P2 Homework w.b. 9.12.19

Just a reminder that the P1/2 Nativity is on Monday 9th December at 2pm in the large hall. Please remember there is a limit of 2 guests per child as the hall space is limited. The children put on an AMAZING performance on Friday and I have no doubt that they will repeat this tomorrow. They have made me so proud with their hard work, dedication and enthusiasm.

P1/2 Christmas party is  next week (Tuesday 17th December) in the afternoon. The cost of the party is £2 and this can be handed into me or the school office by the end of the week, please.

This Tuesday (10th December) is Christmas jumper day and donations would be greatly appreciated to go towards our sponsorship of schooling for two children in Africa. It is also Christmas lunches!

We have our Christmas show on Wednesday 11th December 10:00- 11:00 from the company ‘Funbox’.

On Friday, P2/3 are going to the local residential home to do some carol singing. Your child may bring in a Christmas jumper and/or Christmas accessories to wear for this. 

To keep things as ‘routine’ as possible, I am still going to be doing reading homework this week! Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read. There will be no spelling homework as we are going to be revising the sounds we have already learned.

I am looking forward to seeing you on Monday! Hope you have had a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller (L.Waller@mgfl.net)

P7 Info W/B 9th December 2019


Hi all,

Schedule for the week:

Monday- Can children bring any items of clothing needed for their Christmas concert costume in today please. Children should know what they need. We will have a pre-dress rehearsal! 

Tuesday: Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch.

The two choices for lunch are turkey or macaroni cheese. Children can bring a packed lunch instead if they wish.

P3-7 Dress rehearsal in front of the school.


Wednesday:   Brunton Theatre Pantomime ‘Cinderella’ ( afternoon). A reminder that children will be late back. Children should wear their school uniform as normal and do not need to bring sweets or snacks.


Thursday – P3-7 Christmas Concert Show # 1          2pm     Tickets should be booked and received by now.

Friday – P3-7 Christmas Concert Show # 2          11am     Tickets should be booked and received by now.

Independent Study Task – There will be NO new numeracy task sent home on Wednesday. However, there are still many numeracy sheets from two weeks before last and last week to come in. Children should still be practising fractions and percentages ‘LearnIts’ that Mrs Caldwell sent home. The children know what this is.

Reading – We are progressing through ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ in class and completing comprehension tasks based on this story.

Other info:

Secondary school – a reminder that everyone should have registered with their chosen secondary school by now.

General- The next two weeks ahead are very busy with festive activities but  I have also planned a series of fun team challenges which will test their problem solving, numeracy, literacy, collaborative, sporting and creative skills. Watch this space P7!

We will also have a discussion about the voting system used in the UK to choose the next government; this is part of our curriculum and too good an opportunity to miss with the General Election being on Thursday!

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt














p1 Homework 9/12/19

Apologies for the lack of post last week. I unfortunately went home ill on Monday and didn’t return til Wednesday.

Our Sounds: Last week we covered ‘w’ and ‘ng'(as in sing, ring etc). The sounds we will cover this week are ‘v’ and ‘oo’.

Reading books.

Chips: By the Stream

Monday: p1-8

Tuesday: p8-16

Wednesday: whole book

Thursday: a reading activity will be send home during the week

Biffs: Biff’s Aeroplane

Monday: p1-8

Tuesday: p8-16

Wednesday: whole book

Thursday: a reading activity will be send home during the week

Kippers: Six in a Bed

Monday: p1-4

Tuesday: p4-8

Wednesday: whole book

Thursday: a reading activity will be send home during the week

Floppys: Six in a Bed

Monday: p1-4

Tuesday: p4-8

Wednesday: whole book

Thursday: a reading activity will be send home during the week

If your child has a new set of key words please focus on these. If they have not received a new set please continue with the current stage key words they are on and a note of the words that your child is finding challenging will be sent home.


Remember this Monday is p1/2 Nativity for parents at 2pm. Parent’s will be able to collect older children from class early after nativity if you wish.

A gentle reminder that the cost of the P1/2 Christmas party is £2 and this should be brought into school in an envelope, clearly labelled with your child’s name. The party is in the afternoon on Tuesday 17th December and Santa will be attending at 2:30pm. Please feel free to join us then for a wonderful photo opportunity!

Primary 1 and 2 are also going to be leading a drumming assembly on the morning of Tuesday 17th December (9:00 – 9:30), you are more than welcome to join us for this!

Tuesday 10th December: Christmas Lunches and Christmas Jumper Day. 

Wednesday 11th December: Christmas Show in school for Nursery – P4. 

It really is starting to feel very festive around here!

Have a wonderful week,

Miss Ramsay


P4 Homework w/b 02.12.19

A huge thank to all those who made it along to the Christmas Fair, it was a roaring success! P4 sold all of their scallop shell, chocolate gifts, contributing a great deal to the school funds. Thank you!


  • Spelling: Pupils have written their new spelling words in their jotter on Wednesday this week. At home they should use:


  • to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete a green activity card  which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional red activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory
  • Numeracy & Maths: please complete First Level, PPM 90 only – adding multiples of 10 to a 2-digit number.  PPM 91 can be used if additional practice is needed.
  • Reading: all pupils will take reading books home to continue reading from class and this should be returned by Thursday 5th December
  • PE : will continue as normal this week on Tuesday and Thursday with a focus on Scottish Country Dance

Additional Information

Tuesday 10th December 2019 – Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 12th December 2019 – P3-P7 Christmas Concert, 13:45pm

Monday 16th December 2019 – P3 & P4 visit to Queen’s Hall, 14:45pm – 17:30pm (approx)

As always, many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

This Week’s Homework (due Friday 6th December)

Hello everyone,

I have decided to stop setting spelling homework for the rest of the term, as the intensity of work in class will be reducing over the next three weeks. However, if you do wish to practice spelling with your child, I would recommend practicing the /ai/ pattern with them:

  1. next
  2. quit
  3. make
  4. pay
  5. main
  6. clay
  7. waist
  8. rainstorm
  9. half
  10. quarter

For reading, could you try and read half of the book for Wednesday, and finish books for Friday and return them that day. I will make a decision closer to the weekend about whether I think we have the energy to continue reading homework next week!

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

P2 Homework w.b. 2.12.19

It was lovely to see so many of you at the Christmas fair on Friday afternoon. I can’t believe we only have 3 weeks of the term left, and they are jam packed!

Just a reminder that P1/2 will be performing their Nativity for parents/carers on Monday 9th December @ 2pm. There is a limit of 2 guests per child due to limited space in the hall. Please could children bring in their Christmas jumpers/t-shirts and/or accessories in this week, so we have them for our costume rehearsals on Wed/Thurs. Thank you.

A gentle reminder that the cost of the P1/2 Christmas party is £2 and this should be brought into school in an envelope, clearly labelled with your child’s name. The party is in the afternoon on Tuesday 17th December and Santa will be attending at 2:30pm. Please feel free to join us then for a wonderful photo opportunity!

Primary 1 and 2 are also going to be leading a drumming assembly on the morning of Tuesday 17th December (9:00 – 9:30), you are more than welcome to join us for this!

Tuesday 10th December: Christmas Lunches and Christmas Jumper Day. 

Wednesday 11th December: Christmas Show in school for Nursery – P4. 

Friday 13th December: P2/3 Carol Singing at the local residential home. 


Apologises I never sent out the numeracy homework last week, time got the better of me and I forgot!

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages to be read. This week we are focusing on summarising the story.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ck’ sound (chick, clock etc.). Spelling lists will contain words with these sounds, alongside tricky words.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller


P7 Info W/B 2nd December 2019

Hi all,

Schedule for the week:





Independent Study Task – There will be a new numeracy task sent home on Wednesday. However, there are still many numeracy sheets from the week before last to come in. Children should still be practising the fractions and percentages ‘LearnIts’ that Mrs Caldwell sent home. The children know what this is.

Reading – We are reading ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ in class and completing comprehension tasks based on this story.

Other info:

School Fair – The total raised is yet to be announced but can I say a massive THANK YOU to all my P7 pupils who ably planned and manned their stalls, giving up their own time to do this. I was so impressed by how each and every one conducted themselves. Well done!

Panto– Wed 11th Dec pm – Can pupils make sure they have payment and permission slips completed and handed in ASAP ( paper copy or ParentPay). Many thanks.

Concert costumes – P3 to 7 are practising for a concert performance of the Christmas play ‘Silent Night’. Children need to provide their own costume where possible.

  • Mice – Mice masks will be made in school and I’ve asked the children to consult and co-ordinate with each other to decide on what else to wear!
  • Villagers – The role of a Villager just needs a hat, scarf, gloves over dress down clothes. I think the children will be far too hot if they wear a coat!
  • Narrators – Christmas jumpers, if possible.

The two lead roles know what they are wearing.

Please do not buy anything new for this concert  – let me know if you are stuck and we’ll see if we can source an outfit from somewhere.  S.Brunt@mgfl.net

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt














Homework p1 25.11.19

Our Sounds: An unusual week as we have 3 new sounds this week. Monday-‘ee’ Tuesday- ‘or’ Wednesday -‘z’

Reading books.

I know some groups are getting some books that they have already read. The reason for this is they got these books at the start of the year and are reading much more fluently now so it is good for the children to see the progress they have made and be able to engage with the story now they can decode it. Some children will be changing moving on to stage 3 in the next few weeks.

Chips: New Trainers

Biffs: The Dream

Kippers: The Hedgehog

Floppys: The Hedgehog



Nativity songs to practise at home.


(We sing them all except Song 2 and 9)

Remember this week is our Christmas Fair. Any last minute donations are welcomed and I hope to see you there on Friday!