P2 Information – 18.3.20

Hi all,

On Wednesday I sent the children, who were in school, home with 2 jotters, 2 numeracy workbooks and an orange bookmark that contains all of their logins for digital learning. These orange bookmarks are so important as this is how you and your child will access online learning. It contains their glow, sumdog and education city logins. On glow the children can access ‘Google Classroom’ which will be the hub for all learning. The jotters are to be used to complete tasks in and the numeracy workbooks can be used for additional/challenge tasks. If your child has not been in school then you will be emailed all the logins needed, so you can access online learning, please do not worry about this. 

Today, the children received:

  • a letter detailing how to access digital learning
  • a physical education (P.E) letter with ideas for the first week of home learning
  • a list of learning tasks that could be completed (this is handwritten and has tasks such as, ‘write a story like your going on a magic key adventure’)
  • a letter detailing a variety of phonics websites you can use to support your child, alongside sounds/tricky words we have learned and the ones we have left to learn

Tomorrow (Thursday) I will be sending out a ‘one week home learning pack’ for children. This includes maths/numeracy, grammar, writing and phonics worksheets which they can complete. It is all work we have covered in class already, so there shouldn’t be anything they don’t know.

As you will be aware, the class assembly which was due to be happening tomorrow (Thursday) is cancelled, along with our trip to Rosslyn Chapel next week. I can only thank you for all of your support during this year, and please never hesitate to contact me: L.Waller@mgfl.net

Many thanks for your cooperation and support,

Miss Lauren Waller


P2 Homework w.b. 16.3.20

Hi all,

**A letter was given to all children on Friday to remind all that if your child presents a new persistent cough and/or fever then they should remain home for at least 7 days. It is extremely important that these guidelines are followed as it will help to reduce the spread of germs/illness. In addition to this the children have had an increase in hand washing, we are washing our hands when we arrive, before and after break/lunch and then once again before we leave. If the school soap is leaving your child’s hands irritated, could you please send in a clearly labelled bottle of hand soap for them to use. Thank you.**

Given the current climate, I will be having a big focus this week on hygiene in regards to hand washing and keeping healthy in general. All children should be bringing in their own water bottle daily and I will send home all P.E kits on Wednesday to be washed too. The children will also not be playing with play dough, water, sand etc. to try and reduce germs from spreading.

Wednesday is ‘Beep Beep Day’ and Mrs Sharp and the JRSO’s have planned some fun activities for the lower years to take part in! Children can wear bright clothing on this day (for example, a bright orange top or a hi-vis vest/jacket) and can bring in a donation for the charity BRAKE.

The children performed a wonderful assembly to the school on Friday all about Road Safety. We would like to invite parents/carers to come and watch the class assembly on Thursday 19th March at 2:45pm – you can collect your child and any other siblings after the performance. I will send out a letter about this on Monday.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written into your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ow’ sound (making an oh sound – for example, snow and throw).

Please do not hesitate to contact me either by email (L.Waller@mgfl.net) or at the end of the day.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b. 9.3.20

Hi all,

**Just a reminder that all trip letters (for Rosslyn Chapel) should be handed in next week please, if you have not already handed it in**

We are very excited to have Miss Clements join us on Monday and stay with us until the summer term. P.E will be on Monday and Tuesday morning this week.

Apologises I did not send out the non-fiction worksheet to go alongside reading books this week, time escaped me. We have finished learning about money and are moving onto time in maths – we are focusing on reading o’clock and half past times on analogue and digital clocks.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record. Please sign against the date to indicate that homework has been completed.

Spelling: We will be learning the ‘y’ sound (pronounced as the long i vowel sound) – fry, sky and shy etc. The spelling list will contain words with this sound.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller (L.Waller@mgfl.net)


P2 Homework w.b. 2.3.20

Hi all,

I sent out a letter on Thursday regarding our school trip to Rosslyn Chapel, if this could be signed and returned to school by Friday 6th March, it would be greatly appreciated. We are only out of school for the morning so children will be back in time as usual for school lunches.

Miss Clements will be joining us in P2 from Monday 9th March and will be with us until the end of the school year. She has been working with P5 since August and we are very excited for her to join us!

World Book Day is on Thursday 5th March – please see the post below regarding what is happening on this day. 

Homework for the week:

Reading: Children will be receiving non-fiction books, as this will be our focus for the week. There will also be a worksheet relating to their book put into their book bags on Tuesday to be completed for Friday.

