P1 Week Beginning 5.9.22

Hi all,

We start homework this coming week, it can be found in your child’s green book bag or in their schoolbag, if they don’t have a green book bag. Please find more information about this below.

Reading: Your child will come home with an Oxford Reading Tree (ORT) wordless reading book and a printed reading guide, which you use alongside the book. We have been learning all about the characters (Biff. Chip, Kipper, Mum, Dad and Floppy) in class, so the children should be able to use these names when reading the books. Please use the guidance printed with the book to read half the book on Monday and then the other half on Tuesday. Children will then receive a new book on Wednesday to read half on Wednesday and the other half on Thursday. In addition, your child will also receive ORANGE key stage 1 words. Your child must be able to recognise and read these words before they can move onto reading books with words. If your child has a word tub with them, then the words will be cut and put into this. If they don’t have a word tub, then the words will be uncut and put into their bag, to prevent them from going missing. These words are great to use while you and your child read the book together – for example, can they put the correct character name on the picture of the character?

Sounds: We have been learning our first set of six sounds (s, a, t, p, i, n) and will start blending this week using this sounds (e.g. sat, pan, pit). Your child will take home little flashcards of our learned sounds and a letter detailing how you can use these to support their learning at home.

Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school EVERYDAY, as we will be doing reading everyday. They will be kept in school on a Friday, in order to have new homework ready for the following Monday.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. Children should bring a P.E kit to school to change into for P.E.

Children should also bring a pair of indoor shoes to change into during class time. Please label all items of clothing to help prevent anything going missing. 

In numeracy this week, we are learning to order numbers 0 -10 and practising counting/writing numbers to 20.

Assembly on Friday with Mrs Caldwell. 

Reminder – P1 curriculum evening for P1 parents only on Monday 5th September at 5:30pm. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller


P1 Week Beginning 29.8.22


I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Homework is set to start next week and the children will bring it home in their green book bags. If your child has not brought one into school yet, then please send them with it next week. There will be more information about homework next week, when it begins. Please also ensure your child has a small tub labelled with their name to put their words in, thank you.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. Children should bring a P.E kit to school to change into for P.E. It can be a good idea to ensure your child is dressed in clothing which they can independently take off/put on for these days.

Children should also bring a pair of indoor shoes to change into during class time. Please label all items of clothing to help prevent anything going missing. 

This week we are learning the sounds (p, i, n) and the numbers 6 – 10. We have also started learning about some new book characters from our ORT books, to prepare us for when we begin reading.

Assembly on Friday with Mrs Caldwell. 

Reminder – P1 curriculum evening for P1 parents only on Monday 5th September at 5:30pm. 

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller

🌟 Primary 2 News and info 29.8.22

This week in P2 we will be continuing our Dinosaur topic, writing Fact files and descriptions.🦖

In numeracy we are looking at place value, H/T/O and how to write 3 digit numbers, counting up in 10’s past 100 and filling in missing numbers in a pattern that goes up/down in 1s, 5s or 10s.🔢

I am rearranging reading groups and although we are doing reading in class, I will not send reading home until next week.  Children will also be given a home learning jotter where home activities should be done.  Please can children bring in their green book bags.📚

We are entering using the atrium door now.  It is essential that children have indoor shoes to leave in school to change in to, especially now that the weather is a bit grimmer.👟

P.E- P.E is Wed and Mon – pupils should leave a PE kit in school, we are doing amazing at changing into our kit/uniform before and after P.E. this is an important life skill promoting independence and good hygiene.🏃‍♂️

There are a few bugs going around, especially a sickness one.  We are continuing to reinforce handwashing and good personal hygiene.  Please remember that if your child has a sickness bug or upset tummy, they should not return to school until 48 hours after the  last episode.  For more info, see here: Health and Safety in schools 👐

MEET THE TEACHER – Tuesday 3.15-3.45pm – I know everyone but feel free to come and say Hi 😊

We are still practicing logging into our chrome books and typing addresses into the address bar, we are building up skills so that when Chromebooks do go home, they are cared for and useful to enhance learning.💻

Thanks, Mrs H


P1 Week Beginning 22.8.22

Hi all,

I would like to wish you all a warm welcome to Primary One. The children and I have had a fabulous few days getting to know one another.

Each week I will update the school website with any news/events which will be happening in P1.

Please return all letters back to school ASAP – if your child has lost any, then please let me know so I can get you another copy.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. Children should bring a P.E kit to school to change into for P.E. It can be a good idea to ensure your child is dressed in clothing which they can independently take off/put on for these days.

If your child has brought a book bag into school, then this has been kept here until homework begins.

Children should also bring a pair of indoor shoes to change into during class time. Please label all items of clothing to help prevent anything going missing. 

P1 are very lucky to have lots of different adults helping them throughout the week! Mrs Tobyn is our learning assistant and she is with us from Tuesday – Friday. On a Monday/Tuesday and Friday, Mrs Kirby joins us and on a Wednesday and Thursday, we have Mrs Tait.

This week, we are learning numbers 1 – 5 and our first set of sounds (s, a, t).

I look forward to working with you this year,

Miss Lauren Waller


🤩 Primary 2 – week beginning 22.8.22

Happy Monday,

Please remember to return the annual data letters, milk letters and flu letters ASAP.

✏️In Literacy we will be recapping writing stories with a beginning, middle and end, with a joining word and capital letters and full stops.  We are also revising key words and books previously read in order to regroup readers for the term. Please return book bags if you have not already done so.

🔢In Numeracy we are identifying numbers to 100, looking back to numbers before, after and in between.  We are also counting to a number off the decade from a random number. e.g. count from 27 to 48  These oral activities would be useful to practise regularly at home.

We have also been practising using this game to find number in between (to 100)


🦕 Our topic is dinosaurs – the children are very excited about this.


Mrs H

⭐Welcome to Primary 2 🍎


Welcome back to a new school year.  I am excited for what we have already planned for P2.  This week we will be settling back into the school routine but I have handed out a Newsletter today if you need a copy please see below.

I will use the website or paper communication at the moment until we have Google Classroom up and running.  Chromebooks will not be going home initially.

Thank you for all of the lovely, generous gifts at the end of term.  I did pop a message on Seesaw but I wanted to say another thanks.



Mrs H


Thank you

Thank you for all the lovely cards, gifts and well wishes primary two! It has been a pleasure teaching you all this year and I have no doubt that you will carry on being amazing!

I will miss you all but Miss Ramsay will keep me updated on how you’re all getting on in primary 3. Have a fantastic Summer!
Mrs Lynch

Sunscreen and Sun Hats

sun protect policy

At Loanhead Nursery we provide outdoor learning experiences all year round, using our nursery garden, going to the woods taking part in forest school activities.  In the Summer months we all want to enjoy the sunshine but we must do this safely.

We ask that all parents/carers apply sunscreen to their child/ children before attending nursery, NHS recommend children use a sun protection factor 30+.

We ask that you provide an unopened bottle of sunscreen that we can keep in the nursery and will support your child to apply throughout the day.

We will have a “nursery” sunscreen (care inspectorate recommended)  to use on odd occasions however we need your permission before letting your child apply this.

Finally, we ask that you provide your child with a labelled sun hat. We will encourage them to wear their hats when they are playing outdoors.

Please also see our recently revised sun protection guidlines.

Thank you for your support!  The Loanhead Nursery Team