P6 – Week Beg: 6.1.20 – Information


Happy New Year! I hope that you all had an enjoyable time over the holiday. Thank you for all the lovely gifts I received, they were very much appreciated.

Upcoming Events in January

  • Scottish Week – In school this week we are celebrating Scottish Week, including all things Scottish! This will lead up to a poetry recital. Pupils will be asked to read, learn and recite a Scots poem; either by Robert Burns or a contemporary Scottish poet. Two pupils will be chosen to recite their poem at a special assembly on Friday 24th January.
  • Skiing – The pupils in P6 are attending Hillend Ski centre, starting on Wednesday 22nd January. For those pupils wishing to still attend, please return the consent forms provided at the end of last term along with payment ASAP.
  • Indoor Athletics Competition – Some pupils in P6 have been selected to compete in Athletics on Tuesday 14th January. It is reminded that the consent forms and payment must be returned to school in order to attend.


Spellings have been set for Friday 10th January. These are in the red homework jotters.

On Wednesday, a choice of Scottish poem will be sent home to learn and then recite in class. Props and acting as part of the recital are welcomed!

This task is due to be completed by Wednesday 22nd January.


Thanks for your support,

Mr Nelson

P2 Homework w.b. 7.1.20

Welcome back!!

I hope you all had a lovely winter break and a very happy new year. It was so lovely to see all the pupils again today and hear all of their wonderful Christmas news 🙂

P2 are going to be getting a few sessions of rugby from Bradley on Thursday afternoons, starting this week, from 1:45 – 2:30. Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit for this.

Homework will be given out tomorrow (Wednesday 8th) and it will consist of reading and spelling homework. In addition to this, I have put two Scots’ poems into book bags and children have to choose one to learn for the Burns competition on the week beginning 20.1.20. 

Reading: Pages to be read have been written into your child’s green reading record. Please sign beside each night when homework has been completed.

Spelling: This week we will start learning all about magic ‘e’ (my favourite!!!) and this week it is a with magic ‘e’. Magic ‘e’ in words is silent and it turns the vowel into its long vowel sound. For example, mad – made, car – care, cap – cape. Therefore, this weeks spelling list contains magic ‘e’ with a words.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller (L.Waller@mgfl.net)



This week’s homework (due Friday 10th Jan)

Hello everyone, welcome back! I hope you all had a restful winter break.

Starting this Thursday, P3 will be getting rugby lessons in school time in addition to normal PE, so please make sure that your child has the right kit for this!

As we are approaching Burn’s night, I have sent home copies of three poems for your child to pick from for poetry recital. We went over these in class today, however if there are any further questions about pronunciation please get in touch! Poems will be recited the week beginning 20/1, and rehearsal of your child’s chosen poem will be this week’s reading homework. Reading book work will resume next week.

This week’s spelling homework is practice of the /ee/ pattern. The words are as follows:

1. arm

2. shark

3. seen

4. three

5. seat

6. cream

7. please

8. teenager

9. eleven

10. twelve


Finally, today we welcomed Mrs Sharpe to Primary 3 where she will be working as our new Learning Assistant! Mrs Sharpe will be in our class Mondays through to Fridays.

Best wishes (and a happy new year)

Mr McGaff

P5 Week 06/01/2020

Happy New Year to all and we hope that you all had an enjoyable time over the holiday. Thank you for all the lovely gifts we received, they were very much appreciated.

This week…It is Scottish Week! We will be learning about different aspects of Scotland and Scottish life / history / culture. All children will be given a poem this week to learn and recite with expression for the competition towards the end of January.


Reading -(Daily) See reading diaries as usual.

Spelling (For Friday) – See purple spelling jotter. All children must write either sentences or a paragraph containing their spelling words. Red and Blue group should also find five new words and their meanings, these words must be of the same spelling pattern and sound.

Scottish week – Please research an aspect that Scotland is famous for and produce at least 3 facts to share in class on Friday.

PE remains on Tuesday and Thursday – please ensure your child has a full PE kit to change into (Shorts/leggings, T-shirt and socks(for girls if they wear tights).

Please could you make sure your child has indoor shoes – this helps to keep our school clean especially as children sit on the carpet.

Thank you,

Lisa Cumming and Karen Hinton


P7 Info W/B Tuesday 7th January 2020

Hi all,

Happy New Year! Thanks to everyone who gave me a lovely gift before the Christmas break. All very much appreciated.

What’s coming up this term?

This week is Scottish Week and it’s building up to the yearly poetry recital. Students will be asked to read, learn and recite a Scots poem; either by Robert Burns or a contemporary Scottish poet. Two pupils will be chosen to recite their poem at a special assembly on Friday 24th January.

Topic – we are still focussing on WW2 as our project but should finish this in the next couple of weeks. I’m going to speak with the class to finalise plans for their pupil talks on the subject.

Maths/Numeracy – a revision sheet will be sent home on Wednesday to be completed by next Wednesday.

Schedule for the week:


PE – please bring a full kit to change into!


PE – please bring a full kit to change into!

Maths/Numeracy sheet home

Poem home to learn


 That’s all for now,

Best wishes for 2020,

Miss S Brunt

Thank you!

Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for the gifts and cards I received this week. I feel very flattered by the thought put into them and I know they will all go to good use over the next two weeks!

You have all been very supportive and helpful in 2019 so I would also like to thank you for that. Primary 3 are a wonderful class, and totally deserve the break for all their hard work in school. I hope you all enjoy the winter break and I shall see you in 2020 for more!

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff 🙂

Loanhead Primary School Christmas CD

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow (18/12/19) is the last day you can buy a copy of the school Christmas CD! If you would like a copy, could your child bring £3 to Mr McGaff’s classroom before the end of the school day. A massive thank you to those who have already bought their copies!

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff

P2 News w.b. 16.12.19

Ho, ho, ho – it’s only one week to goooo!!

Primary 2 were very lucky last week and got a facetime call from Santa!! Did you know that he has 103 reindeer?!

We have lots of fun things planned this week and there will be no homework/book bags given out, so you can fully enjoy the holidays. However, if you would like any reading books etc. sent home then please just drop me an email or ask me in person!

Tuesday 17th December: P1/2 Drumming assembly 9:00am – 9:30am. Parents are welcome to join us for this. P1/2 Party after lunch, children can bring in a party outfit to get changed into after lunchtime. Santa will also be visiting at 2:30pm, so please feel free to join us then for a lovely photo opportunity!

Thursday 19th December: House sing off for the whole school.

Friday 20th December is the last day of term and we will be walking down to the church at 9am. Children have to asked to bring in a donation of a non-perishable food item to take down to the church as this will be donated to the local food bank. If you would like to join us for the service and walk down with us, then please do not hesitate to contact me to let me know. We finish at the normal time of 12:25pm and pupils resume on Tuesday 7th January at 8:50am. 

The very talented Mr McGaff has been working very hard making a ‘Loanhead Christmas CD’ which includes songs from the P1/2 Nativity and the P3-7 Christmas concert. A letter has gone into school bags with more information about how to order this and the cost etc. Please fill this in and send it back in ASAP if you would like a copy of this.

I would just like to thank you all for your wonderful support this term and I look forward to working with you all in the new year. I wish you all a very fun and relaxing Christmas!

Miss Lauren Waller (L.Waller@mgfl.net)