P7 Homework 8th January 2016


All groups have reading homework and a task to complete for Wednesday 13th/Thursday 14th January.


Focus on Finance. Pupils have a worksheet on budgeting to complete for Friday 15th January.Worksheet was issued on Friday 8th January.Pupils have been reminded that their work should be presented neatly and they should use a ruler if they need to draw lines.


Learn new vocabulary for weather for Thursday 14th January.Pupils should have taken home their French vocabulary jotter to help with this task but must remember to return it to school.

Primary 1 Homework

Happy new year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas.

As this is a short week, reading homework will not begin again until Monday.

Thursday 7th

New writing sheets have been added into the writing jotters today. Please encourage your child to sound out these words and write them down neatly into their jotters. Jotters will be collected on Monday.


Miss Conway

P2 Homework and Events List Wed. 6.1.16

A very Happy New Year to you all!

As this week is short, we will resume our normal homework routine next week. However, I would like the children to learn the calendar months in order so if they could practise reciting this, that would be very helpful.

Over the next few weeks, we will focus on money ( Finance Week starts on 11.1.16); we will have a ‘Scottish Week’ ( 25.1.16) and a focus on ‘Chinese New Year’ (8.2.16).

Please also note:

  • PE days will be on Thursday and Friday as usual.
  • Everyone should have a pair of indoor shoes to change into.


Miss Brunt

A warm welcome

Welcome to our new school website, I hope you find it useful.  If you would like more information about our school or would like to arrange to view our facilities please do not hesitate to get in touch. 
I look forward to welcoming you into our learning community.

Mrs Diane Donnelly
Head Teacher