Primary 3 Homework (due Friday 6th Sept)

Hello everyone,

I am happy to let you know that we are finally beginning to get into our homework routine of issuing it on Mondays and returning it on Fridays, starting today! I have put a list of spelling words to practice in each jotter, and the choice is yours as to how you want to practice these (some suggested activities include look, say, cover, write and checkrainbow writing and silly sentences). Since last week’s homework only came back today I haven’t had a chance to mark it yet, so I’ll mark both sets of homework when I collect this week’s work. Mrs Welsh and I have also put reading tasks in the class’ reading records. Completing these will be very beneficial when it comes to reading groups! If you have any questions about homework, feel free to email me at or catch me after school.

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff

P2 Homework w.b. 2.9.19

Hi all,

It was so lovely to meet some of you at ‘Meet the Teacher’ on Wednesday!

Homework is being sent out this week and I will be sending it home on a Monday for it to be collected back in on a Friday. I understand family life can be very busy so if you require extra time some weeks, please just let me know. Homework this week will consist of reading and spelling.

Reading: Your child has been given a green reading record where I will write the pages to be read for that week in. Please sign/tick beside the date to show that reading has been done that night. If you have any questions/comments about reading, then please feel free to write them inside this.

Spelling: We are learning a sound a week and the children will have a new spelling list each week including words with this sound. This week we will be covering the ‘ch’ sound, so the list contains words with the ‘ch’ sound. They have been given a blue spelling jotter to practise their words in. Alongside writing their words, children could also write sentences including these words.

Please ensure your child brings their bookbag to school, if they have not brought it already. This week we have a very exciting surprise on Wednesday, we have a story teller coming in to read to the children.

The lower atrium love to get crafty and make many things so we would love if anyone has any clean and empty boxes/containers that the children could use for junk modelling. Please note for any packaging that may have contained nuts.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P7 News W.B 2nd September 2019

Hi all,

Congratulations to our new House Captains! Everyone who participated in this process  should be immensely proud of themselves as it is no mean feat, making a speech in front of a large audience. However, to those not chosen on this occasion, there are many other fun roles to be given out in P7 so hopefully, everyone will get a job that suits them.

House Captains-

Dryden = FrC and CK.

Gladhouse =  TJM and ZM.

Edgelaw = LD and WL.

Events this week:

This week is very busy with 3 trips out. We realise this is a lot but each trip should be extremely worthwhile. It won’t happen like this very often.

Monday – Music and Choir

TuesdayPE with Mrs Duncan

  • Trip to Lasswade HS for an event (pm) We could be slightly late back.

WednesdayRISK FACTORY (am) Children need a packed lunch please.

  • New Independent Study task sent home (maths/numeracy)

ThursdayCRICKET FESTIVAL (am)– Come dressed in sports clothes for this outdoor event and again, bring a packed lunch please.

  • Rugby (pm)

Finally, we have been reading a story in class called The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis. So far, P7 are really enjoying this! The sequel Parvana’s Journey will be read next.

Thanks for your support,

Ms S Brunt


First homework (due Monday 2nd Sept)

Hello everyone,

First and foremost, apologies for the delay in this homework announcement, I’m still getting used to the system. Similarly to last year, it would be great if you could practice the spelling patterns I have put into your child’s P2 spelling jotter (silent b) this week. For those who don’t already have one of these jotters, I’ll get that sorted today! I have also put a note in reading records of what I would recommend going through and practicing for Monday.

Since I haven’t left much time for this homework to be completed, I can totally understand if you do not have the time to do this. I promise I’ll be on the ball on Monday and then we can get into a homework routine. I hope your child has enjoyed their time in Primary 3 so far, I know I have!

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff

P7 Info W.B 26th August 2019

Hi all,

Info for this week:

Monday – Music and Choir ( for those wishing to take part)

Tuesday – PE

Wednesday – PE and Mandarin

Meet the Teacher @ 3:15pm to 4pm. Pop in for a chat!

Thursday– Rugby

House Captain speeches. Good luck to all taking part! Remember to practise!

Friday – Results of House Captain votes


Homework – We discussed homework last week and after a short survey, it’s safe to say children generally have a negative view of this! Extra work carried out at home really should be useful, relevant, motivating and develop independent study skills. With this in mind, I have decided not to send home spelling or reading work as we will cover this in depth in class. I’d rather children read for pleasure at home. However, there is so much maths and numeracy to cover in P7 that there will be a task related to this each week, typically issued on a Tuesday. In addition, there may be research tasks related to topic work or preparation for pupil talks/presentations.  Homework will now be rebranded as ‘Independent Study’.

Risk Factory – Each year P7 visit the Risk Factory. P7 visit the following week on Wednesday 4th September. Children should bring a packed lunch as we may be late back for the dining hall. There has always been superb feedback about this trip in previous years.  Permission letters will be sent home on Monday.

What happens at The Risk Factory? (from their website)
“The Risk Factory is based on the principle that learning by experience is more memorable than being told what to do.  At The Risk Factory pupils are put into scenarios that they could face in everyday life and asked to identify risks and are taught strategies that could help save not only their own lives but other peoples’.  Coming to The Risk Factory allows them to make mistakes but in a safe environment where they can learn from their mistakes.”

Thanks for your support,

If you need to contact me, my email is

Ms S Brunt


Hello P3 parents/guardians!

Hello everyone!

I hope your children have enjoyed their first week back at school. I am a new face at Loanhead but all the staff, children and parents I have spoken to have made me feel very welcome since arriving here. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to speak to most of you on Wednesday for Meet The Teacher!

Primary 3 will have P.E with Mrs Duncan on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so please make sure that they have their kit with them on both days.

I am intending on starting spelling and reading homework with the class this coming week. Ms Waller has been a massive help in showing me what kind of homework they were doing in P2, and I intend on handing out homework in a format that is familiar to them. Maths homework will start after I get a chance to see how everyone’s getting on with their numbers! I will keep you all posted with information regarding homework.

My email address is Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about anything or if you feel there is anything I need to know. Well done to Primary 3 on a fantastic first week back, I hope it is the first of many to come!

Mr Sam McGaff