P1 Homework and TRIP 22/5/2017

IMPORTANT! Please remember P1 are on a trip on Tuesday23rd May. They must where school uniform and have a packed lunch unless you have requested one from the school. Please make sure your child has suitable footwear and ‘weather’ clothing – If you wish to put sun cream (just in case)then please do.

Reading homework will hopefully be given out on Tuesday if not then they will bring it home on Wednesday.

PE is back to the normal days Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.

Sharing our Learning assembly on Thursday at 2.30pm – all parents carers of P1 are invited.

Parent’s Consultations are on Wednesday (evening) and Thursday (after school)

Summer Fair on Friday 26th May from 11:00am

P7 news and homework

This week personal projects are due. Please also remember that pupils have reading homework twice a week- the majority are not doing the necessary work.

Wednesday- Advertiser are coming in to take P7 photos. Please wear hoodies. Project due in. Maths homework given out today for Monday.

Friday-reading for today.

Please return Beeslack transition slips. Also if you wish you purchase an autograph book please can you let me know.

Summer fair- we are looking for as many P7 helpers as possible and donations for raffle, hamper, tombola and stalls still needed.



P2 Homework W/B 22/5/17

Monday– Holiday for all pupils

Tuesday – PE

Wednesday – Parents Evening

Thursday – Parents Afternoon

FridaySummer Fair 11am – 1pm.  A note will come home to check if you are able to pick your child up at 11am to take to the Summer Fair. Anyone who is not picked up, I’ll take to the fair and we’ll return to the classroom for 12:15pm dismissal as normal.

Homework as usual although this will be issued one day later due to the holiday.


Miss Brunt

P4 resources appeal.

Hi all,

After the trip next week we are beginning Forces our new science topic. We are going to combine this with music and design and technology.

We need some materials to help us make instruments such as:

Plastic tubs (margarine, icecream or old Tupperware)

Pringles tubs

Biscuit tins, coffee tins, other tins without sharp edges


For the science aspect if anyone has any:

old material, carpet, lino, tile, magnets or toy cars (wheeled toys) that we could use/ borrow then this would be much appreciated.


Mrs Cooney and P4

P4 Homework 16/5/17

Homework 16/05/17


Gorillas (i) Week 1 like in find and pint

Pandas (ur) Week 1

Wolves (ur) Week 1

Activities: All groups  4 sentences or a silly story. Write cover copy and check.

Reading Homework

The Yellow  group- News Reports week 1 BEE and Q report: We have discussed a news report in class. Read again at home and answer the questions on the worksheet you have been given. 

Blue Group- News Reports week 2- A fishy situation: We have discussed a news report in class. Read again at home and answer the questions on the worksheet you have been given.  (Please note, the group didn’t get their activity home today!- I will make sure they get it tomorrow (Wednesday)

Pink – See bookmark

Orange – See bookmark

Green –  See bookmark.

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits. If there are any people who need new learnits can you write a note and let me know.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

P1 Homework 15/05/17

Reading: Please see the cards in their homework bags.

Phonics: We are continuing to revise the ‘two letter’ sounds.

PE: is on Monday and Wednesday this week. This is the last gymnastics session, the children have really enjoyed it and learned a lot, as have I! In their bags is a letter about the gymnastics if anyone is interested in following this up.

Friday 19th May: Dress down day – Please send in a small item that can be wrapped for the tombola in the Summer Fair.

P1 are doing their ‘Sharing their Learning’ assembly on Friday 19th May – this is for the school. Parents are invited in to see the assembly on Thursday 25th May at 2:30pm.

The children will be working on their poem for the annual school poetry competition this week.

TRIP: Please return your form and payment this week if you have not already done so.

Monday 22nd May is a holiday for the children, staff have an inservice day.