P5 Week Beginning 25/04/22

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that you have all had a restful and healthy Easter break. I’m sure the children were ready for it.

This week:

Reading – please see your child’s reading book as usual.

Spelling – please see spelling jotter.

Individual Presentation – more information about this will be posted in Google Classroom.

Numeracy – As usual please continue to work on rapid recall of times tables to develop a secure knowledge of this.

As this is the week before we go to camp, I will be chatting to the children  about all the arrangements during this week. I will share any information on Google Classroom so please ask your child about this.

As always please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Kind regards,

Lisa Cumming     l.cumming@midlothian.education

P5 Week Beginning 4/4/22

Dear Parents and Carers,

I can’t believe we are already at the last week of term. The children have really enjoyed their outdoor learning over the last two weeks and we were very lucky with the weather.

CAMP LETTERS – Important! Permission forms are coming home today. Please check school bags, they must be returned to school by Friday 8th April. 

UKRAINE APPEAL This week (until 6.4.22) we are collecting teddies and cuddly toys in good condition, these will go to the ‘Teddy Bear Trust’ who will distribute these to Ukrainian children.

This week homework is only reading and continuing to learn their times tables.

Monday- Mandarin has moved from Wednesday to Monday just for this week. P.E as usual.

Wednesday P.E. as usual

Thursday – Golf Trip in the morning (postponed from last week). Please can children arrive 5 minutes early.

Easter activity with Mr Duffin in the afternoon.

Carrot hunt in the afternoon.

Friday Easter Assembly with Mr Duffin.  Easter Fair in MUGA 12.25 – 2.00pm

School Clothing Can you please ensure that these are appropriate. Crop tops are not suitable for school. Leotards are also not ideal for wearing all day. Football tops are not allowed. Thank you for your support with this.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter break and look forward to seeing you all on April 25th.

Kind regards,

Lisa Cumming l.cumming@midlothian.education

P7 Info W/B Monday 4th April 2022

Hi all,

I hope everyone has had a restful weekend to recover after camp! What an amazing experience it was. I have compiled several Google Slides files of photos which will be available to view on Monday morning in Google Classroom. Children will also create digital blogs this week to capture those memories.

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🏠Homework : There is no formal homework this week although children may add to their blogs at home if they so wish. 

🎸Mr Forbes – Mr F will continue to rehearse the P7 song with the class this week. Very sadly, this is his final week with us. He really has made a very positive impact on everyone in school and we will miss him greatly when he goes. However…we hope that he will come back and play the guitar for us when it is time to share the P7 song with you all, towards the end of next term. 🤞🤞🤞

🐣🥕Easter Activities – Towards the end of this week there will be some Easter activity fun and an assembly with Mr Duffin on Friday.

Also on Friday, straight after school, there will be an Easter Fair in the MUGA  organised by the Parent Council (12:25 to 2pm).


👉Finally, term ends on Friday 8th and re-opens to all on Monday 25th April.

Have a superb break everyone!

That’s all for now,


Thank you,

Miss Brunt

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P3 Homework – 29.3.33

Hi everyone,

Homework –

Homework will go out on a Tuesday and be returned the following Monday. This is to accommodate families who have parents working long hours and children with extracurricular activities. If you wish to still hand in Friday that isn’t a problem.


Spelling words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences unless this has been discussed with me previously. Remember the third column is optional.

Spelling focus for each group:

Ravenclaw – long o –  oa and o-e and ow revision.

As Ravenclaw are the only group with spelling words I have agreed a trade off that work can be done on chrome books and either sent to me electronically or printed and stuck into books. If your child still wishes to handwrite that is ok too.

Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff  are all in a check up week therefore have no spelling words. If you wish to do some additional work please revise any spelling patterns previously taught.  There is no formal homework set.


Dragons : The Night of the Ticklers

Tuesday– Chpt 2 – 3

Wednesday – Chpt 4-5

Thursday- Chpt 6 – 7

Fri/Weekend  Chpt – 8, 9, 10


Nessies: Okay, Spanner, You Win!

Tuesday– Chpt 1

Wednesday – Chpt 2

Thursday- Chpt 3

Fri/Weekend  chpt 4-5


Unicorns – Robbie Woods and his Merry Men

Tuesday –  Chpt 1 + 2

Wednesday –  Chpt 3 + 4

Thursday- Chpt 5

Friday/Weekend –  Chpt 6


Kelpies – Boss Dog of Blossom Street (Some books may be marked as level 9. This is due to changes within the ORT scheme. The book is still level 10)

Tuesday– Chpt 1

Wednesday- Chpt 2

Thursday- Chpt 3

Fri/Weekend – Author’s Note and research which other books she has written


Selkies – Survival Adventure (New Stage)

Tuesday– p1-8

Wednesday- p9-16

Thursday- p17-24

Fri/Weekend – p25 – End


Mermaids – Egyptian Adventure

Tuesday– p1-8

Wednesday- p9-16

Thursday- p17-24

Fri/Weekend – p25 – End

Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay


P6 Week Beginning 28.3


P.E: Tuesday and Thursday – please come dressed for P.E and bring a water bottle for hydration.

Mandarin  on Wednesday with Ms Sun and the last week of gardening.

Please remember that children are expected to bring their Chromebook into school every day and it has to be charged at home. 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/loanheadps

Science: We really enjoyed our science morning on Tuesday, learning all about electricity and circuits. We will be be continuing this on Thursday morning – learning about how batteries work and building different types of circuits!


Spelling: Words should be written three times in neat, cursive handwriting in their jotter, and then there is a task to complete on Google Classroom.

Titanic Pupil Talk: The children should continue to work on their Titanic talk.

Numeracy: There will be a worksheet given to all children which revises some numeracy concepts we have learned this year.

Just a reminder that ALL children are expected to hand in their homework on FRIDAY of each week. Homework should be neat and legible. 

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller
