P6 – Information Week Beginning 3.2.20


Information for this week is as follows:

Wednesday – Skiing at the Midlothian sports centre at Hillend. Children should bring their warm clothes and water bottles.

Thursday – Learning Trio Meetings.

Friday – Learning Trio Meetings.

If there is any uncertainty / issues with your meeting time for the Learning Trio, please contact the school office ASAP.


Spellings – Tasks and Dictation is due on Friday 7th February.

Reading – Check diaries for reading set during the week for homework.

Numeracy – There is a money word problem worksheet that was given to pupils last week. It is due Friday 7th February. This will be marked and discussed in class.

Thanks for your support,

Mr. Nelson

P2 Homework w.b. 3.2.20

Learning Trio Appointments will be taking place this week on Thursday and Friday – please remember that your child must be present too as we will be working as a trio to create new targets for the term.

Last week we had our last session of rugby and the class really enjoyed it, so a huge thank you to Bradley for teaching us!

On Monday (tomorrow) we have a new author coming in to read their book to us, which will be very exciting!

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read will be in your child’s green reading record. Some children will be moving stages in their reading books after the holiday, it is important to complete reading homework to increase confidence and fluency. If you would like some reading books home for the holidays then please just let me know and I can arrange this.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘wh’ sound (whale, whisper etc.).

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller



P7 Info W/B 3rd February 2020

Hi all,

Debates –  What super debates we had last week! From veganism to phones in classrooms to the validity of zoos in 2020. Hopefully, we’ll have another debate week in the summer term.

Pupil Talks/Kids Teach – Some children will present their topic this week. TBC.

Schedule for the week:


PE – please bring a full kit to change into.


PE – please bring a full kit to change into.


PE – please bring a full kit to change into.

Maths/Numeracy sheet home – apologies for no sheet sent home last week. This week’s sheet focuses on finance.

Thursday Learning Trios Parents Meetings ( child to attend too)

Friday Learning Trios Parents Meetings ( child to attend too)

***Half Term ( February break) School finishes at 12:25pm ***

Finally, I’d like to thank the wonderful children in my class who interacted so ably with the HMIE Inspectors last week; from the House Captains giving a tour of the school to everyone who was involved in a focus discussion group. I’m so proud of you all!

That’s all for now!

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt














P6 – Week Beginning 27.1.20 – Information


The information for this week is as follows.


Wednesday – Skiing

Primary 6 will be skiing at Hillend ski centre. Remember to bring your warm ski clothing to change into and a water bottle. Last week was a lot of fun and the children all seemed to enjoy it. I was very impressed with the skiing skills that I saw!

Thursday – Junk Modelling

This Thursday, Primary 6 are joining their Primary 1 buddies to take part in a STEM challenge. P6 and P1 have designed their own baskets to carry apples by zip wire from class to class across the atrium. They have given careful thought about the strength, durability and weight of their materials. If you have any junk and packaging at home that you would be willing to donate to us to help us build our designs, Miss Ramsey and I would very much appreciate these donations.

PE – P6 have their PE lesson on a Thursday afternoon, so it is a reminder that all children will need their kit to change into each week.

Friday – Spelling dictation and revision of Numeracy homework.


Other News / Events

Times tables practice

I recommend continuing with some practice of times tables at home. The children all have their log in details for Sumdog and they can also access the website topmarks, which has fun games for practice.

Learning Trio Meetings – Term 2

All children in P6 have received a note with the time and date for the Learning Trio meetings for Term 2. These have been set for Thursday 6th February and Friday 7th February.

Athletics Competition

I want to congratulate the children who were involved in the Athletics competition last Tuesday, as they came in first place! This is a remarkable achievement, and all the children that took part were given a round of applause and much deserved recognition in assembly. Loanhead P.S were competing against schools from all of Midlothian, so very well done!

Burn’s Poem Recital Assembly

It was a fantastic assembly last Friday listening to all the wonderful poems being read and sang aloud. The children put in a lot of effort and it showed in their recitals. I want to thank the children in P6 for reciting their poems in class, which I really enjoyed! As well as the children who performed in Friday’s assembly. It was wonderful to see! Congratulations to the two winners from our class!


