Primary 4 Homework 23-2-16

Homework 23/2/16


Please continue with your learnits at home.

This term we are focusing on the 4 x table, if you could practise this new table as well as the 3x table that would be much appreciated. Remember that the children should know the answers as fast as the learn-its.

If there are any children who need their learnits updated please let me know.

Sum Dog

I have set a new challenge.


See Spelling jotters for new sounds.


Red 1- New book- The Great Spaghetti Suit- Read pages 3-9 in class and do activity sheet for class. Read 10-17 for homework.

Pink 1- Dragon Tree- Read the next 5 pages and practice key words.

Pink 2- Read pages 1 and 2 of the party.

Orange- Mr Stofflees and the painted tiger. Read chapter 3 at home and complete a book review for the book.

Blue and Yellow-  Violet comprehension for homework- (toolkit strategies- the main idea and process of elimination)

Purple- Read pages 62-79 for homework.

Green- The Personality Potion- Chapter 6 ‘The truth’ for homework and worksheet for homework.

Please keep learning the Moli Hua song and don’t forget to bring anything about Vikings that you have.


P1 Homework- 22.2.16

Welcome back!!

I hope you all had a lovely break.


Writing homework– New writing sheets have been added to children’s writing jotters. This is due for Friday.

Phonics homework– This week we are practicing the ‘oa and ‘ie’ sounds. A worksheet with these words will be sent home- please help your child read these words by sounding them out. These sheets should be kept inside the sounds folder. Please continue to practise previous sounds at home.

Reading homework– new reading books have been handed out today please check reading markers. New key words will be added to your child’s key ring please make sure you practice these words at home so that your child recognises them. It is important that you continue to practice previous key words as well.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Unfortunately the children will not be visiting the school library today so they will be unable to choose a new book, this will be rescheduled for next week.

3.30 – 5.30- Parent drop in session- Come along with your child and let them show you around their classroom and share with you what they have been doing in class. I will be available if you have any questions you wish to ask or issues you wish to discuss.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Writing homework jotters will be collected today.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P5 Titanic homework for TUES

Pupils have all been given a Titanic passenger to research and have a sheet to take notes on.  Those finished work in class have already made a start.  Pupils have all agreed to completing as much of this as possible tonight to enable them to do the associated written task tomorrow.  If the form has been lost or the name forgotten, please click this link titanic passanger homework

P6 Homework for Miss Longford

All students have spelling words, you should write your words around the edge of shapes as demonstrated in class.

Also write a short summary of the last book you read at home.

Due Mon 29th Feb

P2 Homework W/B 22.2.16

Events this week:

Tuesday – Parents ‘Drop In’ from 3:30 to 5:30pm. Pop in, with your child, to see his/her work, visit the classroom and have a quick chat with me, if you wish.

Thursday and Friday – PE as usual. Can you please check your child’s footwear for PE (for good fit and wear and tear). Thanks.

Homework: Remember, some children are given their homework for the week on a Monday, some on Tuesdays.

  • Reading – Check green homework bags for books, updates etc.
  • Spelling/Handwriting – this week, the sound focus is ‘ou’ as in ‘our’ and ‘out’.
  • New topic – Energy and Electricity ( no homework, this is just for your information)

Thank you,

Miss Brunt


P2 Celebrate Chinese New Year 2016


In the week beginning the 8th February, P2 had immense fun finding out about Chinese New Year and experiencing some of the traditional celebrations. A massive thanks to Wei for coming in and giving the children such a rich learning experience. Safe to say they loved every minute!!


Children beginning to make a large poster of the Chinese Zodiac.


Finding out where China is on a world map.


Making red lanterns.

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Adding the Chinese symbol for ‘Nian’ onto the Zodiac poster.


Cookery demonstration – how to make dumplings.


Chopstick race! Who would be first to pick up ten lids and place into a cup? This little boy was very fast!


Practising ‘Nian’ on tea-stained ‘parchment’.

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P2 make dumplings.


These were absolutely delicious and went like hot….dumplings! Not one left!


The finished display.


P6 Crêpes

Here are a few photos of our crêpe making on mardi gras this week. We then used some for pancake races and other we practised asking for our toppings in French.

























