P1 Homework 15/05/17

Reading: Please see the cards in their homework bags.

Phonics: We are continuing to revise the ‘two letter’ sounds.

PE: is on Monday and Wednesday this week. This is the last gymnastics session, the children have really enjoyed it and learned a lot, as have I! In their bags is a letter about the gymnastics if anyone is interested in following this up.

Friday 19th May: Dress down day – Please send in a small item that can be wrapped for the tombola in the Summer Fair.

P1 are doing their ‘Sharing their Learning’ assembly on Friday 19th May – this is for the school. Parents are invited in to see the assembly on Thursday 25th May at 2:30pm.

The children will be working on their poem for the annual school poetry competition this week.

TRIP: Please return your form and payment this week if you have not already done so.

Monday 22nd May is a holiday for the children, staff have an inservice day.

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