy into their jotters and this can be returned in their folder on Monday of the following week.
  • 📚Reading: all pupils have been allocated a reading book which goes home once or twice per week to be read with an adult. It is extremely important that this activity is done at home as only through regular reading practice, will children improve this valuable life skill! Please ensure your child’s reading book is returned to school on the date written on the bookmark. It would also be helpful if you could initial this when you have heard your child read.
  • 👟PE/Health & Wellbeing: this will be a mix of indoor and outdoor activities where possible and to that end, can children please come dressed for outdoor PE on Monday and Wednesday each week.  An outdoor kit will consist of trainers, shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings, t-shirt, fleece and outdoor showerproof jacket. We still don’t have a changing area at present so children will wear their kit for the day. Additionally, please ensure pupils bring a water bottle to keep hydrated.

Additional Information

🧑‍🏫Student Teacher – Mr Ferguson is now half way through his time with P4 and the pupils are really enjoying having him in class.

🧧Mandarin – P4 will continue to take part in weekly, half hour Mandarin lessons every Wednesday morning.

💻Digital Devices – All pupils have now received their own Chromebook to use between home and school. We are going to keep the Chromebooks in school until pupils have become familiar using them but will be in touch soon with further guidance. For further information on the programme, please see the links below.

Equipped for Learning Information


🥗Lunches –  P4 will now have their lunch in the school dining hall and can order a free hot meal from the school canteen via ParentPay beforehand.  We remind children of their choices for lunch every morning. Alternatively, children can bring in their own packed lunch from home to eat in the dining hall.

📅 Diary dates:

Friday 11th February 2022 – Break up for February holiday, 12:25

Monday 21th February 2022 – All start back, 8:50am

If you have any queries regarding homework or wish to discuss another aspect of your child’s education please contact Mrs Roy or myself by email on our new address:



Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

p3 homework 7.2.22

Hi everyone,

Homework –

Homework will start to go out on a Tuesday and be returned the following Monday. This is to accommodate families who have parents working long hours and children with extracurricular activities. If you wish to still hand in Friday that isn’t a problem.

HWB Bingo

Last week in school we were discussing mental health and how to manage difficult emotions. We spoke about how it is particularly important for us to recognise our feelings, manage them and respond to them. We also spoke about ways in which we might help keep ourselves in the green zone (calm, happy, relaxed, peaceful) . To extend this learning a little further I have stuck a health and wellbeing bingo sheet into each child’s jotter. I have set the children a challenge.

If they successfully manage to complete 4 of the tasks they will receive 2 raffle tickets.

If they successfully manage to complete 8 of the tasks they will receive 4 raffle tickets.

If they successfully manage to complete 12 or more of the tasks they will receive 6 raffle tickets.


Spelling words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences unless this has been discussed with me previously.



Dragons : Bones

Tuesday– p1 -11

Wednesday – p12-22

Thursday- p23-33

Fri/Weekend  p33 – 55



Nessies: The Goalie from Nowhere

Tuesday– p1 -11

Wednesday – p12-22

Thursday- p23-33

Fri/Weekend  p33 – 55


Unicorns – Cool Clive Keeps His Cool

Tuesday –  Chpt 1 + Chpt 2

Wednesday –  Chpt 3 + 4

Thursday- Chpt 5, 6 + 7

Friday/Weekend –  Chpt 7 – End


Kelpies – The Masked Cleaning Ladies of OM

Tuesday– p1-8

Wednesday- p9-16

Thursday- p17-24

Fri/Weekend – p25 – End


Selkies – Viking Adventure

Tuesday– p1-8

Wednesday- p9-16

Thursday- p17-24

Fri/Weekend – p25 – End

Mermaids – The Lost Key

Tuesday–– p1-8

Wednesday- p9-16

Thursday- p17-24

Fri/Weekend – p25 – End

Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay



Primary 2 Homework 8.2.22


I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. The homework for this week has gone out today and includes their reading book with a recommended reading schedule.

The sound we are practising this week is “wh” and the words to practise are:

did     cut     twin     whale     wheel

white     whisper     what     when     whenever

We will practise reading in school Wednesday and Thursday this week so please can the children come into school with their reading books on these days. The reading books this week may stay home over the holiday and be handed in on Monday 21st February after the February break.

Many thanks for all your support,

Mrs Lynch

P5 Week Beginning 07/02/22

Dear Parents / Carers,

Unfortunately I am off sick this week, the class will be covered by the following teachers: Monday – Mrs Falconer,  Tuesday – Miss Brunt then Mrs Falconer,  Wednesday – Miss Brunt, Mrs Wallace and then Miss Brunt, Thursday – Mrs Caldwell and Friday Mrs Falconer.  (Obviously this could change and I may be back towards the end of the week).


Exciting News for this week – Every child will receive their own digital device. There are some training sessions to take place and procedures to be sorted out before the children will be bringing them home. We expect that children will be able to bring them home at some point soon after the February break.

There is no spelling homework this week.

Reading – please check their reading books.

I hope you all have a lovely half term break.

Kind regards,

Lisa Cumming