P6 Homework and Update W/B 8th October 2018

Hi all,

Last week was very busy with sporting events and our class assembly. Many congratulations to our P6/7 cross country team who came fourth overall and in particular, to two P6 boys WL and LR who narrowly missed out on 2nd place but gallantly ran across the line together to secure joint third. I believe each race had about 80 competitors or more. Also, a superb run from a P6 girl, ZM to secure fifth place, again out of a large field.

On Thursday, the boys enjoyed six short games of football in their tournament and I believe won 4 out of 6 so huge congratulations to them. Girls, it’s your turn this week, on Thursday afternoon!

Events this week:

Monday*RUGBY* – I think this is the final week so huge thanks go to Bradley from LRC for his wonderful coaching.

Wednesday – Parents Evening from 17:30 onwards.

Thursday – Parents Afternoon from 15:30 onwards.

Girl’s Football Festival


FridayWorld Porridge Day in aid of Mary’s MealsWorld Porridge Day is actually on Wednesday but we have signed up for our porridge party, in association with local company STOATS, for Friday. This will not only raise  funds and awareness for Mary’s Meals but  also means extra  fun on our last day before the October break.

Children get to help make a bowl of porridge, then decorate this with healthy toppings to make a smiling face. Photos will be taken of this. We ask for a small donation ( £2 is the suggested amount but whatever you can afford would be appreciated) It  might be an idea for children ( who like porridge!) to either have a smaller breakfast or snack that day.

Here is a link for more info. I see that it has a ‘text £2 ‘  option so you could do that or bring  a donation on the day. Many, many thanks!



Spelling – continues as normal

Reading – We will be doing reading comprehension in class this week so no reading homework as such, other than to remind children to try and read 2o minutes a day, texts of their choice.

Numeracy – no homework this week. Congratulations to those who participate in the weekly Sumdog challenges. I am keeping a table of results of who is in the top 10 each week.

FridayEND OF TERM @ 12:25pm. Wishing P6 a super fun and safe October break. All back on Tuesday 23rd October, bright and breezy, ready to board the Learning Train again! Choo choo!

Miss S Brunt


P7 homework 01.10.18


Please remember that we have cross country and Boys Football events this week and forms and payment should be returned ASAP.

Parents Evening times have been handed out, Time is very tight wither night and there is little room to swap appointments,  If your time is not suitable please get in touch to meet me before or after school.


Pupils have been working on a fact file/personal project on Natural disasters.  They have a check list of THE MINUMUM requirements and, so far, have had 6 hours at school (over the course of last week), as well as home learning last week to get it half complete.  I have extended the Due in date to Wednesday 10th of October.  Pupils know there are high expectations for quality work.  The skill we are working on is note taking and writing these notes up in our own words to create new texts.

I have given out spelling books and pupils have identified the ways that they learn best.  They have spelling contracts at the front of their jotter.  The words are individualised and this week they are words which were mis spelled in our recent test.

NUMARACY- No homework but pupils MUST BE SECURE IN ALL TIMES TABLES which includes knowing the associated  division families eg. 6X4 = 24, 4 X 6 = 24, 24/4=6, 24/6=4 – Pupils should be able to answer these as quickly as they would answer, “what is your name?”

We have been learning about rounding decimals and decimal place value.  We have also been calculating time distances and learning to read train and airport timetables.

P2 Homework w.b 1/10/18

Hi all,

Happy October, I can’t believe how quickly time is flying by!

A massive thank you to everyone who came along on Friday to our cake morning, we raised a total of £37 for Macmillian Cancer Support! The children had a lot of fun making and eating the cakes!

On Monday (1st October) the children have a 30-minute Judo Taster at 11am.

Parent appointment slips were put into the children’s bookbags on Friday (28th) – if you have not received one then please let me know and I will get a new one to you. The children were also given their seashore talk letter on Thursday, again, if you do not have one then please let me know.

Here is the homework for this week:

Reading: Please complete the pages that are written in your child’s green reading record for that day.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ar’ sound and this will be the next list of words they have to practise.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller




Eco Committee News #2 28th September 2018

Our Eco Committee met again to discuss progress and start to put plans into action.


  • P5  conducted a Litter Survey to find out where most litter was found in the playground. The MUGA area and the bushes behind the ‘spider’ were the most polluted.
  • A small team from P6 counted the number of bins, recorded the type of bins and plotted the location of bins on a school map. They discovered that only 6 out of 16 bins were currently classified as recycling bins. Some labels were missing or difficult to read and all bins had general waste in them in any case.
  • Children felt that actually, many children do place their litter in bins but the wind and/or birds can sometimes take the litter back out! Investigations into the possibility of getting closed bins are underway.
  • Meanwhile, children will make clear signs to tell pupils which bins are for recycling and possibly, bins will be relocated in the playground to help in the problem areas.
  • We labelled large boxes for plastic bottle recycling, one for each class and distributed these, along with one litter picker. Each class should organise a lunchtime litter picking rota. We also put one box  in the dining hall and negotiated with Eddie as to when we could help him to empty the class recycling bins, including paper.  This will be every Friday.
  • P6 and P7 reps will email Midlothian Council to ask for funding, assistance and information.

