P7 Info W/B 14th March 2022

Hi all,

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🏑HOCKEY –Well done to both teams- we came 2nd and 3rd in our group. Exemplary behaviour and sportsmanship shown from our P7s on this first post-Covid outing. Photos are in Google Classroom.

📚Reading – ‘Reading Challenge’ – to encourage pupils to read for pleasure more, I issued the First Minister’s Reading Challenge last week. Children received a ‘passport’ where they record what they have read and can share this with the class, if they so wish. Children can borrow  books from our school library.

💬 Debates – We are embarking on 3 rounds of debates over 3 weeks. We have randomly selected 6 teams. Round Two debates went very well last week. Round Three starts this week with new teams. Details are on the Debates jamboard in Google Classroom.


🚲Friday 18thBike Workshop – 12 -2pm  Bring bikes to be checked over and minor repairs done if possible.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy – A task will be set in Google Classroom on Monday 14th. We have been doing general revision recently but will be focusing on measure for the next week or two.

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt

💐P4 Homework & Update – March 2022

💐 March 2022 💐

Many thanks to all who have managed to meet with us to update progress on targets during Learning Trio sessions. It has been fabulous seeing how many pupils have achieved their targets and are confident setting next steps. There are only a few outstanding phone calls to take place.


  • 🔡Spelling: homework tasks consist of pupils writing new spelling words in their homework jotter on Wednesday each week. At home they should use:

                    LOOK   THINK/SAY  COVER   WRITE   CHECK

  • 🔤 writing out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete an activity card which will earn pupils credit card points. Completed spelling homework should be returned the following Monday to be marked and the next spelling pattern will be given for homework on Wednesday each week. All activities are discussed in class so your child should be able to complete these tasks independently or with minimal adult support.
  • 🔢Numeracy & Maths: each week an activity sheet will be given to practise work which has been taught in class. Pupils can write straight onto this sheet so no need to copy into their jotters and this can be returned in their folder on Monday of the following week.
  • 📚Reading: all pupils have been allocated a reading book which goes home once or twice per week to be read with an adult. It is extremely important that this activity is done at home as only through regular reading practice, will children improve this valuable life skill! Please ensure your child’s reading book is returned to school on the date written on the bookmark. It would also be helpful if you could initial this when you have heard your child read.
  • 👟PE/Health & Wellbeing: this will be a mix of indoor and outdoor activities where possible and to that end, can children please come dressed for outdoor PE on Monday and Wednesday each week.  An outdoor kit will consist of trainers, shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings, t-shirt, fleece and outdoor showerproof jacket. We still don’t have a changing area at present so children will wear their kit for the day. Additionally, please ensure pupils bring a water bottle to keep hydrated.

Additional Information

🧑‍🏫Student Teacher – I am sure we can all join together in thanking Mr Ferguson for his time spent with us and the enjoyable lessons the pupils have experienced with him. He will be missed when his placement finishes on Thursday 17.3.22 but I am sure we will see him again when he pops in for a visit.

🧧Mandarin – P4 will continue to take part in weekly, half hour Mandarin lessons every Wednesday morning.

💻Digital Devices – All pupils have had time to experience their new Chromebooks which will be going home for the first time w/b 14.3.22.  As the devices will follow pupils through their schooling, it is extremely important that they are taken care of and we ask that you ensure that pupils pack their device every morning for use in school. If they are forgotten then the office will phone home and request that it is dropped at school to ensure valuable learning is not missed.

👟Indoor Shoes –  All pupils have been requested to bring a pair of indoor shoes, suitable for PE, to school. This is to protect the school carpets which cost a great deal to clean.

🏫Whole School Assembly – We are delighted to be back together in the hall as a whole school to take part in weekly assemblies.

🌲Outdoor Learning – Pupils have been enjoying working on outdoor learning on Mondays with Miss Simpson. P4 have a two week slot in March and we then hope to make this a regular feature of our programme for pupils.

🚲Bicycle Pop Up Tent – On Friday 18th March 12pm – 2pm Midlothian Council youth workers will have the bicycle pop up tent in the playground. Pupils, parents and school staff will be able to have their bikes and scooters checked, serviced and any basic repairs done free of charge. Please bring bikes or scooters along and have them checked!

📅 Diary dates:

Wednesday 9th March 2022 – Usher Hall visit to take part in the Royal Scottish National Orchestra play, Gaspard’s Foxtrot, return 3pm

Friday 11th March 2022 – Dress down day in aid of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Children can wear blue and/or yellow to show support for Ukraine and make a monetary donation IF THEY SO WISH.  This is entirely optional.

Friday 18th March 2022 – Pop up bike tent, 12 – 2pm

If you have any queries regarding homework or wish to discuss another aspect of your child’s education please contact Mrs Roy or myself by email on our new address:



Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

Primary 2 Homework 8.3.22


Reading homework has gone home in reading bags today, alongside this weeks spelling list.

Our sound this week is ‘igh’. Please practise the following words at home:

lip     his     went

night     high     might     light

any     many     frightening

We have been looking at how we can work out how we can count groups of objects. For example: 6 pairs of gloves- how many gloves would that be? We can count in 2s to find the answer more quickly:

2+2+2+2+2+2=12 gloves    OR 6 groups of 2 could be written as

6 x 2=12 gloves (6 lots of 2 making 12). Try the hit the button game on topmarks to practise the 2 times table. (link below)


Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch

P5 Week beginning 07/03/22

Dear Parents and Carers,

INDOOR SHOES: Please can I remind you that your child should now be bringing a pair of indoor shoes (suitable to do P.E. in) to change into at school. Our carpets have really suffered and it costs a lot to get them cleaned.

It has been lovely to see so many parents this week to have our Trio meetings. I look forward to speaking to the rest of you this week.

Homework: Please see reading books and spelling jotters as usual.

I have spoken to many of you about the importance of your child learning their times tables for rapid recall. Please encourage your child to work on this and support them by asking them questions in and out of order whenever you can. Little and often is a good way to approach it.

Last week two groups of children were involved in doing some gardening around the school with a couple of parent volunteers. This week the rest of the class will have the opportunity to take part in gardening.

Kind regards,

Lisa Cumming  l.cumming@midlothian.education


P6 Week Beginning 7.3.22

Hi all,

Thank you to those who attended their Learning Trio last week. It was so nice to see you all again face to face and discuss your child’s learning. They should be bringing home their targets this week.

P6 had their last week of skiing and while it is sad that we are finished, the class should be so proud of how well they represented the school and their own perserverance on the slopes too!

We also had our first full school assembly on Friday, the class (and myself!) LOVED it. It was so lovely to be able to come together as a school for it.

P.E is on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes dressed for P.E with a water bottle for hydration.

On Wednesday we have Mandarin with Miss Sun.

Just a reminder that children can bring indoor shoes to wear in school, these should be suitable for P.E and will be kept in school.

Friday 11th MarchDress Down Day – in aid of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Children can wear blue and/or yellow to show support for Ukraine and make a monetary donation IF THEY SO WISH.  This is entirely optional.


Reading – set as usual.

Spelling – Words written three times in cursive in their homework jotter and task is on Google Classroom.

Numeracy – There is an algebra revision task on Google Classroom for the children to complete.

Please remember that homework is due in on FRIDAY each week. 

Thank you all for your continued support,

Miss Lauren Waller


P7 Info W/B Monday 7th March 2022

Hi all,

🎽 PE  – Tuesday and Thursday – please come to school dressed for PE outdoors. Remember to bring a water bottle for hydration. 

🏑HOCKEY – TUESDAY – Our first sports trip! Some children have been selected to take part in a hockey tournament at Lasswade HS – please ensure all permission slips are handed in on Monday.

👞Indoor shoes – Children can now bring indoor shoes to change into. ***Indoor shoes should be suitable for PE***

📚Reading – ‘Reading Challenge’ – to encourage pupils to read for pleasure more, I will issue the First Minister’s Reading Challenge this week. Children receive a ‘passport’ where they record what they have read and can share this with the class, if they so wish. Children can borrow a book from our school library.

💬 Debates – We are embarking on 3 rounds of debates over 3 weeks. We have randomly selected 6 teams. Round One debates went very well last week. Round Two starts this week with new teams. Details are on the Debates jamboard in Google Classroom.

🎵🎸P7 Song – Progress has been great so far – P7 have now written the chorus for the class song and Mr Forbes has created a melody for it. It’s very catchy! This week, groups will work on verses. Mr Forbes has posted the guitar chords needed for the chorus so interested pupils can start practising!

Friday 11thDress Down Day – in aid of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Children can wear blue and/or yellow to show support for Ukraine and make a monetary donation IF THEY SO WISH.  This is entirely optional.

🏠Homework :

📝Spelling –  Please hand in completed work on Friday. Please ensure all writing is neat.

🧮 Maths/Numeracy – A task will be set in Google Classroom on Monday 7th. We have been doing general revision recently but will be focusing on measure for the next week or two.

That’s all for now,

Thank you,

Miss Brunt


Our school community have been desperate to do something to help Ukraine. 🇺🇦.

We have decided to have a dress down day on Friday and ask everyone to wear something blue and yellow if possible. We ask that everyone brings a cash donation too. We are donating money to a charity that matches your donations, so anything we raise will be doblubled. More info will be given when donations are in.

Thanks for your support