P7 homework

After mid term the pupils will have literacy and numeracy homework on a weekly basis which should consolidate skills required for progression.  There will still be an expectation to read for 20 minutes each day as this has been proven to assist with spelling and writing as well as building up vocabulary knowledge.

This week Pupils have the sumdog challenge to complete as well as a comic strip from our Risk Factory visit.  The comic strip should raise awareness of (home safety, water safety, fire safety etc and show a scenario with rules/resolution highlighted at the end (or middle as some pupils wanted to show positive and negative choices)

Pupils should be revising the 8x table facts and have been working really hard on consolidating these with division links.

We are having a week of researching Evacuation and the skill focus is selecting information, highlighting and being able to produce your own text with information read.  In class pupils are currently working on a fact file on Evacuation and will write a diary entry as assessment.  Home resesrch is welcomed 🙂

Also, if you are unable to attend parent consultations please can you let me know, I have little space both nights so knowing if people are unable would be helpful.

P2 Homework W/B 10.10.16

Events this week:

**Reminder**Parents Meetings –  You should have had an appointment time sent home last Friday – check book bags for slip.

Wed ( evening session)

Thurs ( afternoon session)

FridayDress Down Day– no uniform day and donate a Halloween item for the Halloween party (which is after the hols)

Friday – END OF TERM for the October holiday –  pick up at 12:15pm for P1/2 as normal. All resume Monday 24th October.

**Reminder** – Please try to fill in the permission slip and pay for the Dynamic Earth trip before the end of the week. Many thanks 🙂

Show and Tell – Week One Rota

Indoor shoes – all children should have a pair of indoor shoes to change into.

Coats/jackets – Can all pupils please come to school with a coat or jacket now that the weather is turning cooler.


Spelling List 7 – See new 6 week sheet list ‘Days 1’

Reading – as normal

Numeracy – practise adding on one and taking away one within 10, 20, 100 and beyond if appropriate. This week, P2 will be introduced to Sumdog – an interactive maths website which we will begin to use for homework after the holidays.

Topic – continues to be about Dinosaurs


Miss Brunt


P6 Homework 7/10/16

All pupils have maths homework for Friday 14/10/16.

Pupils reading Space Baby have reading homework for 11/10/16.

All other reading groups will commence after the October break.

Primary 1 and 2 Visit to Dynamic Earth

In connection with our new topic ‘Dinosaurs’ Primary 1 and 2 are going to Dynamic Earth on Wednesday 26th October. We will leave school at 9.15 am and return by 2.00pm. Please can all children wear school uniform and bring a snack and a packed lunch (NO NUTS, CANS OR FIZZY JUICE). The cost of this trip is £7.00 which includes transport, a workshop and a tour of Dynamic Earth. If any parents are able to help please let us know.

P4 Homework 04/10/16

P4 Homework 04/10/16

Spelling– Week 1) ch and igh

Gorillas (igh) sound

Pandas (ch) sound

Wolves (ch) sound

All Groups:

Words in jotters

Write words three times and repeat them, noticing the tricky words and how they sound different.

Ask the children about the new strategy of skimming and scanning that they have been learning in reading- being word detectives. Ask them to skim a book or magazine to find words with their spelling sounds.

Complete one Spell Well activity- if these are lost please send in a note or a message with your child for a new one.


Pink and Orange – See new books and bookmark daily.Homework will be coming out on a Monday for reading for these groups in future also.

Yellow- Chapter 4 to be completed for Tuesday 11th October

Blue Chapter 4 to be completed for Tuesday 11th October

Green P12-19 for Wednesday 5th  and p19-23 for Thursday 6th.

Some weeks there will be additional work required such as worksheets or activities and some weeks, like this one, only reading will be required.

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P1 Homework: Week Beginning 3/10/16


 New sounds given out this week, please help your child to write, hear and say them.

Use new set of sound cards with previous set to make simple 3 letter words.


Read book with parents / carers every night, discussing the picture and answering questions from parents and carers.


Our new topic is dinosaurs, if the children have things they want to share in connection with this topic they are welcome to bring them in for our interest table.

Parent consultations: These are on 12th and 13th October, please check your child’s book bags for the letter and return the form ASAP if you have not already done so.


Your child came home with a school library book, this book is due back by the 28th October.

P7 news

Please could parents ensure they have returned their annual data check forms and Parent Consultation day requests asap.  Times for parent consultations will be allocated from 5/11/16 and you should receive notification by the end of the week.

There is a SUMDOG challenge for Numeracy and for your information, we have been looking at measure (volume, capacity and length/area) over the past few weeks. There is a worksheet on BOMDAS due for Friday.

We are doing a novel study in School so the reading homework is the expected 20-30 minutes reading for enjoyment each night. I have asked pupils to try and see if they have dictionaries at home as there is dictionary work homework this week – Pupils are able to borrow them from school should they need to.

Can I also ask that P7 have a FULL change of PE kit in school each day.



Primary 5 Homework week starting 03/10/16


Task 1: Write words out 3 times in neat columns using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check


Task 2: Write 5 sentences, each with a spelling word and an adverb.

Remember an adverb is a word which gives more meaning to a verb.  Many adverbs tell us how something happened. Many adverbs end in ly e.g. quietly, quickly, smartly


Task 1: Write out and learn the 6 x table. Ask someone at home to test you on it. Try to recite it in order but then answer questions on it, out of sequence.

Reading Challenge

Complete task 3