P2 Homework w.b 3.12.18

Hi all,

Just a reminder that Panto is tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday 5th) and its Beauty and the Beast! In addition to this, the P1/P2 children have been invited to watch St Margaret’s Nativity tomorrow morning too, so a lovely treat for us.

Just another reminder about a few dates to remember..

Monday 10th December – P1/2 Nativity at 2pm.

Wednesday 12th December – Christmas campus lunch, Christmas jumper day and carol singing at the local care home.

Wednesday 19th December – P1/2 Christmas Party (Children can bring a change of clothes to change into at lunchtime)

Friday 21st December – Last day of term

Homework for this week.

Reading – Continues as normal, check your child’s reading record for the pages to be read on that day.

Spelling – This week we are revising short and long vowels. The spelling list is titled ‘colours’, this is the one to practise this week.

Children also received a letter about the lunch choices for the campus Christmas lunch next week, please can you ensure that this is filled in and returned by Friday 7th December so the kitchen staff have plenty of notice.

The lower atrium love to get crafty and make many things so we would love if anyone has any clean and empty boxes/containers that the children could use for junk modelling. Please note for any packaging that may have contained nuts.

Hope you have a great week,

Miss Lauren Waller


P1 homework – 03/12/18

Good evening all,

Homework for this week:

Reading: We have not sent home reading books this evening as we are making changes to the current reading groups .

Reading books will be coming home from Tuesday onwards. On Thursday we will also send home either a reading comprehension worksheet or a key word worksheet.

Please see the blue reading record book and continue to help your child learn the words in their word box. Learning these words is an essential part of the reading process and your child can not move on to the next stage of  reading books until they have learnt their words from the current stage.

Phonics: We will be learning 3 new sounds this week, please help your child to complete the worksheet in their red book following our lesson on the sound.

Monday: ‘z’

Tuesday: ‘w’

Wednesday: ‘ng’

We have sent home the meal options for the school Christmas dinner – please fill in your child’s selection and return this to us as soon as possible so we can notify our dining staff, thank you.

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming


P6 Homework W/B 3rd December 2018

Hi all,

This week:

Spelling – as normal; homework to be completed for next Monday.

Reading – Children are working very well with their reading journal. Children should complete Task 4 this week. Well done to those who completed Task 3 ; some real effort was shown with book cover designs, posters and even a board game!

PE – Can children have their kit in all week please as the halls timetables are temporarily suspended due to both schools requiring show practices. We may go outside or use the MUGA if we cannot get a hall slot.

Indoor shoes – can you ask your child if he/she has their indoor shoes at school. If not, can they please bring a pair ASAP as the floors and carpets are getting very muddy!

Community Police Officer – PC Ian Black visited P6 last week to chat about staying safe online. This generated lots of questions and valuable discussion. It turns out that some children do not have their online presence set to private so this is worth checking with them.

PANTO – is on Wednesday 5th December. Please ensure permission slips are returned and payment is made before then. Remember, there is a late return to school, probably four-ish. Please state on the permission slip how your child is getting home.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt

Christmas hamper and fair

Hello parents and carers,

It is coming up to that festive time of year again and the school is slowly being transformed into a winter wonderland for the Christmas Fair.

Just a reminder that the lower atrium, P1-4, are collecting items for their Christmas Eve/The Night before Christmas hamper for the Christmas Fair. Any donations are gratefully received.

We are also looking for anyone who would be able to give us a helping hand with the Christmas Fair toy stall on Friday from 12:30pm – 2pm. Please do let us know if you would be interested in helping out!

Thank you,

Miss Kristel Maley and Mrs Lisa Cumming

P2 Parent Helpers

Hi all,

Just a reminder that the lower atrium, P1-4, are collecting items for their Christmas Eve/The Night before Christmas hamper for the Christmas Fair. In addition to this, P1/2 are also looking for anyone who would be able to give us a helping hand with the toy stall on Friday from 12:30pm – 2pm. Please do let me know if you would be interested in helping out!


Miss Lauren Waller

P4 Parent Helpers for the Christmas Fair.

Hi there,

Just a wee reminder that if anyone is able to help at the P4 stall on Friday from 12:30-1pm  then any help would be much appreciated!

If you can help please let me know. Otherwise I look forward to seeing you there in one way or another.

Mrs Cooney

P4 Homework 27-11-18

P4 Homework 27/11/18
Remember written homework is due in on Mondays

See reading records and website for details

Spelling – double letters with -ed and -ing endings

Hop- Hopped- Hopping
Stop- Stopped- Stopping
Knot- Knotted- Knotting

If your child has words written in pen in their homework jotter they should include these in their list for the week.

1. Write, cover, copy and check words in their homework jotter
2. Think of FIVE more words that fit this pattern.
3. Write one sentence per word group.


There is another Sumdog challenge on Sumdog and the children should all have their sumdog passwords.


P1 homework for week starting 26/11

Homework for this week:

Reading: Please see the blue reading record book and continue to help your child learn the words in their word box and use the letters to practice creating 3 letter words.

Phonics: We are not learning any new sounds this week but we are recapping the ones we have learned so far. To help with this we will be sending home worksheets which either focus on the phonics sounds or are related to your child’s reading book. Please help your child to complete these.

Newspapers – As part of the run up to Christmas each class has been asked to create a crafty christmas tree. We are considering making a 3D tree from recycled newspaper. If you have any newspapers which you could donate to this we would really appreciate it if you could send them in.

We would just like to say a huge thank you for helping your child to prepare for this years nativity. We are delighted to see that the children with speaking parts have been learning their lines at home and that the whole class are trying their best to learn the songs and their roles within the play.