P1 Homework 20/02/17

Welcome back after the half term break, I hope it has been restful.

We have a couple of new exciting things happening this term; along with P2, are very lucky to be having a 6 week block of gymnastics, this will be on a Monday afternoon. We will have PE on Monday and Thursday until the Easter holidays.

On Thursdays every class will be having French from our modern languages assistant Margaux. The children have met Margaux and are looking forward to learning French from her.

Reading: We will continue reading as normal, (words, sentences and activities) please check the book bags.

Phonics: We are continuing to learn the consonant blends – homework will be sent home related to this on Mon, Tues, Weds.

I will begin to send home a list of up to 5 words each week. These words are high frequency words that children need to learn to read by sight and to write them. Please help your child to learn to read and write them.

Topic: We will begin a new topic this week – I am sure you will find out about this later in the week!


P6 Spelling Homework

Monday 20th February

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice.

BLUE – Complete 2 activities in jotter.

RED – Complete sheet and 1 activity in jotter.


For Monday 27th February

P2 Homework W/B 20.2.17

Welcome back after the February break. Here’s looking forward to the next six weeks of term.

What’s new this term?

  • Gymnastics – P1 and P2 are going to get a block of gymnastics with a specialist every Monday now until Easter so children will need their PE kits every Monday ( and Thursday). Can pupils with long hair make sure they can have this tied back please.
  • French – every class will get a weekly half hour lesson with Margaux, a French language assistant. Children have met Margaux already when she told them a bit about herself and her home in France.
  • New topic – to be revealed later in the week. The electricity topic is finished and the feedback received from the children about this topic was very positive. I plan to share our PowerPoint ‘P2 News’ later on this week.

Homework –

Spelling – List 22 ‘y’ (known as ‘toughy y’ as it pushes ‘shy i’ out of the way)

Reading – continues as normal – check book bags for updates.

Numeracy – On Wednesday I will send home a sheet of ‘add/take 2’  sums to be cut into flashcards and used for ‘quick fire’ recall practice.

That’s all for now…

Thanks for your continued support,

Miss Brunt



P4 Homework 7/02/17

Homework 7/02/17

Spelling– Week 1) 

Gorillas (a sounds like ah)

Copy words 3x. Write four sentences and think of at least three more words that START with this sound.

Pandas (oa as in soak or boat)

Copy words 3x. Write four sentences and think of at least three more words that have this sound in them.

Wolves (oa as in soak or boat)

Copy words 3x. Write four sentences and add ing to the words that you can add ing to. Are these past or present tense?

Reading Homework

The Yellow and the Blue group- Lilac number 2 comprehension worksheet- circle the answers.

Pink – See bookmark

Orange – See bookmark

Green –  See bookmark

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits. If there are any people who need new learnits can you write a note and let me know.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.


P1 Homework 06/02/2017

Thank you to those who managed to make the drop-in last Thursday…the children enjoyed showing you their classroom and looking at their work.

Reading: Children will have a new book and associated key words. They will also be given sentences and another reading activity linked to their book.

Sounds: As we have finished the initial learning of Jolly Phonics sounds we are now starting on consonant blends e.g. br, cr, fr, etc. We will continue to use the jolly phonics and will revise them regularly, please encourage your child to do the same at home.

Topic: This week we are talking about how we learn and what can help us. The children will be learning through stories and discussion and this is something that we will refer back to frequently.

After the half-term we will be starting a new topic called ‘Fairyland’. It is a lovely topic around fairy stories and will be covering a lot of literacy related work through this topic.

Don’t forget the children finish on Friday for a weeks holiday.


P5 Homework Week starting 06/02/17

Additional Homework added 08/02/17 to be returned by Tuesday 21/02/17.

Maths:Complete Calendar questions on worksheet.

Topic- Rainforest: Think of two short questions you’d like to ask about the rainforest, research to find answers. Write each question and it’s answer onto white paper. Make a leafy background for your information using the green paper.

Spelling Homework

Task 1

Write your words 3 times each in neat columns using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check.

Spelling Words Week starting 30-1ibkcff

Task 2

Pick 3 of your words and write a sentence using each.  As we have been working on pronouns, please also use a pronoun in each sentence.

Here are some pronouns you might use:

I,me,they,them,we,us, she,her,he,him,it,you,


Complete Money worksheet



P6 Spelling Homework 6.2.17

Monday 6th February

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK all words twice in your jotter.

Complete one activity in your jotter.

Complete sheet BLUE – 13. Magic e 2

RED – 16c and 16d

Complete for Monday 20th February

P3 Home learning WB 06/02/17

Homework will be due in on Friday 10th of February.

Spelling- Words stuck in jotter. Look, say, cover, write, check three times. Then copy words out with consonants in red and vowels in blue.

Maths- This week’s maths homework will be a sumdog time challenge plus continuing with learnits. If you would like to do any extra work at home we have been working on o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to on analogue and digital clock.

Reading- On reading marker.

If anybody had any copies of ‘The Twits’ at home I would be very grateful if the class could borrow them as we are going to complete a novel study after the February break.

On Friday we will be going to Loanhead Library to return our books and borrow some new ones. If any children have their book at home please can you make sure they bring it in. There will be no permission slips given out as it is a local excursion.

Miss Prior 🙂