P3 Homework 11/04/16

P3 were very excited to be back today and enjoyed telling all their holiday stories.  Well done to those who did the optional holiday homework and brought photos in of the different types of eggs that they cooked. They looked great!

Spelling for Friday

  1. Write your words 3 times each in neat columns using Look, say, cover, write, check.
  2. Write three sentences using one of your spelling words in each sentence. As we have been working on ‘good openers’, make sure each sentence starts with a good opener.

Money Worksheet for Friday

Money worksheets will come home today.

P1 Homework- 11.4.16

Hello and welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break.

Primary one will be doing a mini topic on Great Granny’s attic for the next three weeks. We will be exploring how people lived in the past and the differences between the past and nowadays. Children are asked if possible to speak to their grandparents about their childhood and are encouraged to share any stories, photos or items with the rest of the class next Monday 18th April.


Spelling homework– Children will be given out a list of spelling words this week to practise and learn at home. We will have a small spelling test on Friday.

Phonics homework– Please continue to practise previous sounds at home especially the trickier ones.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

We will be visiting the school library today. Please make sure that library books are returned no later than today. If books are not returned children will be unable to borrow another book. Books borrowed today will be due back on Tuesday 3rd May.



P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Spelling test

Dress down day!! Bring £1 to raise money for dystonia and come to school dressed down and with ‘crazy hair'(spikes, glitter hairspray etc.)

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P6 Homework

Welcome back to the new term, I hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday.

All groups have spelling words to learn for next week’s dictation.

Everyone needs to bring in a picture of a person either from a magazine or photo which they will be able to use to talk about their clothes in French. We will be learning the vocabulary in French to help but if you want to look extra words up to help you that’s great.

All due Monday 18th April

P2 Summer Term

Welcome back to all, hope the Easter break was relaxing and fun. I’m looking forward to the summer term and hopefully, lots of decent weather to get us out and about.

This week, we will finish up our Electricity project with investigations into conducting and insulating materials. I am going to post a collage of photos of our activities once the topic is finished.

The next topic is going to be a Local Study and will involve using/making maps, finding out lots about Loanhead and hopefully culminate in a wee exhibition of our work. If you or anyone in your family have lived for a long time in Loanhead and would like to come in and share your memories of ‘Old Loanhead’ with us, please let me know. We will also take a look at the mining history of the town. I will keep you posted with more information as the topic unfolds.

Homework – I have decided to issue everyone’s homework on Tuesdays from now on as this term sees two Monday holidays. So, homework will generally run Tuesday to Tuesday. This week, the spelling focus is ‘er’ as in number, letter, offer and so on. See reading folders from Tuesday for updates. Maths/numeracy homework will start next week.

‘Ten minute tootle’We are going to trial a daily 5-10 minute run/power walk outdoors unless the weather is extremely inclement. The aim is to build up stamina and also provide a ‘brain break’ from tasks.

Outdoor learning – I am really keen for the children to learn outdoors when feasible. For example, one maths focus this term will be measuring and doing this outdoors is ideal. It might be an idea for children to have sun protection, especially on forecasted hot days ( hats, light long sleeved tops, sun cream they can apply themselves etc).

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt



P6 telling the time in French

Over the last two weeks P6 has been learning to tell the time in French so we went outside to test how well we could understand by making the time when we heard it in French. This week we did the same but using ourselves as the clock hands!









P6 Easter maths hunt

On Monday P6 were set off on an Easter maths hunt in the playgroup where 12 maths problems were hidden. Miss Longford was extremely impressed with how well everyone cooperated and their were some excellent discussions about how to solve the problems – all in the beautiful spring sunshine too!





P4 Homework 21/03/16

Please note that homework should be completed for Friday this week, if possible, due to the holiday.

Fractions (topic focus)

http://www.mathplayground.com/index_fractions.html this is a good website for fractions games. If anyone would prefer a worksheet please let me know.


Blue, Yellow, Red, Orange and Green groups-  Comprehension worksheet- Skill from toolkit- Understanding the meaning of words.

Pink 1 and 2- See reading diaries.