This Week’s Homework (due Friday 29th November)

Hello everyone,

With December fast approaching, could I please ask that all Dunedin Consort forms are returned to the school as soon as possible, even if your choice is for your child not to attend. The team behind it have been working incredibly hard and have entertained us with their fantastic ability so far!

This week’s spelling pattern is ch (‘k’ sound). The words are as follows:

  1. buzz
  2. fizz
  3. echo
  4. choir
  5. chemist
  6. stomach
  7. Christmas
  8. character
  9. November
  10. December

Your child should have their new reading book home with them today. Could they please read half their book for Wednesday and finish them so they can be returned Friday.

Thanks a lot!

Mr McGaff




29TH of November 2019      –        12.30-2pm


Please come along and support us at our annual Christmas Fair.

Stalls include: Pocket money toys, home baking, hot refreshments, raffles, hampers, glitter tattoos, chocolate tombola, bottle tombola, bric a brac, unused gifts, Christmas craft gifts and Santa in his Grotto.

Please collect your child from school at the usual time and enter the fair via the school office.  Donations all still very much welcome, especially home baking.

We look forward to seeing you.

P6 Information – Homework/Events in School – Week Begin: 25.11.19


I hope you all had a good weekend!

We are now at the start of the busy period in school, as we build towards the Christmas Holidays. I have included a brief schedule for this week.

Schedule – Week Beginning 25.11.19


P6 & 7 Boys’ Football Festival (12:30-3:15pm)


Ski Instructor from Hillend will be in class to discuss skiing for next term with the P6 pupils.


School Christmas Fair (12:30 – 2pm). Donations of any unwanted gifts for the fair would be very much appreciated. There are some P6’s that have volunteered to stay behind after school on Friday to help run table stalls. I’ll send home permission slips for these pupils on Monday afternoon.


Homework – Week Beginning 25.11.19


This will be a continuation of group reading books and the information is provided in the pupils’ reading diaries. Some pupils will be starting a new reading book this week. P6 have finished the class novel, Kensuke’s Kingdom which we all really enjoyed!


The new spelling words should be copied into homework jotters and copied 3 times at home. Pupils are then asked to find the meaning of any words they are unsure about and to write a short story (1-2 paragraphs) using at least 4 of the spelling words.

Maths Revision

A maths revision sheet will be given to the pupils on Tuesday, to be returned for Monday 2nd December, as this gives pupils more time to complete it.

Independent Pupil Talk

This task is due on Monday 2nd December. The pupils will have the opportunity to present their talk/presentation on a personal hobby or interest over the coming weeks. I will have a schedule for set times that the pupils can choose from, so they know when they will be doing their talk.

Thanks for your support,

Mr. Nelson

P7 Info W/B 25th November 2019

Hi all,

Schedule for the week:


Boys’ Football (pm)





SCHOOL FAIR12:30 – 2pm. Donations of unwanted/unused gifts gratefully received please. Some P7s have volunteered to stay and help or run smaller tables for the duration of the fair. I’ll send home permission slips to these pupils. We plan to have:

  • Nearly new gift stall
  • A P7 festive craft table
  • Glitter tattoos and nails
  • Guess the name of the Husky dog (20p a guess; win the Husky toy)
  • Find Santa’s hidden present on a map ( 20p a guess; win a prize)
  • Snowman skittles – 10p a shot, win a sweetie

Christmas Show – Some children have lines to learn for this so must practise at home. We’ll work out what costumes are required and let you know ASAP.

Independent Study Task – There will be a new numeracy task sent home on Wednesday. Children should still be practising the fractions and percentages ‘LearnIts’ that Mrs Caldwell sent home. The children know what these are.

Reading – We are reading ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ in class and completing comprehension tasks based on this story.


Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt















P2 Homework w.b. 25.11.19

Hi all,

If your child does not have a speaking part for the Nativity (if they didn’t bring any lines home), could they please bring in a Christmas jumper/t-shirt and/or Christmas accessories to wear on the day. This is including the four Narrators. Children can begin to bring this in from next week so we have all the costumes ready! We have sourced and sorted out costumes for all of the speaking parts, so nothing is needed for them. Just a reminder that the Nativity for the parents is on Monday 9th December at 2pm in the large hall. There is a limit of two guests per child due to limited space in the hall. 

The Christmas Fair is on Friday (29th) at 12:30pm – 2pm. We are looking for toys in good condition, unwanted gifts, bottles for the bottle tombola and chocolate for the chocolate tombola. On the day and days leading up to this we will also be collecting your delicious home baking! The lower atrium (P1-4) are also creating a ‘Pamper Hamper’ that can be won on the day, we are collecting donations for this – bubble bath, face masks etc. 

The P1/2 Christmas party is on Tuesday 17th December – please remember that children can bring in a change of clothes for this and they can get changed after lunch. The party is £2 per child and this can be brought in from next week in a sealed envelope, cleared labelled with your child’s name. Santa will be coming to visit the children at 2:30pm, and you are more than welcome to join us for this!

Primary 2 were given ‘Read, Write, Count’ bags on Friday to take home and they are fabulous. They are filled with some wonderful resources and books that you can use with your children to promote literacy and numeracy skills. Here is a link to the website that explains it a little more and has some wonderful ideas for you:


Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ss’ and ‘zz’ sound. Please ensure your child completes the full list in their jotter. We are also learning to write in cursive, so please encourage your child to do this with their words.

Numeracy: This week I am going to be sending out a worksheet on numbers to 100 before, after and between. We worked a lot on this at the start of the year, so this is just a revision task. This is also to be completed for Friday.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller (


P4 Homework w/b 18.11.19

A huge thank to all those who came along on Friday 15th November to see P4 showcase all their fabulous learning around the Viking topic. The class had an exciting morning and were rightly proud of their achievements – well done P4!


  • Spelling: Pupils have written their new spelling words in their jotter on Wednesday this week. At home they should use:

                              LOOK    THINK    COVER    WRITE    CHECK

  • to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card  which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory
  • Numeracy & Maths: please continue to practice the 3 x table or if this has been mastered then the table identified during your child’s Learning Trio target setting or in class
  • Reading: most pupils will take reading books home to continue reading from class and this should be returned by Thursday 21st October
  • PE & Swimming: will continue as normal this week on Tuesday and Thursday with the 13th swim session on Friday

Additional Information

Friday 29th November 2019 – Christmas Fair, 12:30pm – 2pm.       P4 will be selling their painted scallop shells filled with chocolate and gift wrapped with personalised Christmas label. A bargain at only £4 per package!

As always, many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

P7 Appeal For Unused/Unwanted Gift Items

School Fair Friday 29th November

Have unwanted, unopened, as-good-as-new gift items at home?

We would be very grateful if you could donate any of these items for our table at the school fair. Please hand in these items as soon as possible.

Many, many thanks!

Miss Brunt

Eco News November 2019

Litter is a problem in most places and Loanhead is no different. However, we recently contacted Hart Builders to ask if they could help to provide our school with new litter pickers- and they did! Hart Builders, currently constructing new houses nearby, sourced and delivered 20 new pickers to us, which is just fabulous. It means each class now have new pickers and we have some spare. Thank you Hart Builders!

We are hoping to organise larger scale litter picks around and outside the school grounds in the new year.

Loanhead PS are now collecting empty crisp packets to feed the hungry Crisp Packet Monster ( see above). We hope to send these packets away to be recycled using the Walkers Crisps recycling scheme.

Empty plastic bottles in school should all be put into a plastic recycling box. We are planning to collect unopened/unwanted water bottles from the dining room to keep in a ‘bank’ for children to access for sporting events etc.

These are just some of the initiatives we are driving forward. We have many more issues to tackle in 2020 but every little step forward is a step on the road to becoming a truly eco-friendly establishment.

Thanks for reading,

LHPS Eco Team