P2 News in Pictures

Here are some pictures from recent weeks.

P2 News

 These two did a sterling job of reading the news at assembly!

Electricity –

Investigating how simple circuits work and testing conducting materials.

Fun with fractions – how many ways can we colour a flag in halves?



That’s better!

Learning French with Camembear and friend.

That’s all folks!


P2 Homework W/B 27.2.17

Events this week:

  • World Book Day is on Thursday and to recognise this, we are asking children to bring in a book they enjoy reading to read at specific points each day. Don’t worry if you forget, we have plenty of great books in school!
  • The photographer is in school on Wednesday to take group/class photos (not individuals or family) so can pupils please wear school uniform.
  • Gymnastics continues on Monday so children will need their PE kit for this  ( and on Thursday please)

Homework –

Thanks to all who completed the ‘electricity’ comprehension task.

Reading –  continues as normal plus extra reading in class for World Book Week.

Spelling  – List 23 ‘ow’ as in grow, show

Numeracy – Add on/take away three sheet will be sent home on Wednesday.  Please cut these sums up to use as flash cards. Children really need to be fast at knowing these basic facts.

Topic‘Fairyland’  This is a story based topic which lends itself to many cross-curricular learning opportunities. Last week, children discovered a small dragon in their classroom and he brought with him a letter, explaining that Fairyland has been destroyed and that he needs P1/2 to rebuild it in our atrium. He also wants children to read and listen to more fairy tales to keep Fairyland alive. The children have named the dragon Stripy!

Can children bring in some ‘small’ junk to help us make things for Fairyland? Examples being small boxes ( cereal packets, tissue boxes etc), kitchen roll tubes ( not toilet tubes please)…thanks in advance!

Miss Brunt

P4 New Topic- Science- The Water Cycle

Hi All,

Our new topic is the weather cycle, water in our homes, environment and its impact on living things. We will also explore how water changes state. We will also try to make our own clouds.

Shortly after we will look at water on a global scale oceans, rivers, continents and different environments and people and the ways that water, lack of and abundance, affects them.

We are going to be taking part in some science experiments in relation to this topic and are looking for some resources:

  1. Empty jars of any size.
  2. A spare hairdryer or two.
  3. Grownups who would like to help on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons at about 1.15-2.30pm with some science experiments.
  4. Ice cube trays.

If you can help with any of these things send them in or come and see me anytime!



P4 and Mrs Cooney


P4 Homework 21/2/17

Homework 21/02/17

Spelling– Week 1) 

Gorillas (tion as is station)

Copy words 3x. Write four sentences and think of at least three more words that end with this sound.

Pandas (ir as in bird)

Copy words 3x. Write four sentences and think of at least three more words that have this sound in them.

The pandas have three topic tion words also- precipitation, condensation and evaporation.

Wolves (ir as in bird)

Copy words 3x. Write four sentences.

Reading Homework

The Yellow and the Blue group- Fact and Opinion homework worksheet.

The children have also brought home a reading toolkit jotter with strategies they have been learning in class. This should support them and you with the completion of homework. We will be using these toolkits in class too so if they could bring them in their bags daily, that would help.

Pink – See bookmark

Orange – See bookmark

Green –  See bookmark

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits. If there are any people who need new learnits can you write a note and let me know.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

* P7 homework and news 21.2.17 *

  • Many pupils have reading comprehension homework to finish from Monday for Wednesday.
  • Pupils have a speed/distance/time maths sheet (for fri)
  • Vex robotics forms to be completed for Wed (only for those wishing to be considered to take part in national contest)
  • SUMDOG challenge(s) for class
  • Hour of code: Majority of pupils have requested extra work on programming and robotics, links are below but VEQ channels on you tube are an excellent resource and pupils are encouraged to note take.
  • http://www.robotmesh.com/studio/106407
  • https://code.org/learn/robotics
  • https://code.org/minecraft

P3 Home Learning WB 10/02/17

Welcome back. I hope you all had a lovely break.

News for this term…..

  • We are starting a novel study on ‘The Twits’. As we are basing all our reading tasks around this there will be no reading book sent home (I predict this will be 2/3 week). Please continue to read every night. I have stuck a reading journal into the back of homework jotters. Reading can be anything from, stories, an article on the internet, reading a recipe. Be as creative as you like!
  • French – We will be having Margaux, a French language assistant on a Thursday. She has already told us lots about her home in France.
  • Topic- Ancient Egyptians continues.


Homework grid will be inside homework jotters. It is due in for the 3rd March.