P6 – Information – Week Beginning: 16.12.19



House Sing Off  practice – organised and led by P7 House Captains.


House ‘Sing Off’ practice – 10am

PE – 1:15-2:15pm


PE – 9:15-9:45am

House ‘Sing Off’ practice – 10am


House sing off practice – 10am

  •  Christmas Party – All afternoon

Children can wear their party gear to school or change just after lunch. Party costs £2.



Church Visit – The school will visit the church – 9am

Note: If possible, it would be greatly appreciated if pupils could bring along a non-perishable food item into school, which the pupils will take to the church as a donation. These are passed on to the local foodbank. Thank you.

School Finish – 12:25pm



There will be no homework until we are back in the New Year. Enjoy your holidays and rest!

Lastly, I would like to thank parents for their support this term and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching the children in Primary 6.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

*Pupils are due back on Tuesday 7th January 2020.

P7 Info W/B 16th December 2019

Hi all,

The final week of term is here. Can I take this opportunity to wish everyone a lovely time over the festive period and to thank you all for your continued support.

Schedule for the week:


House ‘Sing Off’ practice – organised and led by P7 House Captains.



House ‘Sing Off’ practice.



House ‘Sing Off’ practice.

Thursday – PARTY! (pm)

Children can wear their party gear to school or change just after lunch. Party costs £2.

House ‘Sing Off ‘ (am)


Friday: – CHURCH

**Would you be so kind as to provide your child with one food item to take to church please? The collection will be donated to the local foodbank. Non- perishable items only and children will carry their item to the church. Many, many thanks.***

SCHOOL FINISHES AT 12:25pm as normal. 

Pupils return to school on Tuesday 7th January 2020.

Other info:

General- P7 will take part in Team Challenges this week. There’s 5 teams. There’s a sports challenge, a mega-quiz, a ‘survival’ game called Arctic Adventure which takes place in a PE hall and a strategy challenge which really tests team work! Hopefully, this will all be a lot of fun and it continues to develop skills at the same time!

Congratulations to everyone who played their part so well in the school concert ‘Silent Night’. There was such positive feedback from parents about it – each class performed wonderfully but of course, I am especially proud of P7. Well done and thank you!

Best wishes for 2020,

Miss S Brunt














Last week of 2019!

To all parents/carers,

A Big thank you to all those who were able to make it along to our P3-P7 Christmas Concert – Silent Night. The pupils were fabulous and displayed all their hard work over the weeks leading up to the performance.

Homework – there will be no homework sent home this week.

Additional Information

Monday 16th December 2019 Children’s Messiah Concert, Queens Hall  2:45pm to 5.00pm

Tuesday 17th December 2019 Drumming Performance, LPS Hall  9:00am to 9.30am

Wednesday 18th December 2019 P3/P4 Christmas Party Large Hall  1:30pm to 2.45pm

Friday 20th December 2019 Loanhead Parish Church visit, 9:00am to 10.30am

Normal school finishing time – 12:25pm

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all! We look forward to welcoming pupils back on Tuesday 7th January 2020 after a well deserved break.

Kind regards,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

Parent Helpers Needed for Thursday 19th December!

Hello P3 parents,

I’ve arranged a class trip to the Loanhead Library next Thursday, where the library staff will read a story to the class and they’ll get a chance to browse the book selection. We need two parent helpers for the trip due to class numbers, so this is my plea for any volunteers! We will leave school at 10:15am and return for 11:15am. If you are interested, could you please let me know at s.mcgaff@mgfl.net as soon as possible? It will be the first two to respond to me that we’ll take along.

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

Primary 3’s Winter Revision Homework

Hello everyone,

For P3’s homework this week, I have decided against standard reading and spelling homework. Instead, I have created a revision sheet that covers a few things we have done in 2019. This homework is entirely optional, but it should be a nice way to refresh your child’s memory before we break up for the winter break. Feel free to answer questions on the back of the sheet or on a separate piece of paper, and let me know if you have enjoyed the format and I can prepare something similar for next week! 🙂

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

P6 – Week Beg: 9.12.19 – Information

News / Events this week:


  • Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch.

(The options for lunch are turkey or macaroni cheese. Children may bring a packed lunch instead if they wish.)

  • P3-7 Concert rehearsal for the rest of the school.


  • Brunton Theatre Pantomime ‘Cinderella’. The bus is due to leave Loanhead Primary @ 1pm.

It should be noted that the pupils will be late back. The bus is due to collect everyone from the Brunton Theatre @ 3:45pm.

Children should wear their school uniform as normal and do not need to bring sweets or snacks.


  • P3-7 Christmas Concert Show # 1          2pm     Tickets should be booked and received by now.


  • P3-7 Christmas Concert Show # 2          11am     Tickets should be booked and received by now.



  • Reading – See reading diaries.
  • Spellings Dictation – This will be the same as last week, due to unforeseen changes made to the timetable last Friday, the dictation was not completed.
  • Health & Well-being – ‘Keep Connected’ worksheet. This is a P5-7 task to create your own team of the special people in your life. (See worksheet for further info). This task is due on Friday 13th December.
  • Pupil Talks presentation – I had originally set this homework to be completed by Monday 2nd December, however some have yet to be finished and brought into school therefore I have encouraged those pupils who have not started, to try and prepare one this week. Thank you to those who have prepared a pupil talk and are waiting to present it. From the talks I have listened to so far, I am really impressed and I can see the effort the children have made to highlight their personal interests and hobbies.

Thank you for your support,

Mr. Nelson

Primary 5 news and Information

I cannot believe how close the end of term is looming.  We have lots on this week (see below)

This will also be the last week of homework.  There will be the usual spelling words to be written 3 times and then written in sentences or a story.  There is nightly reading and a Maths revision sheet too.  The class are doing well at learning their times tables but it is CRUCIAL that work continues on this at home too. Their SUMDOG is used regularly in school and does update to get harder as they get more correct, I have set a multiplication challenge on SUMDOG this week.

Maths revision

For Monday – Resilience poster (for Mrs Donnelly) as part of the work that pupils are doing in assembly.  Parent sheet and info sheet has been handed out.


Dress Rehearsal – Please can pupils bring their costumes (boys- black shorts or trousers, long socks and white shirt, girls – long white sock, black skirt, white shirt)

CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY – Cash donations being collected for the 2 third world children we sponsor.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH – Treated like a normal school dinner, payment on parent pay (Turkey or Macaroni)


Pantomime – late arrival home approx 4.30

Thursday and Friday

School Show (see additional newsletters and separate letter to request tickets – first come first served)


Many thanks for your support and patience over this really busy time

Mrs Hinton