P6 Spelling Homework 5.9.16

Spelling Homework – for next Monday 12.9.16

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK each word twice.  Then complete 1 activity from the bank of activities and do this in your jotter.  Finally complete the sheet handed out for your group.

Blue group – sheet 1 short vowel sounds – please answer 1b and 1f in your homework jotter.  Do the rest on the sheet.

Red groupmissing words and crossword – please complete on sheet.

Any Questions please ask.

P2 Homework W/B 5th September 2016

P2 Homework this week –

  • Spelling – List 2 ‘Ch‘ – please select activities from the spelling grid given out last week.
  • Reading – check homework bags daily for updated markers.
  • Topic – we will be finding out more about Harvest time – so if anyone has any books or items about this, that would be very useful.
  • Numeracy – counting objects accurately  up to 20. Practise counting out objects. Try putting objects in pairs and counting in twos. Try making a set of ten then begin to discuss place value by adding on ones to ten.

PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays– children should have a T-shirt, shorts, socks and well fitting gym shoes. Children with long hair should have this tied back.

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P3 Home Learning due 16/09/16


WB 5/09/2016


Thursday-P.E. We also have our dictation so please look at spelling words before then.

Friday-beat that test.


A homework grid has been stuck into homework jotters.This homework is due 16.09.16. Here is a copy if needed- P3 HW 16.09.16

Many of the active spelling tasks that will be in future homework will be explained in this document-active spelling guide

Reading will be written on reading bookmarks.I will also pop a copy of P3’s learnits for this year. We will have a beat that test on a Friday.

Any questions about homework, please just ask.

Miss Prior 🙂



Primary 4 Homework 30/08/16

P4 Homework 30/08/16

Please Note: Homework is distributed on a Tuesday and should be handed in on a Monday. However, some reading groups will have to read every day and their reading homework will be changed on a daily basis.

Spelling- Week 1) aw and oo

We will focus on the same sound for two weeks- additional words will be added next week.

Gorillas  ( aw ) sound

Pandas (oo) sound

Wolves (oo) sound

All Groups:

Words in jotters

  1. Write words three times and repeat them, noticing the tricky words and how they sound different. All groups have * tricky * words.
  2. Write a sentence for each word.
  3. Complete one Spell Well activity.


Purple and Orange – See new books and bookmark daily.

Red Yellow and Green- Comprehension worksheet “Public Transport” – to be completed for Monday 5th September.




P2 Homework – Week Beginning 29th August 2016

Events this week:

Monday – A visiting theatre group will perform ‘Oliver Twist’ to the whole school.

Tuesday and Thursday – PE

WednesdayMeet the Teacher3:30 – 4pm. A chance to drop in with your child, see the classroom and have an informal chat.

‘Show and Tell’ – Children may bring in items of interest- maybe souvenirs from holiday, medals, certificates or  items related to topic work. I’m trying to discourage children bringing in toys.


Everyone has reading and spelling homework. I have sent home work in a clear homework bag unless your child handed in their green folder from last year.

Spelling – I have sent home a sheet with SIX weeks worth of spelling lists. I have dated the top of each list, clearly indicating when each one is to be learned. This week, the sound focus is ‘sh‘. I have also sent home a grid of spelling activities which are basically online games, jotter work and quick revision games which need nothing. If you cannot access the spelling games online, do not worry as your child will play these games in school ICT time anyway. Use the other choices to practise the spelling list.

When will my child get a spelling test?

We ‘test’ spelling through the dictation of sentences and so, the dictation of List 1 will take place next Monday, 5th September. So, your child has a whole week to learn their spelling words.


Everyone gets a new book this week, following on from where they left off in Primary One 🙂 . I’ll put in markers to guide you as to how much to read and when.


Thanks for your support; hope to meet you on Wednesday.

Miss Brunt

Welcome Back!

A warm welcome back to all our pupils, parents and staff and a very big welcome to all our new Primary 1 pupils and parents. We have had a very positive start to the new school term with the children and staff all looking refreshed and ready to learn!

Please remember that our school website aims to keep you informed about all of our school news and evens and as well as homework, our monthly newsletters are published here.  This year, we begin by piloting a page for every class which we hope will be easier to locate specific news and events.



P2 Final Week!

The final countdown has begun- we have reached the last week of term before the summer holidays! As such, the only homework this week is to finish the spelling lists (91-100).

  • I will collect all reading books in on Wednesday. Please return any library books too please.
  • Sumdog winners – I have worked out the top 3 players throughout P2 and will present these pupils with a small prize on Wednesday, as I will do to the top 3 players in our current competition. Well done to all who took part and remember, Sumdog should be open over the holidays if children have a spare half hour or so.
  • PE will happen at different times this week due to demands on the large gym hall so please make sure your child has his/her kit with them all week.
  • Sturdy plastic bags- please hand one in on or before Wednesday so your child can empty their work trays and bring art work home.
  • A reminder that school finishes at noon on Friday.

And finally…

I just want to wish everyone a happy and safe summer holiday. I have very much enjoyed teaching this wonderful class and although I am sad to see them go, will look forward to watching their progress in P3 with the lovely Miss P and Miss L. I also want to thank you, the parents, for being so supportive throughout.

Happy summer!

Miss Sara Brunt


Au revoir P6

Thank you P6 for an excellent year full of learning and fun. I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you all and getting to know you. I hope you have a great summer holiday.

A la prochaine!


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