P4 Homework 15/11/16

My apologies for last week- when I typed up the homework I must have forgotten to actually publish it so it was not visible on the website!

P4 Homework -5/11/16

Spelling– Week 2) a-e and o (u)

Gorillas (o) sound like in money or monkey

Pandas (a-e) sound (magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g cam   came   sam same)

Wolves (a-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g cam   came   sam same)

All Groups:

Words in jotters:

Complete one Spell Well activity- if these are lost please send in a note or a message with your child for a new one.


Pink –  Mini Marvels- See bookmark

Orange –  Planes- See bookmark

Yellow- Meeting Cezanne by Michael Morpugo- P34-44 and a short summary.

Blue – The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl.- 32-42 and a short summary.

Green – The Lie Detector- see bookmark

*NEW*   Numeracy- This week I have set a competition on Sumdog if the children have time to go on and have a go. I have sent their passwords home with them in their learnits envelope. I have also sent them home with an envelope with their learnits in them. These are for you to work through at home until the envelope is empty, when you can get more.

The Rules

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

P1 Homework week beginning 14/11/16

Sounds: This week we are working on reinforcing the more difficult sounds learnt over the last two weeks – ai, oa, ee, or and ie.

Homework will consist of a mixture of work related to the sounds and word building work. Please continue to practice the words that have been coming with their reading books.


We will be moving on to the months of the year and how they fit in with the seasons.


Author visit: P1 – P4 will have a visit from an author, McNicol and Jackson of ‘Badger the Mystical Mutt’ stories, on Tuesday 15th November.

Friday is Children in Need day, the children can wear something spotty if they would like to.

We are holding a school Christmas Fair and as part of this P1 and P2 are responsible for the second hand toy stall. Please remember to send in any good quality, clean toys for us to sell..

Finally the Nativity is well under way – you may have been hearing the songs at home! The children all know the part they are playing, we have consulted with the children and held simple auditions to help us decide which parts they should have.

P5 Homework week starting 14/11/16

Spelling Homework – For Friday

Write your spelling words 3 times in neat columns using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check.

Try to learn your words, then ask someone at home to test you. Write your score in your jotter.


Reading Text Chain Challenge – For Friday

Complete task 8 of your reading challenge and make sure all other reading tasks are returned in your Reading Challenge bag.

Text Chain Poster – For Monday 21st November

Make a ‘Text Chain’ poster that demonstrates the links between all your texts.  Be creative and use your artistic skills. Please be prepared to share your poster with the class on Monday.






P6 Spelling homework 14.11.16

Monday 14th November

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK all words twice.

Complete one activity from sheet in your jotter.

Complete sheet – Blue – Consonant clusters and Phonemes

Red – 7b and 7c


Please complete for Monday 21st November

P2 Homework W/B 14.11.16

Homework this week:

Spelling List 11 – ss/zz

Reading – continues as normal. Please can all children bring their book bag everyday. Thank you.

Numeracy – Sumdog Challenge – ‘Big Ten’ concentrates on arithmetic within and up to ten. 200 coins to get!

Events this week:

Tuesday – The authors of ‘Badger the Mystical Mutt’ series of books are visiting Loanhead and will talk to the infant classes.


PE – please have PE kits in daily as hall timetables may change weekly.

Friday – Children In Need – dress down day but the theme is spotty this year! Make a donation if you wish 🙂


School Fair Appeal – P1 and P2 will be organising the toy stall for the fair on December 2nd. If you have quality/intact toys and games that you no longer want, we would be delighted to take them for our stall.  All toy donations to be handed in by Wednesday 30th November. Many thanks in advance!


P1 Homework 7th Nov. 2016

Sounds: This week the sounds are two letter sounds which can be trickier to learn. It is important to remember to help your child learn that the two letters make one sound. Please continue to help your child learn to read and make the words from the Word Box 1 list.

Maths: We are learning about the seasons and the sequence and names of the four seasons.

Numeracy: We are learning to count backwards from 20, to help with this it might help to do it in stages e.g to count back from 12 then from 14 etc.


Poppies are still for sale daily…please send a minimum of 20p if your child would like to buy a poppy.

Curriculum Evening on Thursday: this is on internet safety. Parents are invited into school on the Friday morning at 9.00am to observe internet safety or personal safety being taught in the classrooms.

Assembly: Parents are invited to stay for the Rememberance  Assembly after observing learning in the classrooms on Friday morning.

Nativity: The children are now beginning to learn the songs for the Nativity, we will also be giving out the parts for the Nativity this week. The children have all decided if they would like to have a speaking part or not and auditions have taken place.

Woodland visits. Please make sure you have returned the permission form for the visit on Weds 9th and Monday 14th. If you have not been given a permission form yet these will be handed out over the next week.