P4 Newsletter 27/09/16

Hi all,

Just a little update about some things going on in class just now.


Our new topic is Vikings! We are going to be learning about the past and how to use evidence to tell us about it. We are going to be looking at facts and theories and discussing the evidence that we have to support the fact we are learning. We will be identifying evidence that is reliable and evidence that is not.

If anyone feels that they can help in anyway with this topic, please don’t hesitate to be in touch!


The children are excited about the new topic and to support their learning I have organised a trip to the National Museum of Scotland. The children will watch a play and have a chance to explore the museum and some artifacts.

The trip is on the 6th of October from 10am-1:30pm and we are in the process of costing the trip. However, if anyone is available to help out on the day it would be much appreciated. Just let me know by note, in person or via the office.

Sponsored Triathalon

Luca in our class is taking part in a sponsored triathlon in support of Laila in P4.Luca is hoping that he can raise enough money for Laila and her family to have a nice treat now that she is feeling much more fit and well. He is taking part in his Triathlon on the 22nd of October, starting at Arthur’s seat in Edinburgh and then going onto the commonwealth pool.

Though in no way expected, if anyone wishes to sponsor Luca, you can have a chat with his mum Nicola in the playground.

I am sure that we are all wishing him well in this task and hope that he does his best in the event! Thank you Luca!

Classroom Helpers

I am really looking for a volunteer who might like to help me on a Tuesday morning. from 9:30-10:30 whilst we are spelling. This could be every second week if necessary.

If there is anyone who wished to help that could commit to a short block of visits it would be much appreciated!

As always if anyone has any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!





P4 Homework 27/09/16

P4 Homework 27/09/16

My apologies for there being no homework on the website last week.

Spelling– Week 2) Sh and ow

We got a bit out of sync with my absence on Tuesday and started sh and ow a week early last week.

Gorillas (ow)

Pandas (sh) sound

Wolves (sh) sound

All Groups:

Words in jotters

  1. Write words three times and repeat them, noticing the tricky words and how they sound different.
  2. Write a sentence with each word.
  3. Complete one Spell Well activity- if these are lost please send in a note or a message with your child for a new one.


Pink and Orange – See new books and bookmark daily.

Yellow- Chapter 2 to be completed for Tuesday 4th October

Blue Chapter 1 and 2 to be completed for Tuesday 4th October

Green P1-6 for Wednesday 28.09.16  and p 7- 12 for Thursday 29.09.16.

Some weeks there will be additional work required such as worksheets or activities and some weeks, like this one, only reading will be required.

P1 Homework 26.9.16

Week Beginning 26.9.2016

Sound work: ‘m’ and ‘d’ please cntinue to work on sound recognition particularly at the beginning and ends of words.

Continue to help recognising the letters using the cards and making up small 3 letter words.

The children have been interested in words that rhyme, we have read rhyming stories at story time. Please help them complete the rhyme sheet.

Maths: We are practising the days of the week. Please help your child to know the order and what comes next and before. If they are confident with this they can have a go at ordering them visually and writing them.


We are moving on to explore the world of dinosaurs, a topic which I think the children will be really enthusiastic about.

P5 Homework Week starting 26/09/16


Complete task from spelling Activity card using this week’s words. All children have a separate card.  Cards will be swapped over, each time they are handed out.



Complete task 2 from Reading Challenge.

Well done on your first task.  Some excellent work produced.  We are looking forward to sharing these in our book clubs.


Multiplication and division facts Worksheet


P6 Spelling Homework 26.9.16

Monday 26.9.16

Spelling Homework.

Blue – Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK all words twice.  Then  choose 2 activities to complete.

Red – Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK all words twice.  Complete sheet 3b and 3c.  Choose 1 activity and complete in your jotter.

To be completed by Monday 3.10.16


P2 Homework W/B 26.9.16

Homework this week:

Spelling– List 5 ‘qu’.

Reading – Ongoing. Remember the book bags should be brought to school daily, even if it’s not your child’s reading day. Thanks.

Numeracy – Continue to practice ‘LearnIts’

Topic- New topic…to be revealed…watch this space!!

Show and Tell – back to Week One of the rota. Well done to all those who had something prepared to say about their item.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday


Miss Brunt

Primary 6 Notice and Homework 23/9/16

Please note that it has come to my attention that a number of pupils may have accessed and shared film trailers for films that are certified for an older age group via their mobile phones before school. To address this we have invited the Community Police Officer to speak to pupils about accessing the internet and the dangers of sharing via social media. If you wish to talk to me further about this please do not hesitate to contact me. Mrs. Hunter


All pupils have a reading task and numeracy worksheet for Friday 30/9/16.

Pupils who are reading Football Ghosts have reading for Tuesday 27/9/16.

Please ensure that pupils are keeping their personal reading record
