P2 Homework W/B 2.5.17

Homework this week:

Reading– I have restructured my reading programme in class and will inform you further by sending home information in the reading bags. It’ll be a squeeze but I’ll try my best to see everyone about their reading today        ( Tuesday) after missing Monday due to the holiday.

Spelling – List 29 ‘or’  (unless otherwise indicated)

Numeracy – SUMDOG challenge. P2  2X and 10X Challenge 2.5.17 We have begun to explore the 2x  and 10x table which links in very much with previous numeracy: counting in 2s, counting in 10s . We are learning that multiplication is just a quick way to add the same number many times. Pupils will be able to access this challenge in school as I realise that not everyone can access this at home.

PE – We’ll resume our Tuesday and Thursday slots for this week until next week, when P2 will get gymnastics on Monday 8th.

Topic – We will start a new topic this week…to be revealed! We have finally finished ‘Fairyland’ and P1/2 had a wee celebration on Friday to say farewell.

Thank you,

P3 Home Learning

Sorry I did not put the homework last week. All homework jotters have grid stuck in. Homework is due Friday 5th May.

I have updated the primary three homepage. You can find this by clicking p3 along the top of the home page. Here you will find a brief overview of what we are covering in class until summer.

I would be very grateful if you could support your child with learning timetables, number bonds and doubles and halves throughout this term.

P6 Orienteering Festival 3/5/17 / Bikeability 2/5/17

All pupils have received a note regarding the above event that will take place at Vogrie Country Park. Packed lunches will be required and Parental Agreement Form and £3 should be returned on Tuesday 2/5/17.

Bikeability will take place on Tuesday 2/5/17 as previously advised for those pupils who indicated they would like to take part.

Thank You Mrs.Hunter.

Primary 6 Homework 28/4/17


The group reading the Accidental Time Traveller have reading homework. All other groups will be given homework on Tuesday 2/5/17.


Pupils have a maths worksheet(Budgeting) to complete for next Friday 5/5/17.


Pupils have a grammar worksheet (Using Conjunctions to Extend Sentences) to complete for next Friday 5/5/17.

Any homework not handed in today should be completed for Tuesday 2/5/17.

** Our Vision **

Our Vision

Loanhead aspires to be a learning community where


Are at the core of all we do.

Our Aims to Develop our Core Values

• To promote care of all through a culture of wellbeing and     respect.
• To foster openness and honesty between all members of the learning community.
• To be inclusive and strive to meet the needs of all.
• To promote high quality learning and achievement.
• To develop all individuals to enable them to reach their full potential.

P2 Homework W/B 24.4.17

Homework this week:

Reading– please check homework bags daily for updates. Some children will get new reading issued on Mondays and some on Tuesdays. I will send home a wee note indicating which days  your child will read in class.

I have also asked children to bring in something that they like to read for pleasure as we will begin to have 15-20 mins per day on individual and personal reading.

Spelling – List 28 ‘oy’  unless otherwise indicated)

Numeracy – SUMDOG challenge. P2 Two Times Table challenge. We have begun to explore the 2x table which links in very much with previous numeracy: counting in 2s, doubles, even numbers . We are learning that multiplication is just a quick way to add the same number many times. At this point, we’re keeping it simple so 2×5 means ‘2 lots of 5’ or ‘2 groups of 5’  or 5 + 5  or ‘two fives’. We are not really looking at 5 x 2 or trying to make the connection that 2×5 is the same as 5×2 just yet.  So, 2 x1, 2×2, 2×3, 2×4 and so on. Pupils will be able to access this challenge in school as I realise that not everyone can access this at home.

PE – We’ll resume our Tuesday and Thursday slots for the next two weeks until we get our last two gymnastic sessions in May.

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt

P3 Home Learning WB 17/04/17

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. We have a jam packed summer term ahead of us.

As we have a short week this week, with the Monday holiday and our trip. We will have less homework. Homework will resume as normal next Monday.

Numeracy-Please continue to learn 2, 5 and 10 times tables. If your child is secure with these then move on to 3 and so on. You can do this any way you like.

Lot’s of games available on this link if you wish to use them http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/times-tables.

Reading-Please read each night for enjoyment.

Spelling-No spelling words set for this week.

Please can all homework jotters be handed in on Friday so that I can stick next week’s homework in.


Any questions please ask

Miss Prior 🙂


P2 Homework W/B Tuesday 18.4.17

Welcome back after Easter!

We’re looking forward to the final term which will take us right up to the summer break; where has the time gone?

This 11 week term will see us finish up ‘Fairyland’ as a topic – we’ll study the Seashore and Loanhead (Local Study). We’ll have a Health Week in June and lots of other interesting things to do. This term also includes a couple of Monday holidays, the Summer Fair, reports and Parents meetings. So, it is busy, busy, busy!

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 27 ‘oi’ ( unless specified otherwise)

Reading homework – there will be no new book sent home this week. Instead, we will do a ‘book study’ in class. However, please encourage your child to read texts of their choice( book, magazine, comic, annual) or read bedtime stories to/with them.

NumeracyJust for fun! I have created a Sumdog Challenge named ‘Halves and Doubles 18.4.17’. It’s a bit challenging as it covers the 2x table, halves and odd/even numbers but it offers a lot of repetition which the children should get the hang of.

PE– Thursday

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt