P1 Homework- 21.3.16


happy easterMonday

Writing homework– Writing homework jotters will be collected today. There will be no writing homework this week.

Phonics homework– This week we are practicing the ‘ue’ sound and long and short vowels. A worksheet with these words will be sent home- please help your child read these words by sounding them out. These sheets should be kept inside the sounds folder.

Please continue to practise previous sounds at home especially the trickier ones.

Reading homework– Reading books will be collected today and reading homework will commence again after the holiday. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them

The circus will be visiting P1 today for a circus skills workshop.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Drumming performance- Parents are invited to come in and watch the children’s drumming performance at 11:15 today.

Children will be going to Loanhead Church for an Easter service this afternoon.



Easter activity morning- Children will be joining egg paintingthe primary two class for some Easter activities this morning. Please can each child bring in a boiled egg for egg painting.

P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Library books are due back today.

School finishes at the normal time for the Easter holidays, there will be no homework over the holidays.

I hope you have a lovely break.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P2 Homework W/B 21.3.16

  • Time seems to be flying by and we are already at the week before the Easter holidays! Egg-citing!

Events this week

Wednesday – 11:15am Cahon Drumming Performance by P1, P2, P5 and P6. Parents, you are welcome to come and watch.

                  – Church visit (pm)

ThursdayEaster Fun Activity Day where P1 and P2 will collaborate on various tasks.  PE    Please note that term finishes at 2:50pm.


  • Spelling/Handwriting sheet
  • Reading – we will just finish our books from last week as we have so many extra activities on this week . So, no new books this week but please encourage your child to read over the holidays.
  • Sumdog – P2 Shape Challenge – just a wee one this week, only 50 points to collect.

Happy Easter everyone!

Miss Brunt

P6 homework (Miss Prior) Due 23.03.16

Article from Newsround

Secondary schools in England could have longer school days due to new government plans.

George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, is responsible for setting out how the government plans to spend its money each year in his budget.

In a speech yesterday he announced that he wants to allow head teachers of English secondary schools to scrap traditional “home time” and instead decide themselves what time the school day will end.

This means that school days could be longer.

The Chancellor says his plans will mean “every child gets the best start in life”. But some teachers say it’s more complicated, and that they’re already offering after school activities.


You are going to form an argument for and against having longer school days in Scotland.

Please write:

  • 1 paragraph on why it would be beneficial to have a longer school day.
  • 1 paragraph against having a longer school day.
  • Then as a conclusion write your own opinion on the subject.
  • Please write this as a personal piece in first person.

Primary 3 Homework 14/03/16

Sorry – Tried to put homework up on Monday but hadn’t realized it had not published! Therefore homework can be handed in on Monday instead of Friday.

Spelling Homework

Task 1: Write spelling words out 3 times in columns using look,say, cover, write and check. Please make an effort to use neat handwriting.

Task 2: Please complete the task on your spelling activity card that has been put in your homework jotter.

Spelling words for week starting 14

Maths Homework

Maths worksheet to complete.

Truly Terrific Project

Please check when it is your turn on the rota.


P4 Homework 14/03/16

Homework 14/03/16


Please continue with your learnits at home.

This term we are focusing on the 4 x table, if you could practise this new table as well as the 3x table that would be much appreciated. Remember that the children should know the answers as fast as the learn-its.

If there are any children who need their learn-its updated please let me know.

Sum Dog– I am not setting a specific challenge this week, but if you can, please play!

Fractions ( topic focus)

http://www.mathplayground.com/index_fractions.html this is a good website for fractions games. If anyone would prefer a worksheet please let me know.


See spelling jotters for the new spelling sound. Supplementary activity: Write a story with people talking- include your spelling words and some speech marks.



Red- The Great Spaghetti Suit- Finish book  p25- 31

Pink 1- See reading diary

Pink 2- See reading diary

Orange- Comprehension Sheet- Skill- Reading for information.

Blue and Yellow- Apricot comprehension sheet for homework- Skills- inferring, fact and opinion and meaning of words (revision from group learning)

Purple-  Read pages 45- 55.

Green- The Revenge of Captain Blood- Chapter 4 for homework.

P6 homework

All groups have an extra week to practise their spelling spelling words but don’t have to complete another activity for the same words. Choose two more words to learn this week that you think you need or want to learn.

Also, this week listen to a piece of music that isn’t what you would normally listen to and compare it to your favorite song right now. Write your opinion of the piece – remember AND WHY?! Due Monday 21st March 2016