P2 Homework W/B Tuesday 20th September 2016

**Reminder** School Photographer Tuesday 20th September

  • PE – Tuesday and Thursday
  • Please make sure your child has their reading folder with them daily.
  • Important – if you are picking your child up early from school for an appointment, can you please let either the office or myself know first thing in the morning so we can have your child ready in time. Also, please let me or office know if the end-of-day pick up arrangement changes. Thank you.

Homework this week

Spelling – List 4

Reading – ongoing

Numeracy – continue ‘LearnIt’ cards.

Topic– Finishing off harvest and starting to look at autumn.

Show and Tell – Week 2 of the rota ( Monday’s pair can show their items on Tuesday 20th)

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt

P3 home learning due 30.09.16

HomeworkImage result for homework

A homework grid has been stuck into homework jotters.This homework is due 30.09.16. Here is a copy if needed- p3-hw-30-09-16

Reading will be written on reading bookmarks. Please try to do as much reading as possible. Working on expression and fluency.

Any questions about homework, please just ask.

Miss Prior

Extra Info

  • P.E will on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Miss Longford will be returning to school this week so will be taking the class on Thursdays.
  • Miss Prior will be off school on Friday 30th. I get my cast off! 🙂


P4 Homework 13/09/16

P4 Homework 13/09/16

Please Note: Due to the September holiday homework is due in on Tuesday 20th September.

Spelling- Week 1) ae-e and or

We will focus on the same sound for two weeks- additional words will be added next week.

Gorillas  ( ae-e ) sound

Pandas (or) sound

Wolves (or) sound

All Groups:

Words in jotters

  1. Write words three times and repeat them, noticing the tricky words and how they sound different. All groups have * tricky * words.
  2. Write a silly story with the words.
  3. Complete one Spell Well activity.


Purple and Orange – See new books and bookmark daily.

Red Yellow and Green- Comprehension worksheet “RAINY DAY JEWELLERY” – to be completed for Tuesday 20th September.


Primary 5 Homework Week starting 12/09/16


1.Write words 3 times in neat columns using Look,say, cover, write and check.

2.Pick 5 words and write a separate sentence using each.  As we have been revising verbs, underline the verb in each sentence.



Choose and do one of the following tasks:

A – House Prices

Find different house prices from adverts in a newspaper, ESPC or the Internet.  List up to 10 prices you can find.  Underline one digit of each house price and identify the value of it using words or figures.

e.g. £984 000

If you underline the 8 it is eighty thousand pounds or £80 000.


B- Space Hopping

Research the distance from the Earth to the Moon and other planets e.g. It is about 384 403km to the moon.

Record your information in digits and in words and write the distances in order.


Chain Text Challenge shall be sent home on Tuesday.


Spelling P6 12.9.16

Spelling homework.

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK all words twice.

Complete 1 activity from sheet in front of jotter.

BLUE – please complete sheet 2. short vowel sounds

RED – please complete sheet 2b and 2c

For Monday 26th Sept

P2 Homework W/B 12.9.16

Spelling – List 3 ‘th’

Reading – as normal – please check green homework bags daily for updates. I will send home a slip indicating when your child will usually have reading in class.

Numeracy – ‘Learn-It’ cards will be sent home on Wednesday to practise. Info to follow.

Topic‘Harvest’ continued – This week we will study and dissect some wheat straight from a field; look at the ‘wheat to bread journey’; make drop scones; study the fable ‘The Little Red Hen’ in literacy and also read and illustrate a harvest poem. Last week, the children looked at barley and reconstructed this from paper! ( I apologise for the confusion when I told the children it was wheat! Oops!)

Learning Powers – Children will discuss which Learning Powers they’ll use in their lessons. These help the children to have a positive mind set and a ‘can do’ attitude.

  • Concentrate
  • Have a go
  • Never give up
  • Be curious
  • Be imaginative
  • Co-operate
  • Enjoy learning

Other news….

Remember that it is the September break next weekend so no school on Friday or the following Monday. On Tuesday 20th, the school photographer will be in to take individual pictures.

PE– is on Tuesdays and Thursdays – can girls with longer hair please have this tied back for gym.

Show and Tell Rota – P2 LOVE Show and Tell and the demand for it is overwhelming!! I have had to make a rota to ensure all pupils get a turn. This rota covers two weeks so your child will only have one day every fortnight I’m afraid. Children are encouraged to bring in items of interest, perhaps topic related or to do with hobbies or achievements. Children do not have to do this- it is optional but those who do, should prepare something interesting to tell the class about their item. Here is the rota- child’s initials used, boys in bold. Week One starts tomorrow, Monday 12th.

Show and Tell 2 Week Rota P2 September 2016

Week One

Monday – O.C & Em.W

Tuesday – P.B & S.W

Wednesday – C.K & N.S & L.D

Thursday – I.K & C.L

Friday – H.A & Em.H & A.R

Week Two

Monday – Ev.T & R.C

Tuesday – A.I & L.C

Wednesday – C.G & Ell.M & Ei.Tw

Thursday – L.B & B.C

Friday – I.G & A.C & E.Mc


Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt


P3 update

I made a little mistake on the home learning. I said it is due in for Friday 16th. However, we are on holiday then! Could you please have it in for the 15th instead.


image2 (1)

Also, this week our learning power is concentration. Please discuss how concentrating makes a super learner.

Follow me in twitter for more learning updates @prior_miss

P4 Homework 06/09/16

P4 Homework 06/09/16

Please Note: Homework is distributed on a Tuesday and should be handed in on a Monday. However, some reading groups will have to read every day and their reading homework will be changed on a daily basis.

Spelling- Week 2) aw and oo

We will focus on the same sound for two weeks- additional words will be added next week.

Gorillas  ( aw ) sound

Pandas (oo) sound

Wolves (oo) sound

All Groups:

Words in jotters

  1. Write words three times and repeat them, noticing the tricky words and how they sound different. All groups have * tricky * words.
  2. Write a silly story with the words.
  3. Complete one Spell Well activity.


Purple and Orange – See new books and bookmark daily.

Red Yellow and Green- Comprehension worksheet “goldfish” – to be completed for Monday 12th September.