P3 Homework and Health week Info

Health week Monday 5th-Friday 9th June

This week will be jam packed with all things healthy! Children are encouraged to come to school in sports clothes as there will be sporting activities on every day. We will also be doing lots of work in class to promote our mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing including healthy lifestyles, relationships and food.

REMINDER-Sports Day is on Monday afternoon. Starts at 1pm (weather permitting).

Health Week HomeworkImage result for health week

Below are 3 healthy tasks to complete.

Task 1

Five a day challenge! Aim to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Complete the chart by writing in what you have eaten. Use this to practise spelling the names of common fruit and veg correctly.

Task 2 

Keep a diary of the exercise you have completed over the week. This can be activities at school, after school clubs, playing with friends, walking the dog……anything that gets you moving.

Task 3

Plan a healthy meal worksheet.

P2 Homework and Events W/B 5.6.17

** HEALTH WEEK 2017**Image result for Healthy Cartoon

All pupils will participate in various ‘health’ activities this week, with a focus on exercise, healthy eating and mental/emotional wellbeing. Children are encouraged to wear ‘sporty’ clothes each day eg. joggers/leggings, T-shirts ( but no football team shirts please).

Some of the activities on offer include rugby, dance, balance bike, music and movement, poetry and discussion groups …and not forgetting Sports Day itself on Monday.

Monday 5th June- Dance (am).  Sports Day ( weather permitting) Starts at 1pm. House teams complete 6 activities in potted sports followed by running races in the MUGA.

TuesdayRugby (am) Music and Movement (pm)

WednesdayNIKE warm up outside dining hall at 08:50.

– Balance Bike groups throughout day   – Positive Traits (pm)

Thursday –  NIKE warm up outside dining hall at 08:50 – Mental Health and Wellbeing (am)   PE ( if venue available)

FridayBIKE BREAKFAST for those who signed up for this.

  • Poetry – Daily health routines


Spelling – Previous lists have now finished so I’m sending home a health themed spelling task this week ‘Sports Words’ – see sheet.

Reading – I’ll try to hear reading this week but time will be more limited. Please still check reading bags daily.

Design a poster (optional) – Children have to design a poster encouraging others to eat a healthy snack. Sheet will be sent home. It would be great if children could bring a healthy snack each day too.

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt




Homework 30-05-17

Homework 30/05/17


Gorillas (i) Week 2 like in find and pint

Pandas (ur) Week 2

Wolves (ur) Week 2

Activities: All groups

3 sentences or a silly story including connectives.

Word Detective, find ten words with your spelling pattern in a piece of writing.

Reading Homework

The Yellow  group- Flat Stanley Chapters 1 and 2 and write two questions using your question character sheet.

Blue Group- The Mystery of Meerkat Hill Chapters 1 and 2 and write two questions using your question character sheet.

Pink – See bookmark

Orange – See bookmark

Green –  See bookmark.

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits. If there are any people who need new learnits can you write a note and let me know.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

P1 Homework 29/5/17

Reading will be as usual although they still have the same book as last week at the moment because we didn’t do reading until Wednesday.

Sumdog: Mrs Hinton has kindly set up Sumdog for P1 to use. This is website to support numeracy and maths. Every child has been given their username and password to access this. Initially they will do a diagnostic exercise. The children have been told to type an answer even if they don’t know what they have to do. This will open other games for them. I will also set homework via Sumdog.

Reminder that next week is Health Week and we have a wide variety of activities set up next week. Sports Day is on Monday afternoon. Their is a letter in their bags about Bike Breakfast on Friday next week – please return the slip ASAP if they wish to attend.

P5 Homework week starting 29/05/17

Homework Tasks

1:      Write spelling words 3 times in neat columns.

Spelling Homework-258bx6u

2:     Write a paragraph using all your spelling words.

3:     We have now covered all the times tables in Primary 5.  Make up your own game that would help other children to practise their times tables. This could be a board game, an outdoor game or an oral game. You will be given time in class to demonstrate your game and hopefully we can play each other’s games.

4:     As we are doing assembly on Friday, make sure you practise any drama scripts, song words, poems that you have.

As our Assembly is about school camp, all children have been asked to bring ‘outdoor’ wear as their costume and welly boots if they have them. They could bring joggy bottoms, T-shirt, raincoat etc. They will need this on Friday.

Home Learning WB 28/05/17 P3

This week, there will be one week’s worth of homework and then next week we will have special health week homework. Sorry again for last week’s mix up.

Reading– on reading book.

Spelling-Spelling words are in jotters. Please look, cover, write and check twice. There is also a spelling graffiti worksheet to complete.

Maths- Continue with learnits. Please practise times tables. If your child is already secure with 2/5/10 then move on. Knowing these will really help with the work we are doing in class. Practise any way you like. I have posted a link to some games if you wish to use them.


Some have a subtraction worksheet in jotters. If you have this please do not worry about the times tables work…..unless you want to 🙂

Homework due-Friday 2nd June

P2 Homework W/B 29/5/17

Homework this week:

Spelling List 36 – ‘aw’

Reading – will get this back on track as last week it ground to a halt due to the shorter week and other events!

Numeracy – Sumdog Challenge – Money to 20p. Some children are still confused as to how to work out change from 10 and 20p.

Topic – continues to be Local Study. This week we’ll look at Loanhead; its history and how it looks today.

PE– Tuesday and Thursday this week.

**Reminder**– The following week ( W/B 5th June) is Health Week. Sports Day will be held on Monday June 5th, 1-3pm, weather permitting. More details to follow.


Miss Brunt

Home Learning WB 22/05/17


I must apologise for the homework mix up. I am very confused with dates this week! I have given out one week’s worth of homework because I thought health week was next week. Of course, it isn’t until the 5th. I will provide some more homework next week before our special health week homework.

Summer Fair

Letters should be in bags today about summer fair arrangements. Please look out for them.

I will hopefully see many of you at parents evening.

Miss Prior 🙂