Mr. Nelson



P5 week beginning 27/01/20

Firstly we would like to say a well done to our 2 pupils who competed in the Scots Poetry Recital on Friday…they did extremely well and had clearly worked hard to learn it.

Homework this week:

Spelling: See purple spelling jotter as usual. All groups are to apply their understanding of the pattern and sound and find 5 (3 for Green group) new words that contain the pattern and sound. These should be accompanied with the meaning…please encourage your child to use a dictionary to help build their dictionary skills. All groups are to provide sentences or a paragraph containing their spelling words. FOR FRIDAY PLEASE.

Reading: Please see your child’s reading diary for set pages. We are focussing on prediction this week E.G. ‘What do you think will happen? Why do you think that? How do you know?’

PE is on the usual days of Tuesday and Thursday.

Learning Trio appointments have been sent home. If you need to change the time you have been given please contact the school office.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming and Karen Hinton

Primary 1 homeowrk w/b 27.1.20

Hello all,

Just a quick thank you to any of you who managed to complete the parent survey as part of our school inspection. All your feedback and comments are helpful so thank you for taking the time to do the survey.


This Thursday Primary 1 are joining their buddies to take part in a STEM challenge. P1 have been reading the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch and p1 and p6 have designed their own baskets to carry apples by zip wire from class to class across the atrium. They have given careful thought about the strength, durability and weight of their materials. If you have an junk and packaging lying around at home that you would be willing to donate to us to help us build our designs we would be very grateful.


This week’s sound: oi (boil, foil, oil) and ue (cue, rescue)


As part of our Big Maths programme we have really been focussing on counting forwards in 2’s and 5’s. If you could continue to practise this at home it would be appreciated. Please remember to very your starting number and not always start at 0.


Chips- At the Sea Side

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday -p1-16

Thursday- Stage 3 word book

Biffs- On the Sand(NEW STAGE + NEW KEY WORDS)

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday –p1-16

Thursday- Whole Book

Kippers- Go Away Floppy

Tuesday- p1-4

Wednesday- p4-8

Thursday – Whole Book

Independent Readers- Mum Bugs Big Bag

Tuesday- p1-4

Wednesday- p4-8

Thursday – Whole Book

Miss Ramsay

This week’s homework (due Friday 31st January)

Good morning everyone (I am making this week’s homework announcement early today while I still remember to do it!).

This week’s homework is the spelling pattern /ue/ and reading as per usual. The /ue/ pattern words are as follows:

  1. sunk
  2. book
  3. huge
  4. fuse
  5. rescue
  6. queue
  7. ewe
  8. useful
  9. seventeen
  10. eighteen

One skill I would recommend practising with your child for reading is making conclusions about their book. This could include judgments on certain characters after finishing the book or discussing summaries of the book’s main plot points.

Thank you!

Mr McGaff

Eco Committee News Update January 2020

Hi all,

The Eco group met recently to discuss where we’re at, where we’re going and how best to get there!

Here is a copy of the minutes:


  • Litter picking areas where rubbish is collecting and gathering with the wind. Four areas identified, P7 have noted these on map
  • Crisp packet collection boxes are very successful and the lower atrium box needs to be emptied into the large box in upper atrium
  • Eco reps reminded to go back to class and encourage pupils to continue using the crisp recycling boxes and litter pickers daily
  • Dinner hall water bottles have stopped and children are now using glasses which are beside the water fountain – great success!
  • Hopefully the next step will be to dispense with juice cartons and replace these with jugs and glasses
  • The recycling paper is overflowing in classrooms so we need to request regular removal of this
  • A suggestion of bike covers for bikes in playground as they are becoming rusty and this may be a reason that some children are not cycling to school and are being driven instead

Points of Action:

  • Arrange meeting with Janitor – bins, paper recycling
  •  Arrange meeting with Dining Room Manager  to see where else  plastic and waste can be reduced
  •  To reinstate the garden beds; plant flower beds for bees and possibly build a bug hotel.
  • To contact Terracycle about uplifting our first 8kg of empty crisp packets for recycling.

It’s fair to say that the dining room staff have been super at trying to find ways to cut waste. The Eco Committee hope to organise a spring litter pick in and around the school grounds soon.

Thanks for reading,

The Eco Committee

(Staffed by Mrs J Watts and Miss S Brunt)