Parent helpers P1 and P2 for Christmas Fair

Primary 1 and 2 are responsible for the second-hand toy stall at the Christmas Fair on Friday 2nd December. We  urgently need some parents to come in and help  with sorting and pricing the toys for the stall.

If any parents are available to come in on Thursday afternoon, anytime from 12:45pm, please let Mrs Cumming or Miss Brunt know.


Homework 22/11/16

Most of the children will have their words on paper this week for spelling as the jotters (all but 3) have gone walkabout. The children are certain they put them in the correct tray and I am now searching all the other trays to see if we can find them.


Spelling– Week 1) u-e and y (i)

Gorillas (y) sound like in day or pay

Pandas (u-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g blu  blue   tub   tube)

Wolves (u-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g blu  blue   tub   tube)

All Groups:

Words in jotters:

Complete one Spell Well activity- if these are lost please send in a note or a message with your child for a new one.


Pink –  Far Out day Out- See bookmark

Orange –  Spiders- See bookmark

Yellow- Meeting Cezanne by Michael Morpugo- P44-end – no written task.

Blue – The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl.- 42-end- no written task

Green – The Lie Detector- see bookmark to be completed by Wed 23rd and new book given on Wed 23rd

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits and I have begun a challenge this week on Sumdog. The children are very keen to participate in this but please remind them that it is for fun and not to feel bad if they aren’t able to spend as much time as others on the computer.

The Rules

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

P6 Homework 21.11.16

Monday 21st November

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice.

BLUE – please complete two activities from the sheet.

RED – please complete one activity from sheet and complete sheet 8b and 8c.

For Monday 28th November

P2 Homework W/B 21.11.16

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 12 ‘ck’

Reading – continues as normal – keep checking book bags for updates.

No numeracy task

Show and Tell – Week 2 rota

School Fair Donations–   P2 are helping to organise the 2nd hand toy stall so any decent (good condition)  toys that are no longer wanted, will be gratefully received- thanks!

Nativity – the parts in the play have been decided so Mrs Cumming and I will send everyone a little note home this week, stating your child’s part and whether or not they need any costume from home. Fortunately, we are very well resourced for this in school and we won’t need many children to bring in items from home. If your child has a speaking part, he/she will get lines home at the start of this week. Please help your child learn their lines – many thanks!


Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt




Primary 6 Homework 18/11/16

Reading – All groups have reading homework. Novel or reading worksheet for Tuesday 22nd Nov.

Maths – All pupils have maths worksheet – due Friday 25th Nov.

P6 would appreciate help from any parents/carers to make various items for the Christmas Fair. Please contact me at

Thank you.

Book Week Scotland 21st-26th Novemeber

Book Week Scotland 21st-26th NovemberImage result for quotes about reading

P3 will be celebrating Book Week Scotland next week. Due to other exciting reading activities we will not be following our normal reading schedule. I will not be sending reading home. Instead, I would like children to read for enjoyment or share books together as a family. Children should aim to read for 20 minutes each night. See below for further information.

  • I would like children to bring a book in next week to read for enjoyment (if you don’t have a new one or you forget then there are plenty in school to borrow). In addition to this, I would like them to bring in their favourite book. If they could keep it in school for the week that would be great.
  • In class we will be using the ipads to create ‘book trailers’ in groups (like film trailers), writing book reviews on our favourite books, creating book marks for the library visit and recommending books to each other.
  • Children will be asked if they want to do a really short informal book talk. It will be a little like show and tell but for book recommendations. They should introduce their book, say why they like it, why they would recommend it to other children and read a very small excerpt from it. I will speak to children about this next week and then send a little slip home so they can prepare.
  • On Friday 26th we will end the week with an exciting visit to Loanhead Library.

Image result for quotes about reading

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Miss Prior


P4 Homework 15/11/16

My apologies for last week- when I typed up the homework I must have forgotten to actually publish it so it was not visible on the website!

P4 Homework -5/11/16

Spelling– Week 2) a-e and o (u)

Gorillas (o) sound like in money or monkey

Pandas (a-e) sound (magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g cam   came   sam same)

Wolves (a-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g cam   came   sam same)

All Groups:

Words in jotters:

Complete one Spell Well activity- if these are lost please send in a note or a message with your child for a new one.


Pink –  Mini Marvels- See bookmark

Orange –  Planes- See bookmark

Yellow- Meeting Cezanne by Michael Morpugo- P34-44 and a short summary.

Blue – The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl.- 32-42 and a short summary.

Green – The Lie Detector- see bookmark

*NEW*   Numeracy- This week I have set a competition on Sumdog if the children have time to go on and have a go. I have sent their passwords home with them in their learnits envelope. I have also sent them home with an envelope with their learnits in them. These are for you to work through at home until the envelope is empty, when you can get more.

The Rules

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.