P2 Homework w.b. 9.9.19

Hi all,

The school photographer will be in on Tuesday and Wednesday so please ensure your child comes dressed in full school uniform.

Just a reminder that for the September break the pupils are off Monday (16th) and Tuesday (17th), they return on Wednesday (18th). 

Reading: Please ensure you are going over your child’s words alongside completing their daily reading, as this will help their confidence grow when reading. I will be assessing key word recognition this week so some groups may change stages in their reading books.

Spelling: We will be learning the ‘th’ sound this week, so the list contains words with this sound.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller

P7 News W/B 9th September 2019

Hi all,

Last week was very busy with three outings so this week is back to normal!

Independent Study Task – Apologies for not handing this out last week. Children have two tasks to complete by this  Friday please. A measuring  task and a times tables task. I will send this home on Monday.

School Photographer – I believe school photos may be taken on Tuesday or Wednesday this week but I’ll confirm with the children on Monday.

Events this week:

Monday – Music and Choir.

  • Running Club or Basketball for those who signed up (Lunchtime clubs)

Tuesday PE       Photos?

WednesdayPE     Photos? 

  • Drawing Club for those who signed up for this                ( Lunchtime)

Thursday   – Rugby (pm)

  • Explorers’ Club (Lunchtime)

**September Holiday Reminder**

Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays for pupils ( 16th and 17th September) Children should attend school this Friday (13th) as normal.

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt


Primary 5

All the children appear to have settled back into school quickly and are ready to get on with learning. We welcome Liam into our class this year.

Miss Amy Clements is a teaching student on a placement with us until February.

Just to remind you Mrs Cumming will be in class on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Hinton on Wednesday and Thursday, we will alternate on Fridays.

Please ensure that your child has their reading book and diary every day as reading will take place daily (with the occasional exception) with homework given.  All children should have a T-shirt and shorts for PE to be kept in school.

Monday: Music with Miss Grigor and spelling homework given out to be returned on Friday.

Tuesday: PE

Wednesday: Mandarin

Thursday: PE with Mrs Duncan and Numeracy homework given out to be returned the following Wednesday.

Friday: Assembly

Literacy and Numeracy will be taught every day. The class will also be continuing to learn French, Topic, Science, Health and Wellbeing, Maths, Religious and Moral Education, Handwriting, ICT and problem solving.

Every child will be given a times tables challenge card. This is to help them learn their tables and will be awarded certificates on successful recall of times tables facts. Please make sure your child has this with them every day. If your child feels they are ready to be tested on a times table they should let us know.

Next week: The school photographer will be in school on Tuesday and Wednesday.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact us.

We look forward to working with you and your child this year.


Karen Hinton and Lisa Cumming

Primary 3 Homework (due Friday 6th Sept)

Hello everyone,

I am happy to let you know that we are finally beginning to get into our homework routine of issuing it on Mondays and returning it on Fridays, starting today! I have put a list of spelling words to practice in each jotter, and the choice is yours as to how you want to practice these (some suggested activities include look, say, cover, write and checkrainbow writing and silly sentences). Since last week’s homework only came back today I haven’t had a chance to mark it yet, so I’ll mark both sets of homework when I collect this week’s work. Mrs Welsh and I have also put reading tasks in the class’ reading records. Completing these will be very beneficial when it comes to reading groups! If you have any questions about homework, feel free to email me at s.mcgaff@mgfl.net or catch me after school.

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff

P2 Homework w.b. 2.9.19

Hi all,

It was so lovely to meet some of you at ‘Meet the Teacher’ on Wednesday!

Homework is being sent out this week and I will be sending it home on a Monday for it to be collected back in on a Friday. I understand family life can be very busy so if you require extra time some weeks, please just let me know. Homework this week will consist of reading and spelling.

Reading: Your child has been given a green reading record where I will write the pages to be read for that week in. Please sign/tick beside the date to show that reading has been done that night. If you have any questions/comments about reading, then please feel free to write them inside this.

Spelling: We are learning a sound a week and the children will have a new spelling list each week including words with this sound. This week we will be covering the ‘ch’ sound, so the list contains words with the ‘ch’ sound. They have been given a blue spelling jotter to practise their words in. Alongside writing their words, children could also write sentences including these words.

Please ensure your child brings their bookbag to school, if they have not brought it already. This week we have a very exciting surprise on Wednesday, we have a story teller coming in to read to the children.

The lower atrium love to get crafty and make many things so we would love if anyone has any clean and empty boxes/containers that the children could use for junk modelling. Please note for any packaging that may have contained nuts.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P7 News W.B 2nd September 2019

Hi all,

Congratulations to our new House Captains! Everyone who participated in this process  should be immensely proud of themselves as it is no mean feat, making a speech in front of a large audience. However, to those not chosen on this occasion, there are many other fun roles to be given out in P7 so hopefully, everyone will get a job that suits them.

House Captains-

Dryden = FrC and CK.

Gladhouse =  TJM and ZM.

Edgelaw = LD and WL.

Events this week:

This week is very busy with 3 trips out. We realise this is a lot but each trip should be extremely worthwhile. It won’t happen like this very often.

Monday – Music and Choir

TuesdayPE with Mrs Duncan

  • Trip to Lasswade HS for an event (pm) We could be slightly late back.

WednesdayRISK FACTORY (am) Children need a packed lunch please.

  • New Independent Study task sent home (maths/numeracy)

ThursdayCRICKET FESTIVAL (am)– Come dressed in sports clothes for this outdoor event and again, bring a packed lunch please.

  • Rugby (pm)

Finally, we have been reading a story in class called The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis. So far, P7 are really enjoying this! The sequel Parvana’s Journey will be read next.

Thanks for your support,

Ms S Brunt


First homework (due Monday 2nd Sept)

Hello everyone,

First and foremost, apologies for the delay in this homework announcement, I’m still getting used to the system. Similarly to last year, it would be great if you could practice the spelling patterns I have put into your child’s P2 spelling jotter (silent b) this week. For those who don’t already have one of these jotters, I’ll get that sorted today! I have also put a note in reading records of what I would recommend going through and practicing for Monday.

Since I haven’t left much time for this homework to be completed, I can totally understand if you do not have the time to do this. I promise I’ll be on the ball on Monday and then we can get into a homework routine. I hope your child has enjoyed their time in Primary 3 so far, I know I have!

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff