P1 Homework- 14.3.16


Writing homework– New writing sheets have been added to children’s writing jotters. This is due for Friday.

Phonics homework– This week we are practicing the ‘ou’, ‘er’ and ‘ck’ sounds. A worksheet with these words will be sent home- please help your child read these words by sounding them out. These sheets should be kept inside the sounds folder.

Please continue to practise previous sounds at home especially the trickier ones.

Reading homework– Please make sure that children have their reading books and markers with them everyday. Please check your child’s reading marker for reading homework. Continue to practise new and old key words.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Children will visit the school library today. If your child has a library book please make sure they return it no later than today. If they do not return their book they will not be able to borrow another book. Books which are borrowed today will be due back on Thurs 24th March.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Writing homework jotters will be collected today.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P2 Homework W/B 14.3.16

Events this week:

Monday – Class Photos

– Drumming practice

Thursday and Friday – PE

Thursday – Easter Disco (eve)



Reading as usual – check green homework bags.

Spelling/Handwriting– the focus is ‘oy’ as in boy, toy…

Maths – Sumdog ‘Spring Challenge’.

Topic – Electrical circuits – see http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/revision/science/electricity.htm for some online electricity games. I found ‘ Electric Circuits’ by Hyperstaffs to have fun activities on it. (Scroll down to the first one on the fourth row)

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt

P6 homework (Miss Prior) due 16.03.16

This week’s homework will be a book review on a favorite book or a recent book you have read. The information I would like you to included:

  1. A summery of what happens in the book.
  2. A brief description of the characters.
  3. Your opinion of the book (if you would recommend it and why)
  4. A star rating out of 5
  5. An illustration

Please set this out anyway you wish. We have discussed this in class.

There are some examples of book reviews on this website


Any questions please ask.

Miss Prior 🙂


P4 Homework 8/3/16

The children are working very hard in class this week on assessments. Therefore, there will be no formal reading or spelling homework.

Reading will still be heard in class but we won’t send any reading home as the lessons we would normally use to set the homework are used for the assessment time.

Maths and Numeracy

There will however be some maths and numeracy homework distributed. Each child should have 4 worksheets to complete.

These cover multiplication and division by 10 and division in fractions. This is work that the children have recently covered in class and should be revision. However if you need any tips on how to help using the methods that we did in class, please let me know. Also, if anyone needs to borrow any cubes etc, they are welcome to do so.

Sumdog: as normal.

Learnits: There is no need to cover Learn its this week if you are short on time, maths homework can be tricky for all.

P3 Homework

The boys and girl are working very hard in class this week on assessments. Therefore, there will be no formal homework.

Children can go onto sumdog and also think about their Truly Terrific project. Reading will be heard in class when possible but we won’t send any reading home. Please keep reading your own books at home!


Miss Prior and Mrs Roy 🙂

P5 Homework for 18/3/16 – PRESENTATION

Notes on homework – has been discussed in class in great detail.  Pupils have good knowledge of this already but are expected to give their side of the argument based on facts they have researched. This is an activity where they are required to read, make judgements on good sources of evidence and form an opinion (based on facts) which they can present to the class.

titanic sinking presentation notes

P6 homework

All students have spelling homework.

Please research either Vincent Van Gogh and Frank Cotrell Boyce and write five open (or fat) questions about what you find. e.g. How would you feel if… What do you think about… Why…

Not questions with one word answers. Due: Monday 14th March

P7 Spelling 7.3.16

Spelling homework.  Please Read, cover, write and check all 10 words at least once.  Complete sheet 16 and choose one activity to complete in your jotter. For Monday 14th March.