Spelling: We are learning the ‘igh’ sound – for example, light and fight. Please complete the list in the spelling jotter.

Thank you!

Miss Lauren Waller (L.Waller@mgfl.net)


P2 Homework w.b. 27.1.20

I would just like to say a huge well done to LT and ES who showed great confidence reciting their poems to the whole school on Friday – the class and I are very proud of them both. 🙂

Learning Trio Appointment slips have been given to every child last week, if you require a change to your appointment then please contact the school office regarding this. Just a gentle reminder that your child must be present at the meeting too. 

For the next few weeks, P2 will have P.E. on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Rugby will also continue this week on Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child brings a bottle filled with water and a full P.E kit.

Homework for the week:

Reading: As always, the pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record. Please sign beside the date to show reading has been completed each night.

Spelling: This week we are learning magic e with u (u_e). For example, cube, tube and flute. Just a reminder that children can write their spelling list in rainbow colours, silly sentences or even do an active activity (play dough words, making words with magnets etc.) – you can glue photos of this in their jotter or write about it!

Please never hesitate to contact me if you require anything – L.Waller@mgfl.net

Thank you all so much for your continued support,

Miss Lauren Waller









P2 Homework w.b. 20.1.20

Hi all,

I hope you are all well! I just wanted to take a moment to say how impressed I am at how quickly the class have settled back into the school routine. They have been working so hard over the past 2 weeks and I am one very proud teacher!!

Just a reminder that children will be reciting their chosen Scots poem to the class on Monday/Tuesday. Then two children will be picked to perform their poem at the Burns assembly on Friday 24th. The parents/carers of the chosen children will be informed and invited to attend the assembly.

Learning Trio appointment slips are going out on Wednesday 22nd January, they will be put in your child’s book bag. If you cannot make your allocated time or require a change then please contact the school office to do this. 

We started rugby on Thursday afternoon with Bradley, and the children had a very fun time. The class will have rugby for the next two Thursday afternoons too.


Reading: I have been busy assessing the children and changing reading groups, so some children may have a different stage to read next week. Please continue to support your child with learning their key words (these are only required from Stage 1 – Stage 5). The pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: We are learning magic e with o (o_e), for example, bone, cone and stone.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller


P2 Homework w.b. 13.1.20

Hi all,

Just a gentle reminder that your child has two Scottish poems in their book bag (Mince and Tatties, and Doctor). Your child should pick one which they wish to learn and the children will have a chance to recite this in front of the class on Monday 20th January. Please ensure your child has chosen and had a chance to practice the poem by this date and then some children will be picked to recite their poem at the assembly on Friday 24th January.

P.E. this week will be Monday and Wednesday morning, please ensure your child has full P.E. kit for this.

This coming week (13.1.20) I will be assessing children with their reading and key words, so over the next few weeks some children may move groups and stages in their reading books.

Rugby was unforunately cancelled this week, but as far as I am aware, it will be back on for next week.

We are moving onto money this term in maths – looking at coins up to £2! If children have real life experience with handling money in shops etc. then this would be great to hear about in class.

Reading: The pages to be read have been written in your child’s green reading record. Please encourage your child to read with expression, this is a big focus in our reading groups this term.

Spelling: This week we are looking at magic e with i(i_e). The spelling list contains (i_e) words and tricky words.

As always, please never hesitate to contact me: L.Waller@mgfl.net

Miss Lauren Waller


P2 Homework w.b. 7.1.20

Welcome back!!

I hope you all had a lovely winter break and a very happy new year. It was so lovely to see all the pupils again today and hear all of their wonderful Christmas news 🙂

P2 are going to be getting a few sessions of rugby from Bradley on Thursday afternoons, starting this week, from 1:45 – 2:30. Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit for this.

Homework will be given out tomorrow (Wednesday 8th) and it will consist of reading and spelling homework. In addition to this, I have put two Scots’ poems into book bags and children have to choose one to learn for the Burns competition on the week beginning 20.1.20. 

Reading: Pages to be read have been written into your child’s green reading record. Please sign beside each night when homework has been completed.

Spelling: This week we will start learning all about magic ‘e’ (my favourite!!!) and this week it is a with magic ‘e’. Magic ‘e’ in words is silent and it turns the vowel into its long vowel sound. For example, mad – made, car – care, cap – cape. Therefore, this weeks spelling list contains magic ‘e’ with a words.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller (L.Waller@mgfl.net)