P5 Homework week starting 14/11/16

Spelling Homework – For Friday

Write your spelling words 3 times in neat columns using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check.

Try to learn your words, then ask someone at home to test you. Write your score in your jotter.


Reading Text Chain Challenge – For Friday

Complete task 8 of your reading challenge and make sure all other reading tasks are returned in your Reading Challenge bag.

Text Chain Poster – For Monday 21st November

Make a ‘Text Chain’ poster that demonstrates the links between all your texts.  Be creative and use your artistic skills. Please be prepared to share your poster with the class on Monday.






P5 Reading books

This week all children in Primary 5 have a reading book which they will take home and read the next chapter so that they are ready to study and discuss it in class next Tuesday and Wednesday.


Primary 5 Homework week starting 03/10/16


Task 1: Write words out 3 times in neat columns using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check


Task 2: Write 5 sentences, each with a spelling word and an adverb.

Remember an adverb is a word which gives more meaning to a verb.  Many adverbs tell us how something happened. Many adverbs end in ly e.g. quietly, quickly, smartly


Task 1: Write out and learn the 6 x table. Ask someone at home to test you on it. Try to recite it in order but then answer questions on it, out of sequence.

Reading Challenge

Complete task 3

P5 Homework Week starting 26/09/16


Complete task from spelling Activity card using this week’s words. All children have a separate card.  Cards will be swapped over, each time they are handed out.



Complete task 2 from Reading Challenge.

Well done on your first task.  Some excellent work produced.  We are looking forward to sharing these in our book clubs.


Multiplication and division facts Worksheet


Primary 5 Homework Week starting 12/09/16


1.Write words 3 times in neat columns using Look,say, cover, write and check.

2.Pick 5 words and write a separate sentence using each.  As we have been revising verbs, underline the verb in each sentence.



Choose and do one of the following tasks:

A – House Prices

Find different house prices from adverts in a newspaper, ESPC or the Internet.  List up to 10 prices you can find.  Underline one digit of each house price and identify the value of it using words or figures.

e.g. £984 000

If you underline the 8 it is eighty thousand pounds or £80 000.


B- Space Hopping

Research the distance from the Earth to the Moon and other planets e.g. It is about 384 403km to the moon.

Record your information in digits and in words and write the distances in order.


Chain Text Challenge shall be sent home on Tuesday.