Primary 2 Homework 1.3.22


The learning trio appointment times were sent home yesterday so please check your child’s school bag. If the time is unsuitable please let the office or myself know as soon as possible, I can be contacted via email at or feel free to speak to me at the end of the school day.

This week is world book day! Please can the children bring a book to read as whenever a bell goes during the school day we will stop and read. On Thursday the pupils may dress up as their favourite book character, we’ll be doing lots of fun book day activities!


The reading and spelling homework has gone home in book bags. Our sound of the week is “ea” as in teapot.

I have included a numeracy activity as well in their homework packs to consolidate our learning: number order for rectangles and triangles; addition for circle group.

Thanks for all your support,

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch


P3 Homework – 28.2.22

Hi everyone,


Learning Trios

All appointment slips have been handed out today. If this slot is unsuitable please contact the school office to rearrange . Please also remember these are learning trios. Your child must be present and due to restrictions we are limited to 1 parent/guardian. We are following the same format as last time, with entering through the classroom door and wearing masks (unless arranged otherwise).

World Book Day

On Thursday the children have been invited to dress as their favourite book character. Please note that the children do still have PE on Thursday morning so if their costume is unsuitable for PE can they come to school in PE clothes and bring their costume to change into.

Change of Footwear

The weather has been particularly wet recently and as a result we have noticed the carpets are suffering. We are requesting that children return to bringing a change of footwear for indoors to try to limit the damage.

Homework –

Homework will go out on a Tuesday and be returned the following Monday. This is to accommodate families who have parents working long hours and children with extracurricular activities. If you wish to still hand in Friday that isn’t a problem.


Spelling words have been glued into the children’s jotters. Please remember to practise the words AND write the sentences unless this has been discussed with me previously. Remember the third column is optional.

Spelling focus for each group:

Ravenclaw – un, dis, re, pre , de prefixes

Prefixes are a group of letters that change the meaning of a word when they are added to the start. Most prefixes mean a similar thing when they’re added to different words.

  1. un usually means not. For example, unhappy, unlocked, unfair
  2. dis and mis usually have negative meanings. For example, disagree, disobey, misbehave, mislead
  3. re usually means again or back. For example, redo, reappear, redecorate

What are prefixes? – BBC Bitesize

Gryffindors: suffixes -ly and -ful

suffix is a letter or group of letters that goes on the end of a word and changes the word’s meaning.

Sometimes they also change the original word’s spelling. When adding a suffix you might have to double the last letter. For example when adding ‘ed’ to ‘drop’ you also double the p so it becomes ‘dropped’.

What are suffixes? – BBC Bitesize

Slytherin and Hufflepuff – i_e split spelling pattern. Magic e.

Magic ‘e’ words have an ‘e’ at the end of them to signify that a short vowel sound can be changed into a long vowel sound. An example of a magic ‘e’ word would be time. Without that magic ‘e’ at the end, the word is tim. This creates a short ‘i’ sound.


Nessies : Bones

Tuesday– p1 -11

Wednesday – p12-22

Thursday- p23-33

Fri/Weekend  p33 – 55



Dragons: The Goalie from Nowhere

Tuesday– p1 -11

Wednesday – p12-22

Thursday- p23-33

Fri/Weekend  p33 – 55


Unicorns – The Terrible Present

Tuesday –  Chpt 1

Wednesday –  Chpt 2

Thursday- Chpt 3

Friday/Weekend –  Chpt 4


Kelpies – The Great Spaghetti Suit

Tuesday– Chpt 1

Wednesday- Chpt 2

Thursday- Chpt 3

Fri/Weekend – Activity – Design your own food suit. What would be the pros and cons of that suit. Draw it and write your pro and cons list in your jotter.


Selkies – The Rainbow Machine

Tuesday– p1-8

Wednesday- p9-16

Thursday- p17-24

Fri/Weekend – p25 – End


Mermaids – The Hunt for Gold

Tuesday– p1-8

Wednesday- p9-16

Thursday- p17-24

Fri/Weekend – p25 – End

Have a fab week everyone!

Miss Ramsay


P6 Week Beginning 28.2.22

Hi all,

Ms Gault will be taking full responsibility for teaching the class over next three weeks. I will still be in the class during this time.

Learning Trios: On Monday, the children will be given a slip with their Learning Trio date and time on it. These will be taking place on Wednesday and Friday after school. Please remember only one adult should attend with their child. We are following the same routine as last time, with entering through the classroom door and wearing masks. If you need to change your appointment then please call the school office to do so. Anyone who requested a phone call appointment, these will be taking place next week.

World Book Day: On Thursday, the children have the opportunity to dress up as a book character and this week they can bring in their favourite book to read and share with the class. Please note, the children do have P.E this day so they may need to bring a change if their outfit is not suitable  for P.E. 

P.E. is on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

Mandarin and skiing is on Wednesday, please remember all children need to bring gloves for skiing.

We have noticed that the carpets are suffering from using outdoor shoes in school. Please could all children bring a pair of shoes to change into. These shoes should be suitable to use in P.E. (velcro or laced trainers) and to be left at school.


Spelling: Children will copy their words on Monday and their task should be completed in their jotter. It is their choice as to which task they wish to choose (pyramid writing, sentences etc.)

Reading: Reading homework will be issued as usual.

Maths: On Google Classroom, the class have a task to complete which revises different types of triangles.

I hope you all have a wonderful week,

Miss Lauren Waller


P7 Info W/B 28th Feb 2022

Hi all,

Learning Trios – Parental Meetings take place this week.  Appointment letters will be issued on Monday 28th. I will email parents who requested a phone call to arrange a date and time.

📚Reading World Book Day  is Thursday 3rd March this year – children can, if they wish, dress up as their favourite book character and bring their favourite book  with them.

💬 Debates – We are embarking on 3 rounds of debates over 3 weeks. We have randomly selected 6 teams. Round One debate topics are simpler in subject matter but in the following rounds, the subjects get more complex.

Round One starts this week.

Children are expected to do some research on their given topic. There is a Debates jamboard in Google Classroom for reference.

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

👞Indoor shoes – Children can now bring indoor shoes to change into. ***Indoor shoes should be suitable for PE***

🥁Drumming – P7 had their 3rd African Drumming session last Thursday morning. Children learned about the Surdo drum and played Samba rhythms with other percussion instruments.

🎵🎸P7 Song – Progress has been great so far – P7 have now written the chorus for the class song and Mr Forbes has created a melody for it. It’s very catchy! This week, groups will work on verses.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy – A task will be set in Google Classroom on Thursday. We have been doing general revision recently.

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

P5 Week Beginning 28/02/22

Dear Parents and Carers,

The children really enjoyed the drumming session on Thursday using Samba drums and other percussion instruments.

This week please check your child’s bag for the letter for the trio appointment. If the time is not suitable please get in touch. Anyone who has requested a telephone appointment will be given a date and time for the following week (week beginning 7/3/22). As before it is one adult allowed, your child must attend with you and a mask must be worn. Please come to the external class door.  I look forward to seeing you. If you are having a telephone appointment the form will be sent home with you and your child should be present during the call.

We have noticed that the carpets are suffering from using outdoor shoes in school. Please could all children bring a pair of shoes to change into. These shoes should be suitable to use in P.E. (velcro or laced trainers) and to be left at school (as they were before COVID).


Please see reading books as usual.

Spelling words will be in spelling jotters.

Numeracy – Please continue to work on times tables.

On Thursday 3rd March. It is World Book Day, every child brought a letter home on Thursday about this. Your child can dress as a character from a book. They should also bring their favourite book to school to share with the class.

Kind regards,

Lisa Cumming


Primary 2 Newsletter 25.2.22


Please find the attached newsletter for this week below.

newsletter 19

Thank you to everyone who replied regarding the learning trios next week. Please keep an eye out on Monday for your appointment time coming home in your child’s schoolbag. These will run in the same way as they did in November, with one adult accompanying their child to the appointment, entering via the classroom door.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch

Primary 2 Homework 22.2.22


I hope everyone had a lovely February break.

The homework for this week:

Numeracy: We have been practising skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Primary 2s have a go at counting in 2s, 5s or 10s to an adult at home. For an added challenge start at a number other than 0. For example: start at 12 and count up in 2s or start at 50 and count up in 10s

Literacy: The reading books and spelling words have gone home today in reading bags. Our sound of the week is “ay”

The learning trios will take place next week. Thank you to everyone who has returned their date preference. If you are still to do so please could you let me know as soon as possible which date you would prefer.

Thanks for all your support,

Mrs Lynch

P6 Week Beginning 21.2.22

Hi all,

The children have returned from the February break feeling refreshed and very ready to learn, which is excellent!! I hope you all had a lovely break too.

Apologises I am a little later in posting this week.

The class had P.E. on Tuesday and they have it again tomorrow (Thursday).

Skiing was great fun today and all children must remember to bring gloves! We also had Mandarin with Miss Sun this afternoon.

Tomorrow the class have African Drumming with Infectious Grooves.

On Friday, we are attending assembly with Mrs Donnelly in the hall.

Just a reminder that children can get a hot meal from the dining hall at lunch time if they wish and this has to be prepaid through ParentPay.

On Monday, the children received learning trio and jockey letters (if they wanted to be considered as a jockey in the Gala). These both must be returned by Friday.

This week we have started our new class novel ‘Wonder’ and our new topic which is ‘Titanic’.

Ms Gault will be taking full responsibility of the class for the next three weeks (starting next week) and we cannot wait to see what exciting lessons she has planned for us!


The children wrote their spelling words into their jotter on Monday, as there is still the expectation that they write them three times in cursive. In addition, there is a spelling and numeracy task on Google Classroom for them to complete. Reading homework should also be completed every night. All homework is due in on Friday and please ensure the spellings are correct. 

Learning Trios

These are taking place next week on Wednesday and Friday afternoon.  If you cannot attend on the dates given, please let me know to arrange a different day / date or to arrange a telephone consultation.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller