P6 Homework W/B 29th October 2018

Hi all,

Hope everyone enjoyed the extra hour we gained this weekend! P6 should be bright and eager, ready to learn this week!


*HOCKEY on Tuesday 30th October* for ten pupils. These children have been selected to represent our school at a tournament. However, it was such a hectic week that we never managed to get the permission slips home so these will be given out on Monday and must be returned on Tuesday. Many thanks.

EvM    EvC    ZM  (girls)

FrC   AO   TJM   LCh    RA   WL    OM (boys)


Reading – Most, not all,  children have reading homework to do at home. On Tuesday, children will be given home a reading journal to accompany their book which will involve book related homework tasks.

Spelling – children will copy down their new list on Monday.

Numeracy – Sumdog Challenge ( Time Challenge)

Topic – For the next 2-3 weeks our topic is general science skills. Last week, we set up an experiment to find out the absorbency of three types of cloth. The core skills included planning, fair testing, measuring, observing, recording and concluding. In our writing lesson this week, we will write up our findings.

Peer Mediation – Ms Brown, the school’s Educational Psychologist,  will be working with P6 to train them to become peer mediators. An information letter will be posted here soon but it basically involves exploring feelings and how best to deal with conflict between friends.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday – Developing netball skills

French – Miss Dickson returns from University and will revise French with P6 and develop their speaking/ writing skills further over the course of this term

Thanks to everyone who donated a tombola prize for the Halloween party this week.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt



P1 homework 22/10

Hello, we hope you and your child enjoyed the October holiday.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Please see the blue reading record book and continue to help your child learn the words in their word box. It is really important that the children learn these words so that they can begin to feel that they are successfully reading their book -it helps them to make more sense of what they are reading too.

Phonics: We are learning 3 sounds this week:

Tuesday – g, Wednesday – o, Thursday – u

Please can you help your child to complete the handwriting sheets in their phonics book and to listen for these sounds/ think of words which start with these sounds.

*If you have not done so already please send in a small box or tin for your child’s words.

PE Kits

Please ensure all children have their PE kits for their PE lesson on Wednesday. Every child should have named T-Shirt and Shorts.

Thank you for your support to help your child’s learning.

P3 Homework and Assembly

Hi all,

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday, I know your kids did after all the great stories I have heard today. I must say am jealous!

As this week is the p3 class assembly I have chosen to hold back our spelling work to next week as many of the children have lots of words to practice. We will be sharing our learning about our endangered animals topic with the whole school so we are all very excited!  In addition to this we will be performing a song as a class called ‘Animals in Danger’. I have provided lyrics at the bottom of the post as well as a media link to the song. If for some reason the link doesn’t work the song is on Youtube under the same title. Any support at home with learning the song and lines or even just improving fluency when reading them is hugely appreciated. If your child has come home with no lines it is because they are part of our learning gallery and are sharing their art work they are proud of.

If you do so wish to carry on working on spelling in class we are revising silent b, k and  w as well as ea as e, ch as k and wh.

Just a quick reminder that all children’ s PE kits should be returned for Wednesday as that is our regular PE day.

P3 will also be taking part in a drumming workshop this Thursday using Peruvian Cajon drums which is very exciting.

Thank you in advance for your support with our class assembly,

Miss Ramsay

Reading is as normal-


Shelley Holmes Ace Detective

Chpt 2+3 for Wednesday

Chpt 5 for Thursday

Chpt  7 for Friday



The Spooks – New Stage

Chpt 1 and 2 for Wednesday

Chpt 3 and 4 for Friday


Survival Adventure

P1-10 for Wednesday

p9-16 for Thursday

p17-24 for Friday


Robin Hood

p1-8 for Wednesday

p9-16 for Thursday

p17- End for Friday

Polar Bears

A Monster Mistake

p1-8 for Wednesday

p9-16 for Thursday

page 17 – End Friday

Animals in Danger Lyrics

(Words and Music by Liam Maloy © 2009)

If the jungle was your playground and the forest was your home

And the meadows and the mountains were where you loved to roam,

If you woke up in the morning and all of this were gone,

How would you feel?


If your friends were all around you and your neighbours were there too

Every member of your family was living close to you

If you woke up in the morning all alone and in a zoo,

How would you feel?


Danger.  Danger.  Animals in danger.

From the big to the small.

And we stand or fall together.

‘Cause this world needs us all.


This world is like a jigsaw so no pieces must be lost.

When a species is no longer every creature pays the cost.

There are birds and bees and bison,

Pigs and pandas we may never see again.


Danger.  Danger.  Animals in danger.

From the big to the small.

And we stand or fall together.

‘Cause this world needs us all.


We all need a place to live. We all need a place to grow.

We need food and air and water to survive.

So we can walk and swim and fly on the land, in sea and sky

And stay alive.


Danger.  Danger.  Animals in danger.

From the big to the small.

And we stand or fall together.

‘Cause this world needs us all.


Danger.  Danger.  Animals in danger.

From the big to the small.

And we stand or fall together.

‘Cause this world needs us all.

P4 Homework 23/10/18

P4 Homework –This week 23/10/18  there is only reading homework. 

Here is an updated explanation of what homework will be distributed weekly and which day it will be given.

Spelling– Distributed on a Tuesday, due the following Monday.

Word List or worksheet with assorted activities each week.

Numeracy– Distributed on a Tuesday, due the following Monday.

From the 6th November there will be some numeracy homework distributed as well as reading and spelling. Some weeks this will involve work that we have been completing in class or may be a Sumdog challenge. This is beginning the week after next as I am at camp next week.


Monday and Wednesday ( Hawks and Eagles)

These groups will have pages or chapters to read and occasional written activities to match. See reading records for details.

Tuesday and Thursday (Falcons and Ospreys)

These groups will have chapters and every second week, chapters and a written task to complete. See reading records for details.



P6 Homework W/B Tuesday 23rd Oct 2018

Hi all,

Hope everyone had a relaxing October break.

This is just a very brief update!


Spelling – Practise new list for next Monday

Reading – some children will read with me in school and have no book home. Others will bring a book home on Thursday with set reading tasks.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday

Friday is a DRESS DOWN DAY in return for bringing a tombola prize for the winter school fair ( Nov 30th).


Miss S Brunt


P2 Homework w.b 21/10/18

Hi all,

I hope you are having a lovely, restful holiday and I can’t wait to see you all again on Tuesday.

Please remember to give your child their P.E kit on Tuesday as we have P.E that day.

The children had their harvest assembly on Friday and it went so well! They had a lot of fun performing it for the whole school. I will post pictures from it this week once I am back in school.

Here is the homework for the coming week;

Reading: Please read the pages that have been written in your child’s green reading record for that date. Children will also be given a list of words to learn. These lists will be the key words that are for the stage they are reading at – the words will appear frequently in their books. Please support your child in learning these words, they can do activities like the ones suggested for their spelling homework to help. Children must be able to read these words quickly in order to move up a stage in their reading books.

Spelling: This week we will still be looking at short vowel sounds (for example,  tap and cat). Therefore, their spelling list will contain a mix of tricky words and days of the week.

It has been so lovely hearing all of the children’s seashore talks, they have worked so hard on them. We had such a hectic week last week with the harvest assembly that we will hear the rest of the talks this week.

Thank you,

Miss Lauren Waller

P2 Homework w.b 8/10/18

Hi all,

Just a gentle reminder that the seashore talks are to be ready for Wednesday so the children can share them this week before the holidays.

P1/2 have their Harvest Assembly on Friday, so it is going to be a busy week of practising and making costumes. Children who have been picked for speaking parts will receive their lines home to learn this week!

Spelling: This week we will be learning the short vowel sounds so the spelling list will contain some days of the week and tricky words to practise.

Reading: Please check your child’s green reading record for the pages they have to complete this week for homework.

Numeracy: This term we have been focusing on numbers to 100 and the numbers that come before, after and in between. Please help your children with counting forwards and backwards from 100 but not always starting at the same number. For example, start at 60 and count backward to 30 etc.

Parents Evening:

Wednesday – Parents Evening from 17:30

Thursday – Parents Evening from 15:30

I will send the children’s PE kits home this week for washing. These have to be returned on Tuesday 22nd October, when the children return, for PE on this day.

Finally, the half-term break is almost here! We finish at the usual time of 12:25pm. I wish you all a safe and fun half term break.

Thank you for all your support this term,

Miss Lauren Waller

P1 8th October 2018

Homework this week:

Reading: Please see the blue reading record book and continue to help your child learn the words in their word box. It is really important that the children learn these words so that they can begin to feel that they are successfully reading their book -it helps them to make more sense of what they are reading too.

Phonics: We are not learning any new sounds this week but we are recapping the ones we have learned to far and blending the sounds to make small words that are made of a consonant – vowel -consonant (CVC words) such as CAT, HAT, NAP, MAP, CAN etc. We will send new sound cards out when the photocopier is up and running again – apologies for this!

Numeracy: Please help your child with counting back from 10 to 0, if they are able to do this then please help them with counting back from 20 – 0 (this can be done in small stages 12 – 0, 15 -0 etc).

*If you have not done so already please send in a small box or tin for your child’s words.

We will send PE kit home to for washing this week. After the holidays please ensure it is returned on the Monday in preparation for PE on the Tuesday. Every child should have named T-Shirt and Shorts.


Wednesday – Parents Evening from 17:30 onwards.
Thursday – Parents Afternoon from 15:30 onwards.

Half-Term Break: We finish on Friday at the usual time of 12:25pm. We wish everyone a safe, fun and restful half term break.

Thank you for your support to help your child settle into school over these past weeks.

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming