P2 Homework w.b 12.11.18

Hi all,

P2 are going on a trip to Deep Sea World on Monday 19th November, please complete and bring back the permission letter as soon as possible this week. It is going to be a really fun trip and a great way to end our Seashore Topic! Mrs Wallace, Mrs Tobyn and I are going with the children. There is a gift shop there and children can bring money to spend there if they wish – if so can it be put into a named wallet/purse please. If you have questions about the trip then please don’t hesitate to catch me at the end of the day or email; L.Waller@mgfl.net 

In addition to the children having P.E on a Tuesday and Thursday, they are going to have a 4 week block of athletics on a Monday afternoon. This is running from Monday 12th November until Monday 3rd December. Please ensure that your child has their full P.E kit so they can take part!

Well done to all the children in their fantastic auditions for the Nativity! All speaking parts have been allocated and these children have taken home their lines to learn, please support your child in learning these lines.

Last week, P2 started learning about money with Mrs Wallace so we have created a shop area in the atrium for them to explore this through play. In addition, please encourage the exposure to money at home, maybe through buying something at the shop or counting coins at home.


Reading: Check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read each day. Alongside this, please encourage your child to read a variety of other books to help their reading become stronger. Some groups will have non-fiction books starting this week, they will also have a worksheet to complete alongside it.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ss/zz’ sound. Therefore their spelling list will contain these sounds and tricky words.

Numeracy: There will be another numeracy worksheet for the children to complete, it will be the same layout as the one last week, including a variety of questions.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller