Eco Committee News #2 28th September 2018

Our Eco Committee met again to discuss progress and start to put plans into action.


  • P5  conducted a Litter Survey to find out where most litter was found in the playground. The MUGA area and the bushes behind the ‘spider’ were the most polluted.
  • A small team from P6 counted the number of bins, recorded the type of bins and plotted the location of bins on a school map. They discovered that only 6 out of 16 bins were currently classified as recycling bins. Some labels were missing or difficult to read and all bins had general waste in them in any case.
  • Children felt that actually, many children do place their litter in bins but the wind and/or birds can sometimes take the litter back out! Investigations into the possibility of getting closed bins are underway.
  • Meanwhile, children will make clear signs to tell pupils which bins are for recycling and possibly, bins will be relocated in the playground to help in the problem areas.
  • We labelled large boxes for plastic bottle recycling, one for each class and distributed these, along with one litter picker. Each class should organise a lunchtime litter picking rota. We also put one box  in the dining hall and negotiated with Eddie as to when we could help him to empty the class recycling bins, including paper.  This will be every Friday.
  • P6 and P7 reps will email Midlothian Council to ask for funding, assistance and information.

There really is such a lot to do but we have such an enthusiastic team and children these days, are very well aware of environmental issues and seem very keen to take action.

Thanks for reading,

The Eco Committee

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