Hi all,
**A letter was given to all children on Friday to remind all that if your child presents a new persistent cough and/or fever then they should remain home for at least 7 days. It is extremely important that these guidelines are followed as it will help to reduce the spread of germs/illness. In addition to this the children have had an increase in hand washing, we are washing our hands when we arrive, before and after break/lunch and then once again before we leave. If the school soap is leaving your child’s hands irritated, could you please send in a clearly labelled bottle of hand soap for them to use. Thank you.**
Given the current climate, I will be having a big focus this week on hygiene in regards to hand washing and keeping healthy in general. All children should be bringing in their own water bottle daily and I will send home all P.E kits on Wednesday to be washed too. The children will also not be playing with play dough, water, sand etc. to try and reduce germs from spreading.
Wednesday is ‘Beep Beep Day’ and Mrs Sharp and the JRSO’s have planned some fun activities for the lower years to take part in! Children can wear bright clothing on this day (for example, a bright orange top or a hi-vis vest/jacket) and can bring in a donation for the charity BRAKE.
The children performed a wonderful assembly to the school on Friday all about Road Safety. We would like to invite parents/carers to come and watch the class assembly on Thursday 19th March at 2:45pm – you can collect your child and any other siblings after the performance. I will send out a letter about this on Monday.
Homework for the week:
Reading: Pages to be read have been written into your child’s green reading record.
Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ow’ sound (making an oh sound – for example, snow and throw).
Please do not hesitate to contact me either by email (L.Waller@mgfl.net) or at the end of the day.
Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend,
Miss Lauren Waller