There really is such a lot to do but we have such an enthusiastic team and children these days, are very well aware of environmental issues and seem very keen to take action.

Thanks for reading,

The Eco Committee

P6 Homework and Update W/B 1st October 2018

Hi all,

Here follows the homework and events list. It’s going to be a very sporty week for some! We also welcome Miss Dickson back, after a couple of weeks at Uni.

Spelling – continues as normal.

Reading – Thanks to all who completed the reading comprehension task last week. I will set a new reading task on Wednesday. We only have a few pages of Kensuke’s Kingdom to read, to find out what happens at the end! Remember, children should be reading other texts at home, in addition to  set school tasks. 

Numeracy – Another Sumdog Challenge this week. Please try and complete this if possible – the repetition of basic facts is essential. 250 coins to collect!


MondayJudo taster session and Rugby

Tuesday – A P6 and P7 Cross Country team have been selected to represent the school. Pupils know if they have been chosen. Permission slips ( out on Monday 1st) to be returned by 2nd! Thanks.

Wednesday – Music

Thursday – A visiting theatre group will perform a little bit of Shakespeare.

Football Festival for P6/7 boys. Again, pupils know who is involved and have already returned slips, thank you.

PE for the remaining group.

Friday – P6 will share some of their learning with fellow school pupils at assembly – we intend to share experiences gained by studying Kensuke’s Kingdom.

Parents Night  Appointment Times – slips with times were handed out to everyone present last Friday so check with your child if you haven’t seen yours yet!

That’s all for now,

Thanks for your support,

Ms Sara Brunt



P5 Homework & update w/c 24.9.18


  • Spelling: the spelling activity cards have been embraced by almost all of the class with pupils enjoying the variety of activities and option to complete as much as schedules permit. All pupils are aware of the homework expectation but I would remind parents to initial or sign homework jotters to prove that red activities have been complete.
  • Numeracy & Maths: pupils have been learning about angle types in class and have begun to practise using protractors to measure angles. The homework this week is a consolidation of class work and consists of identifying angle types (acute, obtuse and right angles).
  • Reading: pupils have now learned three Literacy Circle roles; Illustrator, Word Wizard and Question Writer. They have practised these in class using their reading book/novel. Pupils will soon be ready to apply their learning to reading homework which will begin after the October holiday.

Additional Information

Tuesday 25th September 2018 Swimming Wk4, 11:00am to 12.30pm

Please ensure pupils bring their full swimming kit and wear weather appropriate jacket and shoes for the walk to the pool.

Wednesday 10th & Thursday 11th October 2018 Parent Consultations

Appointment slips will be sent home with pupils on Friday 28th September.

PE – Tuesdays will consist of P5 taking part in a block of swimming lessons from 4th Sept to 27th November 2018. The class will walk down to the pool with Mrs Donnelly and will return with Mrs Watts. Mrs Roy will take the class for an hour of PE on Thursdays.

Many thanks,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P1 homework 24/09/18

Hello Parents and Carers

Phonics: This week your child will be bringing home their red phonics book in their bookbags. This will have the handwriting sheets for the sounds we are covering in the class over the next few weeks. 

 Monday – handwriting sheet for the letters ‘c’ & ‘k’.

Tuesday – handwriting sheet for the letter ‘e’.

Wednesday – handwriting sheet for the letter ‘h’.

Please can you only complete the sound covered in class each day. 

Reading: We are continuing with wordless books at the moment. On Thursday your child will be bringing home the first words they will need to learn for the next stage of their reading books.


Sound Bags: Every child has a small bag with the sound cards in. Please use these cards to help your child make small 2 or 3 letter words, eg. sat   at   in   pin  pat  nap   pan.

Topic: This week as part of our early man topic we will be continuing to decorate our class cave. If you have any spare magazines or newspapers please can you send them in to help us make some rocks. Thank you.

We still have several items of uniform in our class which are unclaimed and have no name in. If you are missing something please pop in.


Thank you

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming

P6 Homework and Update W/B 24th September 2018

Hi all,

Here is the weekly update.

RUGBY – continues on Monday.

PE will be on Thursday.

Spelling – Can children please have their previous week’s homework finished, ready to hand in each Monday. Thanks.

Reading – We are about two thirds through Kensuke’s Kingdom in class and overall, the feedback from children has been very enthusiastic.

As a separate reading task, children will get a reading comprehension sheet home ( probably Wednesday) to develop their skills.

Numeracy – Well done to all those who took part in Sumdog last week. Everyone has a new challenge this week. Good luck!

Parent Appointment Slip – if you haven’t already, can you fill this in please. We hope to send home appointment times on Friday.

Indoor Shoes – just another reminder that all children should have a pair of indoor shoes to change into. Thanks.

That’s all for now,

Ms Sara Brunt