P4 Homework 17/05/16

Homework 17/05/16



Please continue with your learnits at home.

This term we will soon be focusing on the 9x table, if you could practise this new table as well as the 4x table that would be much appreciated. Remember that the children should know the answers as fast as the learn-its.

If there are any children who need their learn-its updated please let me know. Some of the children have now begun to do subtraction and multiplication learn-its in class. If your child feels they are ready for this, please let me know.


New Spelling Sounds (On Paper)



Please note that due to significant absence in the blue and yellow groups novel reading will resume next week. The children can consolidate their strategies with some comprehension work instead.

Red/ Orange Group-  P17 to 20 of Bertie Wiggins for Wednesday

P20-23 for Thursday.

P23-26 for Monday.

Blue Group- Comprehension sheet- “Game over”

Purple Group- Pages 1 and 2 of the Enormous Crocodile for Wednesday

Yellow Group- Comprehension sheet- “Game Over”

Green Group- Chapter 1 of “I wish” for Thursday

Pink- See reading diaries/folders



Primary 3 Homework 16/05/16


1.Write words in 3 neat columns using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check.

2 Write a letter to your teacher and try to include as many of your spelling words as possible.


Letters have an address at the top right hand side.

Letters have the date underneath the address.

Have Dear… on the left.

Write From… at the end of your letter.

Spelling Week beginning 16.5.16



The children have all learnt the 3 x table in class.  Please help them to practise it and ask them questions from it. Maybe you could play Buzz with the 3 x table in the car!


This will be our last week of non-fiction reading books. Children will receive their books today or tomorrow and it will have a worksheet to go with it. If they could keep this with their book and we will go over it next Tue or Wed.




P6 Homework

All groups have spelling words and chapters of their group reading book to read.

Also draw a still life object that you found at home using tone and line, bring the object in (could be flowers, vase, cup, fruit) for Thursday.

P2 Homework W/B 16.5.16

Homework this week:

Spelling – see 100 common words booklet. List 31-40.

Reading as usual – check green homework bags regularly.

Maths – 3D shape – naming shapes. Sheet will be sent home on Tuesday – be a ‘Shape Detective’. Find examples of 3D shapes at home and out and about. See sheet for details.

PE is on Thursday and Friday.

A reminder that next Monday (23rd) is a holiday for pupils.

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P1 Homework- 16.5.16

This week is walk to school week.

Please continue to practise and go over any lines your child has for the school assembly on Friday.


There will be no spelling or phonics homework this week.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continues to practise all key words.

Maths Homework- Please check book bag for maths addition homework sheet. This is due for Friday. 

Children will take part in a Katie Morag workshop this afternoon.



P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.



Maths homework will be collected today.

Primary one will be taking the school assembly this morning to share their learning. The parent performance will be today at 11.45 all are welcome to attend.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P1 shared learning


Primary one will be taking the school assembly on Friday 2oth May to share their learning. They will be talking about what they have learnt so far in their people who help us topic.

Children who have speaking parts have been sent home with these today. Please can you help your child learn these and practise with them over the weekend and next week.

The parent performance will be at 11.45 on the Friday.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway