P5 Reading books

This week all children in Primary 5 have a reading book which they will take home and read the next chapter so that they are ready to study and discuss it in class next Tuesday and Wednesday.


P1 Homework Week Beginning 24.10.2016

Sounds: This week we are not learning any new sounds but focussing on revising the ones we have learnt and using these to make short words. The children have been given a new set of sounds which have the last six sounds that we have learnt. They also have a list of words to learn to read and to make using their sounds. The list of words can be cut up. These short words can all be sounded out to help the children learn to read them.

Reading: Please help your child to read their new book. They will keep the book for a week but will be doing other activities connected to the book. Some of these will be sent home for homework.

Please supply an envelope for your child to keep all their key words and sentence strips from their reading books.

Other information:

A reminder that we have the trip to Dynamic Earth on Wednesday. Please return the slip about packed lunches particularly if you wish to have a free school packed lunch. Of course you are welcome to supply your child’s own packed lunch if you wish to.

The Parent Council Halloween disco is on Thursday evening, information has been sent home in their reading bags.

P4 Homework 25/10/16

P4 Homework 25/10/16

Spelling– Week 1) th and a

Gorillas (a) sound like in class

Pandas (th) sound

Wolves (th) sound (make sure children aren’t sounding out the (f) sound when they say this.

All Groups:

Words in jotters

Write me a silly story with your words, noticing the tricky words and how they sound different.

Complete one Spell Well activity- if these are lost please send in a note or a message with your child for a new one.

Some children have lost their homework jotters and have their spelling on paper. Please have a look at home and see if you can find it. 


I have jury duty this week and if selected won’t be here to distribute new books. The children who are supposed to get new books know where they are so, if needed, can you ask them to ask whoever is here for them.

Pink – 25-end for Wednesday and P1- 8 of a day in London for Thursday, new book to be given from book box in class.

Orange – P16-end for Wednesday and New Book “The treasure chest” P1-8 for Thursday. New book to be given from book box in class.

Yellow- Chapter 6 and 7 to be completed for Tuesday 1st November- try to read a little every day and if finished read a little of something else please.

Blue Yellow- Chapter 6 and 7 to be completed for Tuesday 1st November- try to read a little every day and if finished read a little of something else please.

Green – new book Scrap man- see bookmarks in books.


P6 Spelling 24th Oct

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK each word twice.

Complete 1 activity from the sheet in your jotter.

BLUE – sheet 3 short vowel sounds.

RED – sheet 4b and 4c

To be completed for Monday 31st OCt

P2 Homework W/B 24.10.16

Welcome back! Hope everyone had a nice October break. This  term will be very busy with dinosaurs, Halloween, Bonfire Night and of course, Christmas!

Events this week:

Wed – Trip to Dynamic Earth. Please make sure you have paid and filled out the permission slip in advance.Thank you. 

Tuesday and Thursday – PE

Thursday evening Halloween Party at 6:30pm. Many thanks to all who donated something for this!


Show and Tell – Week Two Rota

Indoor shoes – all children should have a pair of indoor shoes to change into.

Coats/jackets – Can all pupils please come to school with a coat or jacket now that the weather is turning cooler.


Spelling List 8 – See new 6 week sheet list ‘Days 2’

Reading – as normal ( though may send home some Halloween poems to read)

Numeracy – practise adding on two and taking away two  within 10, 20, 100 and beyond if appropriate.

Topic – continues to be about Dinosaurs


Miss Brunt

P4 Homework 11-10-16

P4 Homework 11/10/16

Spelling– Week 2) ch and igh

Gorillas (igh) sound

Pandas (ch) sound

Wolves (ch) sound

All Groups:

Words in jotters

Write words three times and repeat them, noticing the tricky words and how they sound different.

Ask the children about the new strategy of skimming and scanning that they have been learning in reading- being word detectives. Ask them to skim a book or magazine to find words with their spelling sounds. Write three of the words you find in your jotter.

Complete one Spell Well activity- if these are lost please send in a note or a message with your child for a new one.

Some children have lost their homework jotters and have their spelling on paper Please have a look at home and see if you can find it. 


Pink – P8-16 for Wednesday and 16-end for Thursday.

Orange – See new books and bookmark daily. P24-end for Wednesday and New Book “Robin Hood” P1-8 for Thursday.

Yellow- Chapter 5 to be completed for Tuesday 11th October

Blue Chapter 5 to be completed for Tuesday 11th October

Green P24-30  for Wednesday 12th, P30-34 for Thursday 13th and P34-38 for Friday 14th

Some weeks there will be additional work required such as worksheets or activities and some weeks, like this one, only reading will be required.

P2 Homework W/B 10.10.16

Events this week:

**Reminder**Parents Meetings –  You should have had an appointment time sent home last Friday – check book bags for slip.

Wed ( evening session)

Thurs ( afternoon session)

FridayDress Down Day– no uniform day and donate a Halloween item for the Halloween party (which is after the hols)

Friday – END OF TERM for the October holiday –  pick up at 12:15pm for P1/2 as normal. All resume Monday 24th October.

**Reminder** – Please try to fill in the permission slip and pay for the Dynamic Earth trip before the end of the week. Many thanks 🙂

Show and Tell – Week One Rota

Indoor shoes – all children should have a pair of indoor shoes to change into.

Coats/jackets – Can all pupils please come to school with a coat or jacket now that the weather is turning cooler.


Spelling List 7 – See new 6 week sheet list ‘Days 1’

Reading – as normal

Numeracy – practise adding on one and taking away one within 10, 20, 100 and beyond if appropriate. This week, P2 will be introduced to Sumdog – an interactive maths website which we will begin to use for homework after the holidays.

Topic – continues to be about Dinosaurs


Miss Brunt