Children In Need 2020

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in and donated to Children In Need 2020.

A whopping £333 was collected on the day and with Gift Aid, this takes the total to over £400!


P6 Info W/B 23rd November 2020

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Space Presentations

We discussed these on Friday and children were able to select a time slot to present  theirs in the next two weeks. Anyone who has produced a Microsoft PowerPoint should be able to upload this to Glow.

  • Log into Glow
  • Select ‘View My Files’ ( Top right hand corner)
  • Select ‘Google Drive’
  • Click on ‘NEW ‘( top left hand corner)
  • Select ‘Upload File’

Week beginning 23rd November

Monday 23rd – AC

Tuesday 24th – RC & CR

Wednesday 25th – NS &LB ;  SW/AI/MG

Thursday 26th – LuD;  EM & BC

Friday 27th – TST ; LiD & OT

Week beginning 30th November

Monday 30th – CK

Tuesday 1st Dec – OC

Wednesday 2nd – CG & EvT

Thursday 3rd – EMc & LC ; IG

Friday 4th – EW & AR ; EH & CL

PE  – Tuesday

 **We may be able to get another PE slot soon ( indoors) but children will still need to come to school ready dressed. Info to follow once a hall time has been confirmed.**

Spelling – as normal

Numeracy – Times tables practice. This week  in class, we are continuing to revise decimal numbers and fractions.  I’ve put on a couple of related challenges on Sumdog. We’ll also be revising telling the time ( analogue, digital and 24hour clock)

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt






P3 Homework w/b 23.11.20

Hi everyone,

Things to Note (It’s a short list this week!):

  • We have our nasal spray flu immunisations on Wednesday.
  • It is starting to get bitterly cold outside so please make sure your little one has a coat as the children go out to play in most weathers with the exception of heavy rain.


If you see task on your child’s group I have sent a sheet home with them. This gives a variety of different possible task ideas. You and your child can pick a minimum of one to do but please do not feel limited to one either. These can be verbal tasks or tasks recorded in their blue homework jotter. In addition they also provide some good ideas and questions to assist with guided reading to work on your child’s comprehension whilst daily reading largely works on fluency and decoding. 

Stripes: The Boss Dog of Blossom Street

Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday –  Chapter 2
Wednesday – Chapter 3
Thursday – Task

Zigs Zags: The Flying Carpet

Task sheet available but not compulsory.

Monday – page 1-8
Tuesday –  page 9-16
Wednesday – page 17 -24
Thursday – page 25-32

Spots: Bertha’s Secret Battle

Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday –  Chapter 2
Wednesday –Chapter 3
Thursday – Task

Polka Dots: The Case of the Smiling Shark

Monday – Chapter 2
Tuesday –  Chapter 4
Wednesday – Chapter 6
Thursday – Task

Waves: Ken’s Cap

Sounds and words every day plus

Monday – page 4-5
Tuesday –  page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15

Lightening Bolts: Cluck

Sounds and words every day plus

Monday – page 4-5
Tuesday –  page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15


The children have been split into groups for spelling. Their spelling words are stapled into the blue homework jotter. These words need to be learnt and the children should look out for other words of the same spelling pattern when they are reading.

Please use the grid to help learn the spellings or use LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK.

Red Group: ‘cr,dr,fr’ sound at the start of words.

Words such as: frill , drill, crack

Yellow Group: o_e

Words such as: stone, joke, throne

For this spelling pattern it is essential that children know their vowel sounds a, e i , o, u and letter names , which written phonetically sound like AY, EA, IE, OA ,UE.

We talk about the silent e jumping over the consonant to change the vowel sound. The song below can provide a helpful reminder.

Green Group: Word lists in the homework jotter.

Have a lovely week everyone!

Miss Ramsay

P7 Homework / Info – Week Beg: Monday 23rd November

Hi P7,


  • I have put photographs on Google classroom of the P7 Remembrance Assembly for those interested in checking them out.
  • Remember Football Club starts this week on Monday 23rd November. 3:15 – 4pm.


Very Well done to those pupils who have finished their pupil talk and also to the excellent talks we have already enjoyed listening to in class. I have been mightily impressed and equally intrigued, learning some interesting facts about family members and WW2.

Your homework this week includes,

1. Learn your spelling words and complete the tasks.
2. Maths Activity 1 – Fractions Friday. Learn the revision sheet given to you on converting fractions into decimals and percentages. (10 minutes would be the minimum I recommend on learning your fractions each week.)
3. Maths Activity 2 – Complete the worksheet on ‘Three Figure Bearings.’ This can be completed by printing the sheet and then taking a picture to upload.
Alternatively, you can also create a new google doc and type the answers there to turn in.
4. Continue working on your pupil talk, if you have not finished it!

NOTE: I will be providing paper copies for pupils who are still having issues with accessing Google Classroom. Please let me know on Monday 23rd November if you require a paper copy.

Fractions Friday
The work to be learnt this week as your task will be tested on Friday 27th November by Mrs Caldwell.


Mr Nelson

P5 Info – 16.11.20

Hi all,

Apologises for the delay on uploading this weeks announcement.

Thank you for all your donations for Children in Need on Friday. We raised over £325, which is just incredible!

Primary 5 will have a 45 minute virtual drumming lesson on Thursday afternoon. Then on Friday we will be joining Mrs Donnelly in the assembly to share the  facts we have learned about Diwali.

*If you cannot access/log into Google Classroom, can you please email me so I am able to sort this out for you, as all children should be able to access it.*

Homework 📝

Reading📚 – Pages to be read will be written into green reading records daily. Please sign beside the date to evidence it has been completed.

Spelling✏️- A new list was copied was copied on Monday morning.

Maths/Numeracy 🔢 – Children received a paper copy of their numeracy homework today. It is focusing on doubling 2 digit numbers. We explored this today in class, and we worked it out by doubling the tens and ones first. For example, for double 52 (50 + 50 = 100, 2 + 2 = 4, 100 + 4 = 104).

Have a lovely week,

Miss Lauren Waller


P6 Info W/B Monday 16th November 2020

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Children in Need

A huge thank you to P6 for being absolutely fabulous on Friday, presenting a short assembly to the whole campus via Zoom – our first time! I am so proud of each and every pupil. Not only that, the donations that came in on Friday added up to over £325!

Space Presentations 

Last week, all children had access to a computer to work on their pupil talk/presentation.  I’ll organise dates for pupils to present their work starting next week ( W.B 23rd). If pupils are using MS PowerPoints, it’s easier if these can be saved onto a memory device to be brought into school, rather than emailing it to me. I have yet to investigate if there’s a way of uploading MS PowerPoints to Google Classroom; maybe there is?  Obviously, Google Slides work in Google Classroom.

On the subject of Google Slides, I will endeavour to create a slideshow of P6 photos in the next few days so, watch this space, as they say!

PE– Tuesday

Spelling – As normal

Numeracy – Times tables practice

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt


P3 Homework 16.11.20

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a lovely weekend. Starting this week it will be myself back in class full time so if you need anything just let me know.

Not much to note this week. PE is once again on Wednesday and on Thursday we are getting to join a drumming zoom session in the hall which sounds like loads of fun.

Mrs Cummings has returned to teaching science and we will have her first thing on Monday morning which I know the children will love. They really enjoyed their time with Mrs Cummings and love the science lessons so will be glad to get back to our usual routine.


Stripes: The Flying Machine

Monday – page 1-8
Tuesday –  page 9-16
Wednesday – page 17-24
Thursday – page 25-32

Zigs Zags: The Hunt For Gold

Monday – page 1-8
Tuesday –  page 9-16
Wednesday – page 17 -24
Thursday – page 25-32

Spots: Janey’s Giant 

Monday – Chapter 1
Tuesday –  Chapter 2
Wednesday –Chapter 3
Thursday – Chapter 4

Polka Dots: Blue Shoes

Monday – Chapter 2
Tuesday –  Chapter 3
Wednesday – Chapter 4
Thursday – Chapter 5

Waves: Stitch the Witch

Sounds and words every day plus

Monday – page 4-5
Tuesday –  page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15

Lightening Bolts: Let’s Swim

Sounds and words every day plus

Monday – page 4-5
Tuesday –  page 6-9
Wednesday – page 10 -12
Thursday – page 13 -15


The children have been split into groups for spelling. Their spelling words are stapled into the blue homework jotter. These words need to be learnt and the children should look out for other words of the same spelling pattern when they are reading.

Please use the grid to help learn the spellings or use LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK.

Red Group: ‘sl, pl and fl’ sound at the end of words.

Words such as: slam, plot, flat

Yellow Group: i_e

Words such as: ice, slice, rice

For this spelling pattern it is essential that children know their vowel sounds a, e i , o, u and letter names , which written phonetically sound like AY, EA, IE, OA ,UE.

We talk about the silent e jumping over the consonant to change the vowel sound. The song below can provide a helpful reminder.

Green Group: Word lists in the homework jotter.


Have a lovely week everyone!

Miss Ramsay